Datos plataforma

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resultados de la busqueda para: "keyword:"dbh""

Descripción general

1-20 of 22 datasets.

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Vista detallada

tree growth in natural forest
Dataset ID: 583
Last updated: 2009-06-23
creador del conjunto de datos: Sven Günter
Contacto: Sven Günter
cobertura temporal: 2004-01-01 00:00:00 - 2009-03-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Investigation area ECSF
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | undisturbed growth | tree growth | dendrometer | dbh |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: tree growth
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

TOWER TREES sap flow daily sums 2
Dataset ID: 1795
Last updated: 2019-11-27
creador del conjunto de datos: Erwin Beck
Contacto: Erwin Beck
cobertura temporal: 2018-10-12 00:00:00 - 2019-03-05 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: ECSF climate station
Resumen: Data provides information about daily sums of sap ...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | dbh | tree species | sap flow |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR2730
Entity name: TOWER TREES sap flow daily sums 2
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (sin unidad)
Sap Flow daily sums in ml (Sap_Flow_daily_sums_ml) [Milliliter per square cm per day ]
Indiv-ID (Indiv_ID) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Tree species (Tree_species) (sin unidad)
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]

Torres ECSF, Tree DBH measurements (cm), 2014 - 2017
Dataset ID: 1566
Last updated: 2017-05-05
creador del conjunto de datos: Susanne Spannl
Simone Strobl
Contacto: Susanne Spannl
Erwin Beck
cobertura temporal: 2014-01-01 00:00:00 - 2017-04-24 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: ECSF climate station
Resumen: DBH Measurements of different tree species around ...
Informaciones adicionales: Detailed map is also available...
Palabras claves: | tree growth | dbh | Torres |
Derechos intelectuales: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: dbh_torres_201401_201704
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Tree species (Tree_species) (sin unidad)
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]

Forest structure and soil parameters at 3060 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 1027
Last updated: 2011-10-15
creador del conjunto de datos: Nathalie Soethe
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Johannes Schwer
Nathalie Soethe
cobertura temporal: 2001-09-01 00:00:00 - 2004-02-29 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Cajanuma/AG Engels
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) IDs: 50811, 50814,...
Palabras claves: | biomass | tree | dbh | forest | roots | canopy | soil |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Tree parameters at 3060 m a.s.l.
Entity info: Tree and root parameters at 3060 m a.s.l.
Entity type:dataTable
Tree species (Tree_species) (sin unidad)
Repetition of experiment (experiment_repetition) (sin unidad)
Height of a tree (tree_height) [Meter]
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Radius of a tree crown (tree_crown_radius) [Meter]
Diameter of root system (Root_ds) [Meter]
Cross-sectional area of the root (root_csa) [Square centimeter]
Entity name: Coarse root biomass at 3060 m a.s.l.
Entity info: Coarse root biomass at 3060 m a.s.l.
Entity type:dataTable
Repetition of experiment (experiment_repetition) (sin unidad)
Coarse roots biomass (root_biomass_coarse) [Gram per square meter]
remarks (remarks) (sin unidad)

Natural forest experiment - forest structure in quebradas 2, 3 and 5
Dataset ID: 1062
Last updated: 2011-12-19
creador del conjunto de datos: Sven Günter
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Reinhard Mosandl
Johannes Schwer
Sven Günter
cobertura temporal: 2004-06-01 00:00:00 - 2004-06-01 23:59:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Resumen: FOR402-Metainformation: "Basisdatei für Q2, Q3 ...
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) ID: 51004; Creator...
Palabras claves: | treatment | tree | dbh | forest | Phenology | forest structure |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Forest Structure per Quebradas
Entity type:dataTable
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
Indiv-ID (Indiv_ID) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Treatment (treatment) (sin unidad)
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
Height of a tree (tree_height) [Meter]
Dominance of tree (tree_dominance) (sin unidad)

