
climate stations fog

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Suchergebnisse für: "keyword:"litterfall""


1-11 of 11 datasets.

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Monthly litterfall in the microcatchment Q2 between 1998-2016
Dataset ID: 1689
Last updated: 2017-10-05
Ersteller: Andre Velescu
Wolfgang Wilcke
Kontakt: Wolfgang Wilcke
Andre Velescu
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1998-04-01 00:00:00 - 2016-12-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Q2 EZG
Abstract: Monthly aggregated time series of litterfall in th...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | Q2 | litterfall | time series |
Urheberrecht: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: q21_litterfall_v1
Entity info: Q2.1 Litterfall 1998-2016
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Litterfall measured as dry matter weight (Litterfall) [Kilogram per hectare]
Entity name: q22_litterfall_v1
Entity info: Q2.2 Litterfall 1998-2016
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Litterfall measured as dry matter weight (Litterfall) [Kilogram per hectare]

Monthly mean nutrient and element concentrations in soil solution from suction cups and lysimeter and monthly litterfall in Q2.1
Dataset ID: 1110
Last updated: 2012-08-21
Ersteller: Wolfgang Wilcke
Kontakt: Wolfgang Wilcke
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1998-04-01 00:00:00 - 2010-12-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Q2 Wehr
Abstract: Monthly mean nutrient and element concentrations i...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | Q2 | microcatchment 2 | litterfall | nitrogen | nitrate | ammonium | soil solution | phosphorus | chloride | DOC | calcium | potassium | magnesium | sodium |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: sc15_q21_element_concentrations
Entity info: Element concentrations measured in soil solution from suction cups in 15 cm depth in Q2.1
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
PH measured in suction cups 15cm depth (PHw_sc15) [Unitless]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in suction cups 15cm depth (PO4w_sc15) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Ptotw_sc15) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Chloride measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Clw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (NH4w_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in suction cups 15cm depth (NO3w_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Ntotw_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in suction cups 15cm depth (DOCw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Caw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Kw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Mgw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Naw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Entity name: sc30_q21_element_concentrations
Entity info: Nutrient and element concentrations measured in soil solution from suction cups in 30 cm depth in Q2.1
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
PH measured in suction cups 30cm depth (PHw_sc30) [Unitless]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in suction cups 30cm depth (PO4w_sc30) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Ptotw_sc30) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Chloride measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Clw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (NH4w_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in suction cups 30cm depth (NO3w_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Ntotw_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in suction cups 30cm depth (DOCw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Caw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Kw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Mgw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Naw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]

Monthly delta 13C and delta 15N isotope measurements in litterfall at NUMEX San Francisco between 2007-2009
Dataset ID: 1692
Last updated: 2017-10-04
Ersteller: Andre Velescu
Kontakt: Wolfgang Wilcke
Andre Velescu
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2007-12-13 00:00:00 - 2009-05-13 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: Monthly time series of d13C and d15N isotope measu...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | NUMEX | litterfall | San Francisco | 15N natural abundance | 13C natural abundance |
Urheberrecht: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: numex_sf_litterfall_cn_isotopes_v1
Entity info: NUMEX San Francisco Litterfall d13C d15N 2007-2009
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (keine Einheit)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (keine Einheit)
Delta 13C signature (Delta_13C) [Promille]
Delta 15N signature (Delta_15N) [Promille]

