Cite as:
Strutzenberger, P. &amp; Fiedler, K. (2011): <b>Temporal patterns of diversification in Andean Eois, a species-rich clade of moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)</b>. <i>Journal of Evolutionary Biology</i> <b>24</b>, 919-925.

Resource Description

Title: Temporal patterns of diversification in Andean Eois, a species-rich clade of moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)
FOR816dw ID: 972
Publication Date: 2011-01-24
License and Usage Rights: content: the authors; journal compilation: European Society for Evolutionary Biology
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Patrick Strutzenberger
Individual: Konrad Fiedler
The timing of the origin of present day Neotropical animal diversity is still a matter of debate. For a long time, a preponderance of glacial (i.e. Pleistocene) radiations has been proposed. However, recent data from molecular clock studies indicate a preglacial origin for most of the examined taxa. We performed a fossil-calibrated molecular dating analysis of the genus Eois, which is a major component of one of the world?s most diverse assemblages of herbivorous insects. We found that diversification of Eois took place in the Miocene following a pattern best explained by density-dependent diversification. A strong slowdown of diversification towards the present was detected. Diversification of Eois does overlap with increased Andean uplift and diversification of the most commonly used host plant genus Piper. These findings match the patterns found for the majority of Neotropical tetrapods and for three other unrelated, ecologically different lepidopteran genera.
| herbivorous insects | radiation patterns | biodiversity hotspots | density-dependent diversification | lognormal uncorrelated clock |
Literature type specific fields:
Journal: Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Volume: 24
Page Range: 919-925
Publisher: Wiley
ISSN: 1420-9101
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Bernhard Runzheimer
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