Cite as:
Gerique, A. (2012): <b>Plants sold in the markets of Loja.</b> <i>Available online ( from DFG-FOR816dw.</i>

Resource Description

Title: Plants sold in the markets of Loja
Short Name: PlantsLojaMarkets
FOR816dw ID: 1210
Publication Date: 2012-09-26
Last Update Date: 2012-09-26
License and Usage Rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Temporal Coverage:
Begin: 2009-01-03
End: 2010-11-03
Geographic Coverage:
Geographic Description: city of Loja
Bounding Coordinates:
- lon/lat [degrees]
- WGS 84
max latitude: -3.98° Max:
min longitude: -79.223° max longitude: -79.186° Elevation
min latitude: -4.034° Min: 2200.0 ( meter )
Dataset creator(s):
Individual: Andres Gerique
Associated Person(s):
Individual: Dario Veintimilla
The list includes the plants that are being commercialised in the four most important markets of Loja. This includes Mercado Las Pitas, Mercado Mayorista, Mercado Central and Mercado San Sebastián
| markets | Loja | plants |
Associated entities to this dataset:
-------- 1 . data table entity --------
Table Name: plants_sold_in_markets_loja0
Tech. Details ...
Attribute(s) ...
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Andres Gerique
Contact Person:
Individual: Andres Gerique
Online Distribution:
Download File:
Data Publisher:
Organization: DFG-FOR816 Data Warehouse - University of Marburg, Department of Geography

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