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Werner, F.A.; Jantz, N.; Krashevska, V.; Peters, T.; Behling, H.; Maraun, M.; Scheu, S. & Brehm, G. (2014): Climate Change Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. In: Bendix, J., Beck, E., Bräuning, A., Makeschin, F., Mosandl, R., Scheu, S., Wilcke, W. (eds.): Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South ( ), Springer.
Rodriguez, F.; Bräuning, A.; Gerique, A.; Behling, H. & Volland, F. (2013): Landscape History, Vegetation History and Past Human Impacts. In: Bendix, J., Beck, E., Bräuning, A., Makeschin, F., Mosandl, R., Scheu, S., Wilcke, W. (eds.): Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South ( 221), Springer, 53-66.
Villota, A. & Behling, H. (2014): Late Glacial and Holocene environmental change inferred from the páramo of Cajanuma in the Podocarpus National Park, southern Ecuador. Caldasia 36, 345-364.
Villota, A. & Behling, H. (2013): Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire dynamics, human impact and evidence of past Polylepis populations in the northern Andean Depression inferred from the El Cristal record, in southeastern Ec. Ecotropica 19, 49-68.
Niemann, H.; Matthias, I.; Michalzik, B. & Behling, H. (2015): Late Holocene human impact and environmental change inferred from a multi-proxy lake sediment record in the Loja region, southeastern Ecuador. Quaternary Internation 308-309(308), 253.
Jantz, N.; Homeier, J. & Behling, H. (2014): Representativeness of tree diversity in the modern pollen rain of Andean montane forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 25(2), 481-490.
Jantz, N.; Homeier, J.; León Yánez, S.; Moscoso, A. & Behling, H. (2013): Trapping pollen in the tropics — Comparing modern pollen rain spectra of different pollen traps and surface samples across Andean vegetation zones. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 193, 57-69.
Villota, A.; León Yánez, S. & Behling, H. (2012): Vegetation and environmental dynamics in the Páramo of Jimbura region in the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes during the late Quaternary. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 40, 85-93.
Behling, H. & Schüler, L. (2010): Characteristics of Poaceae pollen grains as a tool to assess palaeoecological grassland dynamics in South America. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 97-108.
Schüler, L. & Behling, H. (2010): Poaceae pollen grain size as a tool to distinguish past grasslands in South America - a new methodological approach. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 83-96.
Jantz, N. (2010): A Holocene environmental record reflecting vegetation, climate, and fire variability at the Páramo of Quimsacocha in the south Ecuadorian Andes Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, master thesis
Rodriguez, F. & Behling, H. (2012): Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire dynamics, and evidence of early to mid-Holocene Polylepis forests in the Jimbura region of the southernmost Ecuadorian Andes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 350-352, 247-257.
Villota, A. & PUCE (2012): Estudio palinológico en las Lagunas Natosas, páramo de Jimbura, Provincia de Loja Potificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, other thesis
Jantz, N. & Behling, H. (2011): A Holocene environmental record reflecting vegetation, climate, and fire variability at the Páramo of Quimsacocha, southwestern Ecuadorian Andes. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21, 169-185.
Rodriguez, F. & Behling, H. (2010): Late Holocene vegetation, fire, climate and upper forest line dynamics in the Podocarpus National Park, southeastern Ecuador. Vegetation History and Archeobotany --, 14 p..
Brunschön, C. (2010): Late Quaternary Landscape Dynamics in the Podocarpus National Park Region in the Southeastern Andes of Ecuador Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, phd thesis
Brunschön, C. & Behling, H. (2010): Reconstruction and visualization of upper forest line and vegetation changes in the Andean depression region of southeastern Ecuador since the last glacial maximum ? A multi-site synthesis. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology -, 14 p..
Niemann, H.; Brunschön, C. & Behling, H. (2010): Vegetation/modern pollen rain relationship along an altitudinal transect between 1920 and 3185 m a.s.l. in the Podocarpus National Park region, southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Review of Palaeobotany and and Palynology 159(1-2), 69-80.
Brunschön, C.; Haberzettl, T. & Behling, H. (2010): High-resolution studies on vegetation succession, hydrological variations, anthropogenic impact and genesis of a subrecent lake in southern Ecuador. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19, 191-206.
Niemann, H. & Behling, H. (2010): Late Holocene environmental change and human impact inferred from three soil monoliths and the Laguna Zurita multi-proxi record in the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 19(1), 1-15.
Brunschön, C. & Behling, H. (2009): Late Quaternary vegetation, fire and climate history reconstructed from two cores at Cerro Toledo, Podocarpus National Park, southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Quaternary Research 72, 388-399.
Bendix, J.; Behling, H.; Peters, T.; Richter, M. & Beck, E. (2009): Functional biodiversity and climate change along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical mountain rainforest. In: Tscharnke, T. et al. (eds.): Tropical rainforests and agroforests under global change (Environmental Science Series ), Springer.
Niemann, H. & Behling, H. (2008): Past vegetation and fire dynamics. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 101-111.
Niemann, H. & Behling, H. (2009): Late Pleistocene and Holocene environmental change inferred from the Cocha Caranga sediment and soil records in the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 276, 1-14.
Matthias, I. (2008): Rekonstruktion der Umwelt- und Siedlungsgeschichte von Loja durch Multiproxy-Analysen an limnischen Sedimenten der Laguna Daniel Alvarez in Südecuador A.-v.-H. Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Göttingen, diploma thesis
Niemann, H.; Haberzettl, T. & Behling, H. (2009): Holocene climate variability and vegetation dynamics inferred from the (11700 cal. yr BP) Laguna Rabadilla de Vaca sediment record, southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. The Holocene 19(2), 307-316.
Behling, H. (2008): Tropical Mountain Forest dynamics in the Mata Atlantica and northern Andean biodiversity hotspot during the late Quaternary. In: Gradstein, S. Robbert; Homeier, Jürgen; Gansert, Dirk (eds.): The tropical mountain forest - Patterns and processes in a biodiversity hotspot (Biodiversity and Ecology Series 2), Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 26-34.
Niemann, H. & Behling, H. (2008): Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire dynamics inferred from the El Tiro record in the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Quaternary Science 23(3), 203-212.
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