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Haug, I.; Setaro, S. & Suárez, J.P. (2021): Global AM fungi are dominating mycorrhizal communities in a tropical premontane dry forest in Laipuna, South Ecuador. Mycological Progress 20(6), 837-845.
Bendix, J.; Aguirre, N.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Brandl, R.; Breuer, L.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Dantas De Paula, M.; Hickler, T.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Neuschulz, E.; Schleuning, M.; Suarez, J.P.; Trachte, K.; Wilcke, W. & Farwig, N. (2021): A research framework for projecting ecosystem change in highly diverse tropical mountain ecosystems. Oecologia 2021, 1-13.
Duenas, J.F.; Camenzind, T.; Roy, J.; Hempel, S.; Homeier, J.; Suarez, J.P. & Rillig, M.C. (2020): Moderate phosphorus additions consistently affect community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador. New Phytologist 227, 1505-1518.
Haug, I.; Setaro, S. & Suarez, J.P. (2019): Species composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal communities changes with elevation in the Andes of South Ecuador. PLOS ONE 14(8), 1-19.
Camenzind, T.; Papathanasiou, H.J.; Förster, A.; Dietrich, K.; Hertel, D.; Homeier, J.; Oelmann, Y.; Olsson, P.A.; Suarez, J.P. & Rillig, M.C. (2016): Increases in Soil Aggregation Following Phosphorus Additions in a Tropical Premontane Forest are Not Driven by Root and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Abundances. Frontiers in Earth Science 3(89), e.
Camenzind, T.; Homeier, J.; Dietrich, K.; Hempel, S.; Hertel, D.; Krohn, A.; Leuschner, C.; Oelmann, Y.; Olsson, P.A.; Suarez, J.P. & Rillig, M.C. (2016): Opposing effects of nitrogen versus phosphorus additions on mycorrhizal fungal abundance along an elevational gradient in tropical montane forests. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 94, 37-47.
Herrera, P.; Suarez, J.P. & Kottke, I. (2010): Orchids keep the ascomycetes outside: a highly diverse group of ascomycetes colonizing the velamen of epiphytic orchids from a tropical mountain rainforest in Southern Ecuador. Mycology 1(4), 262-268.
Cruz, D.; Suarez, J.P.; Kottke, I. & Piepenbring, M. (2014): Cryptic species revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis of sequences obtained from basidiomata of Tulasnella. . Mycologia 106(4), 708-722.
Haug, I.; Setaro, S. & Suarez, J.P. (2013): Reforestation sites show similar and nested AMF communities to an adjacent pristine forest in a tropical mountain area of South Ecuador . PLOS ONE 8, e63524.
Setaro, S.; Garnica, S.; Herrera, P. & Goeker, M. (2011): A clustering optimization strategy to estimate species richness of Sebacinales in the tropical Andes based on molecular sequences from distinct DNA regions. Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 2269-2285.
Cruz, D.; Suarez, J.P.; Kottke, I.; Piepenbring, M. & Oberwinkler, F. (2011): Defining species in Tulasnella by correlating morphology and nrDNA ITS-5.8S sequence data of basidiomata from a tropical Andean forest . Mycological Progress 10, 229-238.
Haug, I.; Wubet, T.; Weiß, M.; Aguirre, N.; Weber, M.; Günter, S. & Kottke, I. (2010): Species-rich but distinct arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in reforestation plots on degraded pastures and in neighboring pristine tropical mountain rain forest. Tropical Ecology 51, 125-148.
Kottke, I.; Suarez, J.P.; Cruz, D.; Herrera, P.; Bauer, R.; Haug, I. & Garnica, S. (2010): Atractiellomycetes belonging to the 'rust' lineage (Pucciniomycotina) form mycorrhizae with terrestrial and epiphytic neotropical orchids.. Proceedings Royal Society B 277, 1289-1296.
Urgiles , N.; Loján Amijos, P.; Aguirre, N.; Blaschke, H.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B. & Kottke, I. (2009): Application of mycorrhizal roots improves growth of tropical tree seedlings in the nursery: a step towards reforestation with native species in the Andes of Ecuador. New Forests 38(3), 229-239.
Suarez, J.P.; Weiß, M.; Abele, A.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2008): Members of Sebacinales subgroup B form mycorrhizae with epiphytic orchids in a neotropical mountain rain forest. Mycological Progress 7, 75-85.
Suarez, J.P.; Weiß, M.; Abele, A.; Garnica, S.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2006): Diverse tulasnelloid fungi form mycorrhizas with epiphytic orchids in an Andean cloud forest.. Mycological Research 110, 1257-1270.
Beck, E. & Kottke, I. (2008): Facing a hotspot of tropical biodiversity. Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 1-3.
Setaro, S.; Kottke, I. & Oberwinkler, F. (2006): Anatomy and ultrastructure of mycorrhizal associations of neotropical Ericaceae. Mycological Progress 5, 243-254.
Kottke, I.; Haug, I.; Setaro, S.; Suarez, J.P.; Weiß, M.; Preussig, M.; Nebel, M. & Oberwinkler, F. (2008): Guilds of mycorrhizal fungi and their relation to trees, ericads, orchids and liverworts in a neotropical mountain rain forest . Basic and Applied Ecology 9, 13-23.
Beck, A.; Haug, I.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2007): Structural characterisation and molecular identification of arbuscular mycorrhiza morphotypes of Alzatea verticillata (Alzateaceae) a prominent tree in the tropical mountain rain forest of South Ecuad. Mycorrhiza 17, 607-625.
Setaro, S.; Weiß, M.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2006): Sebacinales form ectendomycorrhizas with Cavendishia nobilis, a member of the Andean clade of Ericaceae, in the mountain rain forest of southern Ecuador. New Phytologist 169, 355-365.
Kottke, I. & Haug, I. (2004): The significance of mycorrhizal diversity of trees in the tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador. Lyonia 7(1), 49-56.
Kottke, I. & Nebel, M. (2005): The evolution of mycorrhiza-like associations in liverworts: an update. New Phytologist 167, 330-334.
Kottke, I.; Beiter, A.; Weiß, M.; Haug, I.; Oberwinkler, F. & Nebel, M. (2003): Heterobasidio-mycetes form symbiotic associations with hepatics: Jungermanniales have a sebacinoid mycobionts while Aneura pinguis (Metzgeriales) is associated with a Tulasnella species. Mycological Research 107(8), 957-968.
Kottke, I.; Beck, A.; Oberwinkler, F.; Homeier, J. & Neill, D. (2004): Arbuscular endomycorrhizas are dominant in the organic soil of a neotropical montane cloud forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20, 125-129.
Haug, I.; Weiß, M.; Homeier, J.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2005): Russulaceae and Thelephoraceae form ectomycorrhizas with members of the Nyctaginaceae(Caryophyllales) in the tropical mountain rain forest of southern Ecuador. New Phytologist 165, 923-936.
Haug, I.; Lempe, J.; Homeier, J.; Weiß, M.; Setaro, S.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2004): Graffenrieda emarginata (Melastomataceae) forms mycorrhizas with Glomeromycota and with a member of Hymenoscyphus ericae aggr. in the organic soil of a neotropical mountain rain forest. Canadian Journal of Botany 82, 340-356.
Beck, E.; Kottke, I. & Oberwinkler, F. (2005): Two members of the Glomeromycota form distinct ectendomycorrhizas with Alzatea verticillata, a prominent tree in the mountain rain forest of southern Ecuador. Mycological Progress 4(1), 11-22.
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