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Dantas De Paula, M.; Forrest, M.; Langan, L.; Bendix, J.; Homeier, J.; Velescu, A.; Wilcke, W. & Hickler, T. (2021): Nutrient cycling drives plant community trait assembly and ecosystem functioning in a tropical mountain biodiversity hotspot. New Phytologist -(-), -.
Urgiles , N.; Haug, I.; Setaro, S. & Aguirre, N. 2016: Introduction to Mycorrhizas in the Tropics with Emphasis on the Montane Forest in Southern Ecuador.: Estudios de Bioversidad 4 (EDILOJA Cía. Ltda., Loja).
Schlaeppi, K.; Bender, S.F.; Mascher, F.; Russo, G.; Patrignani, A.; Camenzind, T.; Hempel, S.; Rillig, M.C. & van der Heijden, M.G. (2016): High-resolution community profiling of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist xx, xx.
Goisser, M. (2010): Effects of mycorrhization and fertilization on photosynthesis, allocation of carbon and increment: comparing seedlings of Tabebuia chrysantha and Heliocarpus americanus in southern Ecuador Technische Universität München, diploma thesis
Camenzind, T. & Rillig, M.C. (2013): Extraradical arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal hyphae in an organic tropical montane forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 64, 96-102.
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