Monthly element concentrations in litterfall in the microcatchment Q2 between 1998-2013
Dataset ID: 1690
Last updated: 2017-10-03
Ersteller: Andre Velescu
Wolfgang Wilcke
Kontakt: Wolfgang Wilcke
Andre Velescu
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1998-04-01 00:00:00 - 2013-02-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Q2 EZG
Abstract: Monthly aggregated time series of measured concent...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | Q2 | litterfall | carbon | nitrogen | phosphorus | calcium | potassium | magnesium | sodium | aluminium | manganese | zinc | sulphur | element concentrations | time series | copper | iron |
Urheberrecht: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: q21_litterfall_chemistry_v1
Entity info: Q2.1 Litterfall chemistry 1998-2013
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Total Aluminium litter fall (TAllitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Carbon of litterfall (TClitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Calcium litter fall (TCalitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Cu (TE_Cu) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total iron litter fall (TFelitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Potasium of litterfall (TKlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Magnesium of litterfall (TMglitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total manganese litter fall (TMnlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Nitorgen of litterfall (TNlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Na (TE_Na) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total P (TE_P) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total Sulphur of litterfall (TSlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Zn (TE_Zn) [Milligram per kilogram]
Entity name: q22_litterfall_chemistry_v1
Entity info: Q2.2 Litterfall chemistry 1998-2013
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Total Aluminium litter fall (TAllitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Carbon of litterfall (TClitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Calcium litter fall (TCalitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Cu (TE_Cu) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total iron litter fall (TFelitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Potasium of litterfall (TKlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Magnesium of litterfall (TMglitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total manganese litter fall (TMnlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Nitorgen of litterfall (TNlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Na (TE_Na) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total P (TE_P) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total Sulphur of litterfall (TSlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Zn (TE_Zn) [Milligram per kilogram]

Monthly mean nutrient and element concentrations in soil solution from suction cups and lysimeter and monthly litterfall in Q2.3
Dataset ID: 1112
Last updated: 2012-08-21
Ersteller: Wolfgang Wilcke
Kontakt: Wolfgang Wilcke
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1998-04-01 00:00:00 - 2010-12-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Q2.3
Abstract: Monthly mean nutrient and element concentrations i...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | Q2 | microcatchment 2 | litterfall | nitrogen | nitrate | ammonium | soil solution | phosphorus | chloride | DOC | calcium | potassium | magnesium | sodium |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: sc15_q23_element_concentrations
Entity info: Nutrient and element concentrations measured in soil solution from suction cups in 15 cm depth in Q2.3
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
PH measured in suction cups 15cm depth (PHw_sc15) [Unitless]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in suction cups 15cm depth (PO4w_sc15) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Ptotw_sc15) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Chloride measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Clw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (NH4w_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in suction cups 15cm depth (NO3w_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Ntotw_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in suction cups 15cm depth (DOCw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Caw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Kw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Mgw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Naw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Entity name: sc30_q23_element_concentrations
Entity info: Nutrient and element concentrations measured in soil solution from suction cups in 15 cm depth in Q2.3
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
PH measured in suction cups 30cm depth (PHw_sc30) [Unitless]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in suction cups 30cm depth (PO4w_sc30) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Ptotw_sc30) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Chloride measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Clw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (NH4w_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in suction cups 30cm depth (NO3w_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Ntotw_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in suction cups 30cm depth (DOCw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Caw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Kw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Mgw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Naw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]

Prediction map of litterfall productivity
Dataset ID: 1656
Last updated: 2017-09-03
Ersteller: Christine Wallis
Kontakt: Christine Wallis
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2016-11-03 00:00:00 - 2016-11-03 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: South Ecuador
Abstract: We modeled forest productivity parameters by remot...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | model output | litterfall | remote sensing | Partial least-square regression | forest productivity |
Urheberrecht: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: AnnualLitterProductionEstMap
Entity type:spatialRaster (1389 x 843)
Litterfall measured as dry matter weight (Litterfall) [Kilogram per hectare]

Numex litterfall San Francisco 2008
Dataset ID: 816
Last updated: 2010-06-01
Ersteller: Jürgen Homeier
Kontakt: Jürgen Homeier
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2007-11-06 00:00:00 - 2008-12-06 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: ---
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | forest | NUMEX | litterfall | San Francisco |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: NumexSFlitterfall2008
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (keine Einheit)
Litterfall measured as dry matter weight (Litterfall) [Kilogram per hectare]
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)

