Cite as:
Tiede, Y.; Homeier, J.; Cumbicus Torres, N.; Pena Tamayo, J.E.; Albrecht, J.; Ziegenhagen, B.; Bendix, J.; Brandl, R. &amp; Farwig, N. (2016): <b>Phylogenetic niche conservatism does not explain elevational patterns of species richness, phyodiversity and family age of tree assemblages in Andean rainforest</b>. <i>Erdkunde</i> <b>70</b>(1), 83-106.

Resource Description

Title: Phylogenetic niche conservatism does not explain elevational patterns of species richness, phyodiversity and family age of tree assemblages in Andean rainforest
FOR816dw ID: 1485
Publication Date: 2016-01-18
License and Usage Rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Yvonne Tiede
Individual: Jürgen Homeier
Individual: Nixon Cumbicus Torres
Individual: Jaime Emilio Pena Tamayo
Individual: Jörg Albrecht
Individual: Brigit Ziegenhagen
Individual: Jörg Bendix
Individual: Roland Brandl
Individual: Nina Farwig
Phylogenetic niche conservatism (PNC) is the tendency of species within a clade to retain ancestral traits and<br/> to persist in their primary ecological niches on geological time scales. It links evolutionary and ecological processes and has<br/> been hypothesized to explain patterns of species richness and the composition of species assemblages. Decreasing patterns<br/> of species richness along latitudinal gradients were often explained by the combination of ancient tropical climates, trait <br/> retention of tropical lineages and environmental filtering. PNC also predicts decreasing phylodiversity and family age with <br/> decreasing tropicality and has been invoked to explain these patterns along climatic gradients across latitudinal as well as elevational<br/> gradients.<br/> However,<br/> recent<br/> studies<br/> on<br/> tree<br/> assemblages<br/> along<br/> latitudinal<br/> and<br/> elevational<br/> gradients<br/> in<br/> South<br/> America<br/> <br/> found<br/> patterns<br/> contradicting<br/> the<br/> PNC<br/> framework.<br/> Our<br/> study<br/> aims<br/> to<br/> shed<br/> light<br/> on<br/> these<br/> contradictions<br/> using<br/> three<br/> different<br/> <br/> metrics of the phylogenetic composition that form a gradient from recent evolutionary history to deep phylogenetic<br/> relationships. We analyzed the relationships between elevation and taxonomic species richness, phylodiversity and family<br/> age of tree assemblages in Andean rainforests in Ecuador. In contrast to predictions of the PNC we found no associations<br/> of elevation with species richness of trees and increasing clade level phylodiversity and family age of the tree assemblages<br/> with elevation. Interestingly, we found that patterns of phylodiversity across the studied elevation gradient depended especially<br/> on<br/> the<br/> deep<br/> nodes<br/> in<br/> the<br/> phylogeny.<br/> We<br/> therefore<br/> suggest<br/> that<br/> the<br/> dispersal<br/> of<br/> evolutionarily old plant lineages with<br/> extra-tropical origins influences the recent composition of tree assemblages in the Andes. Further studies spanning broader<br/> ecological gradients and using better resolved phylogenies to estimate family and species ages are needed to obtain a deeper<br/> mechanistic understanding of the processes that drive the assembly of tree communities along elevational gradients.
| Ecuador | vegetation geography | tree species assembly | elevational gradient | orogeny |
Literature type specific fields:
Journal: Erdkunde
Volume: 70
Issue: 1
Page Range: 83-106
ISSN: 0014-0015
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Yvonne Tiede
Online Distribution:
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