Cite as:
Strutzenberger, P.; Brehm, G.; Bodner, F. &amp; Fiedler, K. (2010): <b>Molecular phylogeny of Eois (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): evolution of wing patterns and host plant use in a speciesrich group of Neotropical moths</b>. <i>Zoologica Scripta</i> <b>39</b>, 603-620.

Resource Description

Title: Molecular phylogeny of Eois (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): evolution of wing patterns and host plant use in a speciesrich group of Neotropical moths
FOR816dw ID: 907
Publication Date: 2010-11-01
License and Usage Rights: Content copyright by the authors
Resource Owner(s):
Individual: Patrick Strutzenberger
Individual: Gunnar Brehm
Individual: Florian Bodner
Individual: Konrad Fiedler
Eois is a pantropical genus of Geometridae moths with currently 250 valid described species, the majority of which occur in the Neotropics. Eois is a prominent component of Andean moth communities locally accounting for up to ca. 10% of geometrid individuals. We address the evolution of wing patterns and host plant use in Neotropical Eois and provide a preliminary assessment on the monophyly and biogeographic history of the entire genus as well as affinities within the subfamily Larentiinae. We applied Bayesian, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony methods of phylogenetic reconstruction to a 142 taxon dataset of partial COI (1220 bp) and Ef1a (1066 bp) sequences resulting in the largest taxon set of geometrid moths analyzed in a molecular phylogenetic study so far. Monophyly of Eois was always strongly supported. Ten monophyletic clades were found with good support, seven of which have characteristic wing pattern phenotypes. Only one wing pattern type occurs in two clades. Trophic associations with representatives of the family Piperaceae occur in all 8 (of 9) Neotropical clades for which host information is available. Apart from feeding on Piper, at least two Eois species in Ecuador feed on Peperomia, and one on Manekia (all Piperaceae); two further species live on Hedyosmum (Chloranthaceae). Species feeding on Peperomia, Manekia and Hedyosmum are usually nested in Piper-associated clades. Single records of associations with Gesneriaceae and Monimiaceae are scattered in otherwise Piperaceae-associated clades. These patterns suggest multiple parallel host shifts away from Piper as ancestral food plant. Old World Eois were recovered as monophylum and sister to Neotropical Eois. Within the subfamily Larentiinae the genus Eois has previously been placed close to the tribe Eupitheciini, but this was not supported in our phylogenetic analyses.
Literature type specific fields:
Journal: Zoologica Scripta
Volume: 39
Page Range: 603-620
Publisher: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
ISSN: 1463-6409
Metadata Provider:
Individual: Konrad Fiedler
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