Cite as:
Bendix, J.; Paladines, B.; Ribadeneira Sarmiento, M.; Romero, L.M.; Valarezo, C. &amp; Beck, E. (2010-01-25). <b>Benefit sharing by research, education and knowledge transfer - a success story of biodiversity research in southern Ecuador</b>. Presented at UNESCO IYB Biodiversity Science-Policy Conference, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris.

Resource Description

Title: Benefit sharing by research, education and knowledge transfer - a success story of biodiversity research in southern Ecuador
Short Name: Benefit sharing SE UNESCO
FOR816dw ID: 1220
Publication Date: 2010-01-25
License and Usage Rights:
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Jörg Bendix
Individual: Bruno Paladines
Individual: Mónica Ribadeneira Sarmiento
Individual: Luis Miguel Romero
Individual: Carlos Valarezo
Individual: Erwin Beck
The paper reports of the successful knowledge transfer of the DFG (German research foundation) research unit RU816/Ecuador in the context of the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).<br/> It introduces the approach of the RU816 and its scientific education and capacity building. It further presents the shared access to research facilities, technology and information as well as the potentials of a transfer of basic research to application and the public education and awareness. The authors conclude with a description of the DFG and the ABS process.
Literature type specific fields:
Conference Name: UNESCO IYB Biodiversity Science-Policy Conference
Date: 2010-01-25
Location: UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Thomas Lotz
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