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Selle, B.; Morgen, R. & Huwe, B. (2006): Regionalising the available water capacity from readily available data. Geoderma 132, 391-405.
Schulze, C.H.; Waltert, M.; Kessler, P.J.; Pitopang, R.; Saleh, S.; Veddeler, D.; Mühlenberg, M.; Gradstein, S.R.; Leuschner, C.; Steffan-Dewenter, I. & Tscharntke, T. (2004): Biodiversity indicator groups of tropical and land-use systems: comaring plants, birds and insects. Ecological Application 14(5), 1321-1333.
Schlegel, P.; Huwe, B. & Teixeira, W.G. (2004): Modelling species and spacing effects on root zone water dynamics using Hydrus-2D in an Amazonian agroforestry system. Agroforestry Systems 60(3), 277-289.
Schlather, M. & Huwe, B. (2005): A risk index for characterising flow pattern in soils using dye tracer distributions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 79(1-2), 25-44.
Scheu, S. & Falca, M. (2000): The soil food web of two beech forests (Fagus sylvatica) of contrasting humus type: stable isotope analysis of a macro- and a mesofauna-dominated community. Oecologia 123, 285-296.
Schäfer, I.; Domes, K.; Heethoff, M.; Schneider, K.; Schön, I.; Norton, R.A.; Scheu, S. & Maraun, M. (2006): No evidence for the 'Meselson effect' in parthenogenetic oribatid mites (Oribatida, Acari). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19, 184-193.
Salamon, J.-.A.; Alphei, J.; Ruf, A.; Schaefer, M.; Scheu, S.; Schneider, K.; Sührig, A. & Maraun, M. (2006): Transitory dynamic effects in the soil invertebrate community in a temperate deciduous forest: Effects of resource quality. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, 209-221.
Rueß, L.; Tiunov, A.; Haubert, D.; Richnow, H.H.; Haeggblom, M.M. & Scheu, S. (2005): Carbon stable isotope fractionation and trophic transfer of fatty acids in fungal based soil food chains. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37, 945-953.
Rollenbeck, R.; Fabian, P. & Bendix, J. (2006): Precipitation dynamics and chemical properties in tropical mountain forests of Ecuador. Advances in Geosciences 6, 73-76.
Rollenbeck, R.; Bendix, J.; Fabian, P.; Boy, J.; Dalitz, H.; Emck, P.; Oesker, M. & Wilcke, W. (2007): Comparison of different techniques for the measurement of precipitation in tropical montane rain forest regions. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 24, 156-168.
Rollenbeck, R.; Bendix, J. & Fabian, P., Spatial and temporal dynamics of atmospheric water- and nutrient inputs in tropical mountain forests of southern Ecuador(Hawaii, 2006).
Rollenbeck, R. & Bendix, J. (2006): Experimental calibration of a cost-effective X-band weather radar for climate-ecological use in southern Ecuador. Atmospheric Research 79, 296-316.
Rollenbeck, R. (2006): Variability of precipitation in the Reserva Biólogica San Francisco / Southern Ecuador. Lyonia 9(1), 43-51.
Röderstein, M.; Hertel, D. & Leuschner, C. (2005): Above- and below-ground litter production in three tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador. Journal of Tropical Ecology 21, 483-492.
Richter, M. (2003): Using epiphytes and soil temperatures for eco-climatic interpretations in southern Ecuador. Erdkunde 57(3), 161-181.
Renker, C.; Otto, P.; Schneider, K.; Zimdars, B.; Maraun, M. & Buscot, F. (2005): Oribatid Mites as Potential Vectors for Soil Microfungi: Study of Mite-Associated Fungal Species. Microbial Ecology 50, 518-528.
Pohle, P. (2004): Erhaltung der Biodiversität in den Anden von Südecuador. Geographische Rundschau 56(3), 14-21.
Peschel, K.; Norton, R.A.; Scheu, S. & Maraun, M. (2006): Do oribatid mites live in enemy-free space? Evidence from feeding experiments with the predatory mite Pergamasus septentrionalis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38(9), 2985-2989 .
Oesker, M.; Homeier, J. & Dalitz, H., Spatial Heterogeneity of Canopy Throughfall Quantity and Quality in a Tropical Montane Forest in South Ecuador.(Hawaii, 2007).
Oelbermann, K. & Scheu, S. (2002): Stable isotope enrichment (delta15N and delta13C) in a generalist predator ( Pardosa lugubris, Araneae: Lycosidae): effects of prey quality. Oecologia 130, 337-344.
Nöske, N.; Gradstein, S.R.; Kürschner, H.; Parolly, G. & Torracchi, S. (2003): Cryptogams of the Reserva Biologica San Francisco (Province Zamora-Chinchipe, Southern Ecuador) I. Bryophytes. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 24, 15-32.
Nöske, N. & Sipman, H.J. (2004): Cryptogams of the Reserva Biologica San Francisco (Province Zamora-Chinchipe, Southern Ecuador) II. Lichens. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 25, 91-100.
Nöske, N. (2005): Effekte anthropogener Störung auf die Diversität kryptogamischer Epiphyten (Flechten, Moose) in einem Bergregenwald in Südecuador University of Göttingen, phd thesis
Motzer, T.; Munz, N.; Küppers, M.; Schmitt, D. & Anhuf, D. (2005): Stomatal conductance, transpiration and sap flow of tropical montane rain forest trees in the southern Ecuadorian Andes. Tree Physiology 25, 1283-1293.
Mertens, M.; Nestler, I. & Huwe, B. (2002): GIS-based regionalization of soil profiles with Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 165, 39-43.
Mertens, M. & Huwe, B. (2002): FuN-Balance: a fuzzy balance approach for the calculation of nitrate leaching with incorporation of data imprecision. Geoderma 109, 269-287.
Meier, I.C.; Leuschner, C. & Hertel, D. (2005): Nutrient return with leaf litter fall in Fagus sylvatica forests across a soil fertility gradient. Plant Ecology 177, 99-112.
Lozano, P.; Bussmann , R.W. & Küppers, M. (2005): Landslides as ecosystem disturbance - their implications and importance in South Ecuador. Lyonia 8(1), 67-72.
Leuschner, C.; Wiens, M.; Harteveld, M.; Hertel, D. & Tjitrosemito, S. (2006): Patterns of fine root mass and distribution along a disturbance gradient in a tropical montane forest, Central Sulawesi (Indonesia). Plant and Soil 283(1-2), 163-174.
Leuschner, C.; Moser, G.; Bertsch, C.; Röderstein, M. & Hertel, D. (2007): Large altitudinal increase in tree root/shoot ratio in tropical mountain forests of Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology 8(3), 219-230.
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