Matrix litterfall San Francisco 2008/2009
Dataset ID: 821
Last updated: 2010-06-02
Ersteller: Jürgen Homeier
Kontakt: Jürgen Homeier
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2008-06-02 00:00:00 - 2009-06-02 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Matrix plots San Francisco
Abstract: ---
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | forest | litterfall | San Francisco | MATRIX |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Matrix litterfallSF
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Litterfall measured as dry matter weight (Litterfall) [Kilogram per hectare]
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)

Monthly mean nutrient and element concentrations in soil solution from suction cups and lysimeter and monthly litterfall in Q2.2
Dataset ID: 1111
Last updated: 2012-08-21
Ersteller: Wolfgang Wilcke
Kontakt: Wolfgang Wilcke
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1998-04-01 00:00:00 - 2010-12-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Q2.2
Abstract: Monthly mean nutrient and element concentrations i...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | Q2 | microcatchment 2 | litterfall | nitrogen | nitrate | ammonium | soil solution | phosphorus | chloride | DOC | calcium | potassium | magnesium | sodium |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: sc15_q22_element_concentrations
Entity info: Nutrient and element concentrations measured in soil solution from suction cups in 15 cm depth in Q2.2
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
PH measured in suction cups 15cm depth (PHw_sc15) [Unitless]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in suction cups 15cm depth (PO4w_sc15) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Ptotw_sc15) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Chloride measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Clw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (NH4w_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in suction cups 15cm depth (NO3w_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Ntotw_sc15) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in suction cups 15cm depth (DOCw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Caw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Kw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Mgw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in suction cups 15cm depth (Naw_sc15) [Milligram per liter]
Entity name: sc30_q22_element_concentrations
Entity info: Nutrient and element concentrations measured in soil solution from suction cups in 30 cm depth in Q2.2
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
PH measured in suction cups 30cm depth (PHw_sc30) [Unitless]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in suction cups 30cm depth (PO4w_sc30) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Ptotw_sc30) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Chloride measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Clw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (NH4w_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in suction cups 30cm depth (NO3w_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Ntotw_sc30) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in suction cups 30cm depth (DOCw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Caw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Kw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Mgw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in suction cups 30cm depth (Naw_sc30) [Milligram per liter]

Numex litterfall Bombuscaro 2008
Dataset ID: 817
Last updated: 2010-06-01
Ersteller: Jürgen Homeier
Kontakt: Jürgen Homeier
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2008-02-12 00:00:00 - 2008-12-15 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Numex plots San Bombuscaro
Abstract: ---
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | forest | NUMEX | litterfall | Bombuscaro |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: NumexBolitterfall2008
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (keine Einheit)
Litterfall measured as dry matter weight (Litterfall) [Kilogram per hectare]
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)

Monthly element concentrations in litterfall at NUMEX San Francisco between 2007-2013
Dataset ID: 1691
Last updated: 2018-02-27
Ersteller: Andre Velescu
Wolfgang Wilcke
Kontakt: Wolfgang Wilcke
Andre Velescu
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2007-12-13 00:00:00 - 2013-07-13 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: Monthly time series of measured concentrations of ...
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | NUMEX | litterfall | San Francisco | element concentrations | time series |
Urheberrecht: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: numex_sf_litterfall_chemistry_v1
Entity info: NUMEX San Francisco Litterfall chemistry 2007-2013
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (keine Einheit)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (keine Einheit)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (keine Einheit)
Total Aluminium litter fall (TAllitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Carbon of litterfall (TClitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Calcium litter fall (TCalitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Cu (TE_Cu) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total iron litter fall (TFelitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Potasium of litterfall (TKlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Magnesium of litterfall (TMglitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total manganese litter fall (TMnlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Nitorgen of litterfall (TNlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Na (TE_Na) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total P (TE_P) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total Sulphur of litterfall (TSlitter) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Zn (TE_Zn) [Milligram per kilogram]

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