Inventory of trees DBH > 20cm in the natural forest (forked trees not aggregated)
Dataset ID: 889
Last updated: 2012-09-20
creador del conjunto de datos: Johana Munoz
Daniel Kübler
Reinhard Mosandl
Michael Weber
Omar Cabrera
Sven Günter
Bernd Stimm
Contacto: Daniel Kübler
cobertura temporal: 2003-06-01 00:00:00 - 2008-06-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: see also complementary dataset: Kübler, D.; Cabre...
Palabras claves: | growth | tree | tree growth | dbh | forest | Q2 | Q3 | Q5 | ECSF |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Forest Inventory of trees DBH > 20cm (forked trees not aggregated)
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
ID of tree fork (tree_fork_id) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (sin unidad)
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Gradient of illumination (illumination_gradient) (sin unidad)
Form of tree crown (tree_crown_form) (sin unidad)
Stem form of a tree (tree_stem_form) (sin unidad)
Dominance of tree (tree_dominance) (sin unidad)
Phytosanitary state of tree (tree_phytosanitary_state) (sin unidad)
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Inventory of trees in the natural forest management experiment
Dataset ID: 1159
Last updated: 2012-09-25
creador del conjunto de datos: Daniel Kübler
Omar Cabrera
Johana Munoz
Patrick Hildebrandt
Michael Weber
Bernd Stimm
Reinhard Mosandl
Sven Günter
Contacto: Daniel Kübler
cobertura temporal: 2003-06-01 00:00:00 - 2011-12-18 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Resumen: Information about the natural forest management ex...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | long term monitoring | growth | tree growth | dbh | forest | Q2 | Q3 | Q5 | native species |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Inventory of trees DBH > 20cm in the natural forest
Entity type:dataTable
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
former ID of a tree (TreeID_old) (sin unidad)
ID of tree fork (tree_fork_id) (sin unidad)
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Mortality (mortality) (sin unidad)
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Entity name: Inventory of trees DBH 5-20cm in the natural forest
Entity type:dataTable
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
former ID of a tree (TreeID_old) (sin unidad)
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Mortality (mortality) (sin unidad)
ID of tree fork (tree_fork_id) (sin unidad)

Phenology and forest structure along Quebrada 1
Dataset ID: 1063
Last updated: 2011-12-19
creador del conjunto de datos: Sven Günter
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Reinhard Mosandl
Johannes Schwer
Sven Günter
cobertura temporal: 2002-09-08 00:00:00 - 2002-09-08 23:59:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Q1 EZG
Resumen: FOR402-Metainformation: "8 Transekten mit 17-43...
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) ID: 51005; Creator...
Palabras claves: | tree | dbh | forest | Q1 | forest structure |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Phenology and forest structure along transects in Q1
Entity type:dataTable
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Lower bound of a distance range (distance_range_lb) [Meter]
Higher bound of a distance range (distance_range_hb) [Meter]
Vertical slope inclination (slope_inclination_vertical) [Degree]
Horizontal slope inclination (slope_inclination_horizontal) [Degree]
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
remarks (remarks) (sin unidad)

Phenology and forest structure along Quebrada 4
Dataset ID: 1066
Last updated: 2011-12-19
creador del conjunto de datos: Sven Günter
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Reinhard Mosandl
Johannes Schwer
Sven Günter
cobertura temporal: 2002-09-08 00:00:00 - 2002-09-08 23:59:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Q4
Resumen: FOR402-Metainformation: "8 Transekten mit 17-43...
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) ID: 51008; Creator...
Palabras claves: | tree | dbh | forest | forest structure | Q4 |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Phenology and forest structure along transects in Q4
Entity type:dataTable
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Lower bound of a distance range (distance_range_lb) [Meter]
Higher bound of a distance range (distance_range_hb) [Meter]
Vertical slope inclination (slope_inclination_vertical) [Degree]
Horizontal slope inclination (slope_inclination_horizontal) [Degree]
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
remarks (remarks) (sin unidad)

