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Se encontró/encontraron 5 Publicaciones(s).

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Mosquera, G.; Brum, M.; Barros, F.d.V.; Vieira Pompeu, P.; Rodas, M.; Lazo, P.; Müller, C.S.; Mulligan, M.; Asbjornses, H.; Moore, G.W. & Oliveira, R.S. (2017): Ecohydrological drivers of Neotropical vegetation in montane ecosystems. Ecohydrology n/a, e1932.
Loaiza, P. (2011): Effects of fertilization and grass competition (Setaria sphacelata) on root development and biomass allocation in three native tree species from Ecuador Technische Universität München, master thesis
Knoke, T.; Calvas, B.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Onyekwelu, J. & Griess, V. (2013): Food production and climate protection—What abandoned lands can do to preserve natural forests. Global Environmental Change 23, 1064-1072.
Behling, H. & Schüler, L. (2010): Characteristics of Poaceae pollen grains as a tool to assess palaeoecological grassland dynamics in South America. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 97-108.
Schüler, L. & Behling, H. (2010): Poaceae pollen grain size as a tool to distinguish past grasslands in South America - a new methodological approach. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 83-96.
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