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Astudillo Webster, P.X.; schabo, D.; Siddons, D. & Farwig, N. (2018): Patch-matrix movements of birds in the páramo landscape of the southern Andes of Ecuador. Emu - Austral Ornithology 67(2), 307-324.
Astudillo Webster, P.X.; Grass, I.; Siddons, D.; schabo, D. & Farwig, N. (2020): Centrality in species-habitat networks reveals the importance of habitat quality for high-andeans birds in Polylepis woodlands. Ardeola 67(2), 307-324.
Carrillo Rojas, G.; Silva, B.; Rollenbeck, R.; Celleri, R. & Bendix, J. (2018): The breathing of the Andean highlands: Net ecosystem exchange and evapotranspiration over the páramo of southern Ecuador. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265, 30-47.
Correa, A.; Windhorst, D.; Tetzlaff, D.; Crespo, P.; Celleri, R.; Feyen, J. & Breuer, L. (2017): Temporal dynamics in dominant runoff sources and flow paths in the Andean Páramo. Water Resources Research 53(8), 5998-6017.
Almengor Gonzalez, R. (2017): OBIA: Automated delineation of Pine Plantations from Aerial Imagery in the southern Ecuadorian Paramos Technische Universität München, master thesis
Correa, A.; Windhorst, D.; Crespo, P.; Celleri, R.; Feyen, J. & Breuer, L. (2016): Continuous versus event based sampling: How many samples are required for deriving general hydrological understanding on Ecuador's páramo region?. Hydrological Processes 30(22), 4059-4073.
Mosquera, G.; Segura, C.; Vaché, K.; Windhorst, D.; Breuer, L. & Crespo, P. (2016): Insights into the water mean transit time in a high-elevation tropical ecosystem. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 20(7), 2987-3004.
Spreuer, J. (2016): Ektomykorrhizapilze in Kiefernplantagen im Páramo von Ecuador Universität Tübingen, bachelor thesis
Schmid, M. & Schreiber, K. (2015): Afforestation with Pinus patula in the Andean highlands of Ecuador: forest inventory and biomass of single trees Technische Universität München, master thesis
Astudillo Webster, P.X.; Universidad del Azuay; Samaniego, G.M.; Machado, P.J.; Aguilar, J.M.; Tinoco, B.A.; Graham, C.H.; Stony Brook University; Latta, S.C.; National Aviary (USA) & Farwig, N. (2014): The impact of roads on the avifauna of páramo grasslands in Cajas National Park, Ecuador. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 49(3), 204-212.
Mosandl, D. (2014): Lichtmikroskopische und molekulare Untersuchungen der Mykorrhizierung von Páramo-Pflanzen in Süd-Ecuador Universität Tübingen, bachelor thesis
Jantz, N.; Homeier, J.; León Yánez, S.; Moscoso, A. & Behling, H. (2013): Trapping pollen in the tropics — Comparing modern pollen rain spectra of different pollen traps and surface samples across Andean vegetation zones. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 193, 57-69.
Villota, A.; León Yánez, S. & Behling, H. (2012): Vegetation and environmental dynamics in the Páramo of Jimbura region in the southeastern Ecuadorian Andes during the late Quaternary. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 40, 85-93.
Schüler, L. & Behling, H. (2010): Poaceae pollen grain size as a tool to distinguish past grasslands in South America - a new methodological approach. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 83-96.
Jantz, N. (2010): A Holocene environmental record reflecting vegetation, climate, and fire variability at the Páramo of Quimsacocha in the south Ecuadorian Andes Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, master thesis
Jantz, N. & Behling, H. (2011): A Holocene environmental record reflecting vegetation, climate, and fire variability at the Páramo of Quimsacocha, southwestern Ecuadorian Andes. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21, 169-185.
Brunschön, C. & Behling, H. (2010): Reconstruction and visualization of upper forest line and vegetation changes in the Andean depression region of southeastern Ecuador since the last glacial maximum ? A multi-site synthesis. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology -, 14 p..
Niemann, H.; Brunschön, C. & Behling, H. (2010): Vegetation/modern pollen rain relationship along an altitudinal transect between 1920 and 3185 m a.s.l. in the Podocarpus National Park region, southeastern Ecuadorian Andes. Review of Palaeobotany and and Palynology 159(1-2), 69-80.
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