Inventory of trees DBH > 20cm in the natural forest (forked trees aggregated)
Dataset ID: 887
Last updated: 2010-08-11
creador del conjunto de datos: Reinhard Mosandl
Johana Munoz
Bernd Stimm
Sven Günter
Michael Weber
Daniel Kübler
Omar Cabrera
Contacto: Daniel Kübler
cobertura temporal: 2003-06-01 00:00:00 - 2008-06-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | long term monitoring | growth | tree | tree growth | dbh | forest | Q2 | Q3 | Q5 | ECSF | native species |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement

Forest structure and soil parameters at 2380 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 1024
Last updated: 2011-10-15
creador del conjunto de datos: Nathalie Soethe
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Johannes Schwer
Nathalie Soethe
cobertura temporal: 2001-09-01 00:00:00 - 2004-02-29 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: T1/AG Engels
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) IDs: 50810, 50813,...
Palabras claves: | tree | dbh | forest | roots | canopy | soil |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Tree parameters at 2380 m a.s.l.
Entity info: Tree and root parameters at 2380 m a.s.l.
Entity type:dataTable
Tree species (Tree_species) (sin unidad)
Repetition of experiment (experiment_repetition) (sin unidad)
Height of a tree (tree_height) [Meter]
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Radius of a tree crown (tree_crown_radius) [Meter]
Diameter of root system (Root_ds) [Meter]
Cross-sectional area of the root (root_csa) [Square centimeter]
remarks (remarks) (sin unidad)
Entity name: Coarse root biomass at 2380 m a.s.l.
Entity info: Coarse root biomass at 2380 m a.s.l.
Entity type:dataTable
Repetition of experiment (experiment_repetition) (sin unidad)
Coarse roots biomass (root_biomass_coarse) [Gram per square meter]
remarks (remarks) (sin unidad)

DBH-data of coreplot trees
Dataset ID: 1405
Last updated: 2015-07-23
creador del conjunto de datos: Christine Wallis
Yvonne Tiede
Stefan Wallney
Jan Schlautmann
Stefan Meyer
Sophie Stattegger
Jürgen Homeier
Contacto: Yvonne Tiede
Christine Wallis
cobertura temporal: 2014-03-16 00:00:00 - 2015-03-16 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: C7 Aerial BW
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: dbh measurements in cm...
Palabras claves: | dbh | aboveground biomass | altitudinal gradient | DFG PAK 823-825 |
Derechos intelectuales: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: coreplots_trees_dbh-data
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Collection number (collection_no) (sin unidad)
Diameter (Diameter_x) [Meter]

Phenology and forest structure along Quebrada 3
Dataset ID: 1065
Last updated: 2012-04-24
creador del conjunto de datos: Sven Günter
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Reinhard Mosandl
Johannes Schwer
Sven Günter
cobertura temporal: 2002-09-08 00:00:00 - 2002-09-08 23:59:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Q3 EZG
Resumen: FOR402-Metainformation: "8 Transekten mit 17-43...
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) ID: 50997, 51001, ...
Palabras claves: | tree | dbh | forest | Q3 | forest structure |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Phenology and forest structure along transects in Q3
Entity type:dataTable
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Lower bound of a distance range (distance_range_lb) [Meter]
Higher bound of a distance range (distance_range_hb) [Meter]
Vertical slope inclination (slope_inclination_vertical) [Degree]
Horizontal slope inclination (slope_inclination_horizontal) [Degree]
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
remarks (remarks) (sin unidad)
Entity name: Map Plotdistribution Q3
Entity type:otherEntity

Phenology and forest structure along Quebrada 2
Dataset ID: 1064
Last updated: 2012-04-24
creador del conjunto de datos: Sven Günter
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Reinhard Mosandl
Johannes Schwer
Sven Günter
cobertura temporal: 2002-09-08 00:00:00 - 2002-09-08 23:59:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Q2 EZG
Resumen: FOR420-Metainformation: "8 Transekten mit 17-4...
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) ID: 51006, 51001; ...
Palabras claves: | tree | dbh | forest | Q2 | forest structure |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Phenology and forest structure along transects in Q2
Entity type:dataTable
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Lower bound of a distance range (distance_range_lb) [Meter]
Higher bound of a distance range (distance_range_hb) [Meter]
Vertical slope inclination (slope_inclination_vertical) [Degree]
Horizontal slope inclination (slope_inclination_horizontal) [Degree]
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
Entity name: Map Plotdistribution Q2
Entity type:otherEntity

