Datos plataforma

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resultados de la busqueda para: "keyword:"RCD""

Descripción general

1-10 of 10 datasets.

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Vista detallada

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Heliocarpus americanus data (after 5 months)
Dataset ID: 673
Last updated: 2009-07-09
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-10-20 00:00:00 - 2008-10-22 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | biomass | height | RCD | count of leaves | Heliocarpus americanus |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Ha_data_5m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
biomass of the shoot (biomass_shoot) [Gram]
biomass of the roots (biomass_root) [Gram]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Cedrela montana data (after transplanting)
Dataset ID: 667
Last updated: 2009-07-08
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-03-18 00:00:00 - 2008-03-20 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | height | RCD | Cedrela montana |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Cm_data_0m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Tabebuia chrysantha data (after 6 months)
Dataset ID: 676
Last updated: 2009-07-15
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-10-18 00:00:00 - 2008-10-20 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | biomass | height | RCD | count of leaves | Tabebuia chrysantha |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Tc_data_6m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
biomass of the shoot (biomass_shoot) [Gram]
biomass of the roots (biomass_root) [Gram]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Cedrela montana data (after 6 months)
Dataset ID: 665
Last updated: 2009-07-08
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-10-01 00:00:00 - 2008-10-03 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | biomass | height | RCD | Cedrela montana | count of leaves |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Cm_data_6m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
biomass of the shoot (biomass_shoot) [Gram]
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
biomass of the roots (biomass_root) [Gram]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Tabebuia chrysantha data (after 3 months)
Dataset ID: 675
Last updated: 2009-07-13
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-09-16 00:00:00 - 2008-09-18 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | biomass | height | RCD | count of leaves | Tabebuia chrysantha |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Tc_data_3m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
biomass of the shoot (biomass_shoot) [Gram]
biomass of the roots (biomass_root) [Gram]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Heliocarpus americanus data (after transplanting)
Dataset ID: 670
Last updated: 2009-07-08
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-05-14 00:00:00 - 2008-05-16 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | height | RCD | Heliocarpus americanus |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Ha_data_0m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Heliocarpus americanus data (after 3 months)
Dataset ID: 672
Last updated: 2009-07-09
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-08-20 00:00:00 - 2008-08-21 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | biomass | height | RCD | count of leaves | Heliocarpus americanus |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Ha_data_3m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
biomass of the shoot (biomass_shoot) [Gram]
biomass of the roots (biomass_root) [Gram]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Tabebuia chrysantha data (after transplanting)
Dataset ID: 671
Last updated: 2009-07-08
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-06-02 00:00:00 - 2008-06-04 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | height | RCD | Tabebuia chrysantha |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Tc_data_0m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - Cedrela montana data (after 3 months)
Dataset ID: 651
Last updated: 2010-10-10
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Arthur Schüßler
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2008-06-23 00:00:00 - 2008-06-25 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: UNL nursery
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | biomass | height | RCD | Cedrela montana | count of leaves | mycorrhizal colonisation | AM fungi | tree nursery experiment | mycorrhiza |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-Cm_data_3m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
Diameter (Diameter_x) [Meter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
ID of mother tree (motherTreeID) (sin unidad)
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
rate of mycorrhization (myc_rate) [Percent]
biomass of the roots (biomass_root) [Gram]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Tree nursery experiment (No3) - reforestation plots (June 2009)
Dataset ID: 668
Last updated: 2010-10-10
creador del conjunto de datos: Claudia Krüger
Arthur Schüßler
Contacto: Arthur Schüßler
Claudia Krüger
cobertura temporal: 2009-06-10 00:00:00 - 2009-06-20 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: ECSF pasture
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | biomass | treatment | height | RCD | Cedrela montana | count of leaves | Heliocarpus americanus | Tabebuia chrysantha |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: No3-plot_data(06-09)
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Height of vegetation (Hv) [Meter]
root collar diameter (rcd) [Centimeter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
biomass of the shoot (biomass_shoot) [Gram]
biomass of the leaves (biomass_leaf) [Gram]
freshweight of roots (freshweight_root) [Gram]
freshweight of shoots (freshweight_shoot) [Gram]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

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