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Value filter for entity: laipuna_plots_positions(id: 1002) of dataset: Laipuna permanent vegetation plots 2010-2012 (dsid: 1217)

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    x     y1     y2  
PlotArea (Area of the plot)
geocoordinate_amsl (Height above mean sea level)
geocoordinate_latitude_min (Minimum geographic latitude)
geocoordinate_latitude_max (Maximum geographic latitude)
geocoordinate_longitude_min (Minimum geographic longitude)
geocoordinate_longitude_max (Maximum geographic longitude)


page: 1 / 1 , page size: , max results: 31

PlotID PlotArea geocoordinate_amsl geocoordinate_latitude_min geocoordinate_latitude_max geocoordinate_longitude_min geocoordinate_longitude_max
La_26 400.0 719.0 9534424.0 9534424.0 623311.0 623311.0
La_27 400.0 1127.0 9532532.0 9532532.0 621791.0 621791.0
La_28 400.0 1106.0 9532460.0 9532460.0 621756.0 621756.0
La_29 400.0 1233.0 9531702.0 9531702.0 620247.0 620247.0
La_30 400.0 775.0 9534123.0 9534123.0 622226.0 622226.0
La_31 400.0 1025.0 9533475.0 9533475.0 622141.0 622141.0
La_1 400.0 562.0 621867.0 621867.0 9534381.0 9534381.0
La_2 400.0 571.0 621849.0 621849.0 9534361.0 9534361.0
La_3 400.0 576.0 621752.0 621752.0 9534366.0 9534366.0
La_4 400.0 569.0 621629.0 621629.0 9534338.0 9534338.0
La_5 400.0 643.0 621419.0 621419.0 9534409.0 9534409.0
La_6 400.0 815.0 622722.0 622722.0 9534115.0 9534115.0
La_7 400.0 800.0 622220.0 622220.0 9534088.0 9534088.0
La_8 400.0 820.0 622132.0 622132.0 9534054.0 9534054.0
La_9 400.0 840.0 622081.0 622081.0 9534001.0 9534001.0
La_10 400.0 860.0 622170.0 622170.0 9533971.0 9533971.0
La_11 400.0 1060.0 622282.0 622282.0 9533397.0 9533397.0
La_12 400.0 1065.0 622220.0 622220.0 9533457.0 9533457.0
La_13 400.0 1050.0 622176.0 622176.0 9533501.0 9533501.0
La_14 400.0 1010.0 622169.0 622169.0 9533604.0 9533604.0
La_15 400.0 1052.0 null null null null
La_16 400.0 1170.0 621825.0 621825.0 9532658.0 9532658.0
La_17 400.0 1160.0 621852.0 621852.0 9532733.0 9532733.0
La_18 400.0 1140.0 621823.0 621823.0 9532570.0 9532570.0
La_21 400.0 1153.0 621334.0 621334.0 9531786.0 9531786.0
La_22 400.0 1136.0 621220.0 621220.0 9531748.0 9531748.0
La_19 400.0 1320.0 622091.0 622091.0 9532012.0 9532012.0
La_20 400.0 1280.0 null null null null
La_23 400.0 1243.0 620247.0 620247.0 9531850.0 9531850.0
La_24 400.0 1240.0 620290.0 620290.0 9531793.0 9531793.0
La_25 400.0 1220.0 620333.0 620333.0 9531741.0 9531741.0

page: 1 / 1 , max results: 31

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