Laipuna permanent vegetation plots trees (>5cm dbh)
Dataset ID: 1219
Last updated: 2012-10-03
creador del conjunto de datos: Jürgen Homeier
Contacto: Jürgen Homeier
cobertura temporal: 2010-03-20 00:00:00 - 2012-04-09 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Laipuna
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | tree | dbh | height | diversity | Laipuna |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Laipuna_plots_trees
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Height of a tree (tree_height) [Meter]

Time Series of Diameter Growth of Potential Crop Trees in Natural forest, Version 2 (Including recent data)
Dataset ID: 890
Last updated: 2012-09-18
creador del conjunto de datos: Michael Weber
Omar Cabrera
Sven Günter
Johana Munoz
Daniel Kübler
Bernd Stimm
Reinhard Mosandl
Contacto: Daniel Kübler
cobertura temporal: 2004-01-01 00:00:00 - 2012-08-23 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | long term monitoring | growth | tree | tree growth | dendrometer | dbh | forest | ECSF |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Diameter Growth of Trees in Natural forest
Entity type:dataTable
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
tree cumulative radial change (Tree_crc) [Millimeter]
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (sin unidad)
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Forest structure and soil parameters at 1850 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 1026
Last updated: 2011-10-15
creador del conjunto de datos: Nathalie Soethe
Contacto: Thomas Lotz
Johannes Schwer
Nathalie Soethe
cobertura temporal: 2001-09-01 00:00:00 - 2004-02-04 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Camino/AG Engels
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: Original data: FOR402 (Phase 2) IDs: 50809, 50812,...
Palabras claves: | biomass | tree | dbh | forest | roots | canopy |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Tree parameters at 1850 m a.s.l.
Entity info: Tree and root parameters at 1850 m a.s.l.
Entity type:dataTable
Tree species (Tree_species) (sin unidad)
Repetition of experiment (experiment_repetition) (sin unidad)
Height of a tree (tree_height) [Meter]
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Radius of a tree crown (tree_crown_radius) [Meter]
Diameter of root system (Root_ds) [Meter]
Cross-sectional area of the root (root_csa) [Square centimeter]
Entity name: Coarse root biomass at 1850 m a.s.l.
Entity info: Coarse root biomass at 1850 m a.s.l. by soil depth and root diameter
Entity type:dataTable
Repetition of experiment (experiment_repetition) (sin unidad)
Coarse roots biomass (root_biomass_coarse) [Gram per square meter]
remarks (remarks) (sin unidad)

Laipuna RESPECT 1-ha forest plots at 600m, 1st inventory
Dataset ID: 1964
Last updated: 2022-09-16
creador del conjunto de datos: Jürgen Homeier
Contacto: Jürgen Homeier
cobertura temporal: 2021-11-16 00:00:00 - 2021-12-17 23:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
cobertura geografica: Reserva Laipuna
Resumen: Tree species inventories of the three Laipuna fore...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | dbh | floristic inventory | forest inventory | Tumbesian dry forest |
Derechos intelectuales: http://vhrz669.hrz.uni-marburg.de/tmf_respect/dataagreement.do
Entity name: laf-600_20220719_uploadfor
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
Genus name (Genus) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Date of revision (revision_date) (sin unidad)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]

Laipuna permanent vegetation plots 2010-2012
Dataset ID: 1217
Last updated: 2015-06-09
creador del conjunto de datos: Jürgen Homeier
Contacto: Jürgen Homeier
cobertura temporal: 2010-03-20 00:00:00 - 2012-04-09 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Laipuna
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: Remark from db-Manager: Some coordinate pairs seem...
Palabras claves: | biomass | biodiversity | tree | dbh | forest | vascular epiphytes | epiphyte | elevation | soil nutrients | environmental gradients | carbon stocks | altitudinal gradient | Laipuna |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: laipuna_plots_positions
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Area of the plot (PlotArea) [Square meter]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]

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