Cite as:
Strutzenberger, P. (2009): <b>DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny of Eois moths (Geometridae) from southern Ecuador</b> University of Vienna, Department of Population Ecology, <i>diploma thesis</i>

Resource Description

Title: DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny of Eois moths (Geometridae) from southern Ecuador
FOR816dw ID: 537
Publication Date: 2009-03-31
License and Usage Rights: Copyright by Patrick Strutzenberger
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Patrick Strutzenberger
The genus Eois (Larentiinae) comprises an important part of a megadiverse assemblage of geometrid<br/> moths in the mountain rainforests of southern Ecuador. Owing to the diversity of morphotypes found in<br/> this genus, the abundance of many of its component species, and the close relationships with larval<br/> food plants in the genus Piper, the genus Eois was chosen as a target for more detailed investigation on<br/> the suitability of DNA barcode applications and phylogenetic relationships. COI barcode sequences<br/> (676 bp) were generated from 342 individuals to establish an inventory of DNA barcodes from one<br/> study area (Reserva Biológica San Francisco). This inventory can be used to match larvae to known<br/> adult samples without rearing, and will therefore be of vital help to extend the currently very limited<br/> knowledge about food plant relationships and host specialization. Analyses of barcoding sequence<br/> divergence showed that species delimitations based on external morphology alone result in broad<br/> overlap of intra- and interspecific distances. Species delimitation at a 3% pairwise genetic distance<br/> threshold eliminated all but 3 out of 9 cases causing overlap and delimitation at a 2% threshold resulted<br/> in a clear barcoding gap. 30 previously unrecognized species were identified solely on morphological<br/> evidence, and their species status was subsequently supported by barcode sequence data. In addition to<br/> that 9 putative species could be recognized by threshold based delimitation. Hence, the present study<br/> increased the number of Eois species recorded from that small area of Andean mountain forests from<br/> 99 to 129 (morphology-based) or even 138 (sequence-based). Notably there are no cases where two or<br/> more previously known morphospecies had to be lumped. We acquired elongation factor 1-alpha<br/> sequences and extended COI sequences of 102 individuals amounting to a combined sequence dataset<br/> of ~2200 bp. These represented at least 70 Eois species plus a range of outgroup taxa. Maximum<br/> parsimony and Bayesian inference of phylogeny were employed to estimate relationships within Eois.<br/> Monophyly of Eois was always strongly supported. Phylogenetic trees revealed that all included wingpattern<br/> types except for one evolved only once. The exception to this rule occurred in the most basal<br/> clade whose species closely resemble those in a clade higher up in the tree. This may represent an<br/> ancestral character state or the result of convergent evolution. Additionally it could be determined that<br/> species known to feed on Piper are spread over most of the major clades within Eois, indicating that<br/> the host plant relationship with Piper is indeed a widespread trait among the Neotropical members of<br/> the genus and not just occurs in certain subclades. The number of species and individuals recorded<br/> from Piper is however skewed towards two subclades. Within the subfamily Larentiinae the genus Eois<br/> has traditionally been placed close to the tribe Eupitheciini, but there is presently no support for such a<br/> placement in our phylogenetic analyses.
Literature type specific fields:
Degree: diploma
Degree Institution: University of Vienna, Department of Population Ecology
Total Pages: 46
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Konrad Fiedler
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