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Se encontró/encontraron 3 Publicaciones(s).

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Tischer, A.; Blagodatskaya, E. & Hamer, U. (2015): Microbial community structure and resource availability drive the catalytic efficiency of soil enzymes under land-use change conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 89, 226-237.
Werner, F.A.; Köster, N.; Kessler, M. & Gradstein, S.R. (2011): Is the resilience of epiphyte assemblages to human disturbance a function of local climate?. Ecotropica 17, 15-20.
Potthast, K.; Hamer, U. & Makeschin, F. (2009): Impact of litter quality on mineralization processes in managed and abandoned pasture soils in Southern Ecuador. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42(1), 56-64.
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