Cite as:
Camenzind, T. (2012): <b>AMF root colonization NUMEX May 2010.</b> <i>Available online ( from DFG-FOR816dw.</i>

Resource Description

Title: AMF root colonization NUMEX May 2010
Short Name: AMF NUMEX May 2010
FOR816dw ID: 1084
Publication Date: 2012-04-13
Last Update Date: 2012-09-13
License and Usage Rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Temporal Coverage:
Begin: 2010-05-01
End: 2010-05-01
Geographic Coverage:
Geographic Description: Numex plots San Francisco
Bounding Coordinates:
- lon/lat [degrees]
- WGS 84
max latitude: -3.98005° Max: 2130.0 ( meter )
min longitude: -79.084° max longitude: -79.0821° Elevation
min latitude: -3.9825° Min: 2025.0 ( meter )
Dataset creator(s):
Individual: Tessa Camenzind
AMF root colonization of roots extracted from the upper soil layer (5cm) at all NUMEX plots. Roots are stained with Trypan Blue, AMF root colonization is examined by the line-intersect method.
| mycorrhizal fungi | mycorrhizal colonisation | ECSF | NUMEX | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | AM fungi | arbuscular mycorrhiza | mycorrhiza |
Associated entities to this dataset:
-------- 1 . data table entity --------
Table Name: uploadmay2010_2
Tech. Details ...
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-------- 2 . data table entity --------
Table Name: uploadmay2010_final2
Tech. Details ...
Attribute(s) ...
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Tessa Camenzind
Contact Person:
Individual: Tessa Camenzind
Online Distribution:
Download File:
Data Publisher:
Organization: DFG-FOR816 Data Warehouse - University of Marburg, Department of Geography

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