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Cruz, D.; Suarez, J.P.; Kottke, I. & Piepenbring, M. (2014): Cryptic species revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis of sequences obtained from basidiomata of Tulasnella. . Mycologia 106(4), 708-722.
Matson, A.; Corre, M. & Veldkamp, E. (2014): Nitrogen cycling in canopy soils of tropical montane forests responds rapidly to indirect N and P fertilization. Global Change Biiology 20, 3802-3813.
Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2015): Between land sharing and land sparing – what role remains for forest management and conservation?. International Forestry Review 17(2), 210-230.
Rehmus, A.; Bigalke, M.; Valarezo, C.; Mora Castillo, J.R. & Wilcke, W. (2015): Aluminium toxicity to tropical montane forest tree seedlings in southern Ecuador: Response of the nutrient status to elevated Al concentrations. Plant and Soil 388, 87-97.
Werner, F.A.; Köster, N.; Kessler, M. & Gradstein, S.R. (2011): Is the resilience of epiphyte assemblages to human disturbance a function of local climate?. Ecotropica 17, 15-20.
Kotowska, M. & Werner, F.A. (2013): Environmental controls over methane emissions from bromeliad phytotelmata: The role of phosphorus and nitrogen availability, temperature, and water content. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES 27, 1-8.
Astudillo Webster, P.X.; Universidad del Azuay; Samaniego, G.M.; Machado, P.J.; Aguilar, J.M.; Tinoco, B.A.; Graham, C.H.; Stony Brook University; Latta, S.C.; National Aviary (USA) & Farwig, N. (2014): The impact of roads on the avifauna of páramo grasslands in Cajas National Park, Ecuador. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 49(3), 204-212.
Wittich, B.; Homeier, J. & Leuschner, C. (2014): Ammonium, nitrate and glycine uptake of six Ecuadorian tropical montane forest tree species: an in situ pot experiment with saplings. Journal of Tropical Ecology xx, xx.
Exbrayat, J.F.; Buytaert, W.; Timbe, E.; Windhorst, D. & Breuer, L. (2014): Addressing sources of uncertainty in runoff projections for a data scarce catchment in the Ecuadorian Andes. Climatic Change --(--), 1-15.
Windhorst, D.; Kraft, P.; Timbe, E.; Frede, H. & Breuer, L. (2014): Stable water isotope tracing through hydrological models for disentangling runoff generation processes at the hillslope scale. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 18(10), 4113-4127.
Knoke, T.; Bendix, J.; Pohle, P.; Hamer, U.; Hildebrandt, P.; Roos, K.; Gerique, A.; Lopez Sandoval, M.F.; Breuer, L.; Tischer, A.; Silva, B.; Calvas, B.; Aguirre, N.; Castro, L.M.; Windhorst, D.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Günter, S.; Palomeque, X.; Mora, J.; Mosandl, R. & Beck, E. (2014): Afforestation or intense pasturing improve the ecological and economic value of abandoned tropical farmlands. Nature Communications 5:5612, 1-50.
Bahr, E.; Chamba Zaragocin, D.; Fierro Jaramillo, N.; Witt, A. & Makeschin, F. (2014): Modeling of soil nutrient balances, flows and stocks revealed effects of management on soil fertility in south Ecuadorian smallholder farming systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems -, -.
Werner, F.A. & Homeier, J. (2014): Is tropical montane forest heterogeneity promoted by a resource-driven feedback cycle? Evidence from nutrient relations, herbivory and litter decomposition along a topographical gradient. Functional Ecology x(x), x.
Makowski, S.; Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K. & Bendix, J. (2014): Natural or anthropogenic? On the origin of atmospheric sulfate deposition in the Andes of southeastern Ecuador. Atmos. Chem. Phys 14, 11297–11312.
Iniguez, C.; Leiva Calderón, A.; Breuer, L.; Frede, H. & Hampel, H. (2014): Deforestation and benthic indicators: How much vegetation cover is needed to sustain healthy Andean streams? . PLoS ONE 9(8), e105869.
Silva, B.; Roos, K.; Fries, A.; Rollenbeck, R.; Beck, E. & Bendix, J. (2014): Mapping Two Competing Grassland Species from a Low-Altitude Helium Balloon. IEEE Journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing 7(7), 3038 - 3049.
Jantz, N.; Homeier, J. & Behling, H. (2014): Representativeness of tree diversity in the modern pollen rain of Andean montane forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 25(2), 481-490.
Rehmus, A.; Bigalke, M.; Valerezo, C.; Mora Castillo, J.R. & Wilcke, W. (2014): Aluminum toxicity to tropical montane forest tree seedlings in southern Ecuador: response of biomass and plant morphology to elevated Al concentrations. Plant and Soil 382(1-2), 301–315.
Graefe, S.; Leuschner, C.; Coners, H. & Hertel, D. (2011): Root functioning in tropical high-elevation forests: Environmental vs. biological control of root water absorption. Environmental and Experimental Botany 71(3), 329–336.
Graefe, S.; Hertel, D. & Leuschner, C. (2010): N, P and K limitation of fine root growth along an elevation transect in tropical mountain forests. Acta Oecologica 36, 537-542.
Acevedo Cabra, R.; Wiersma, Y.; Ankerst, D. & Knoke, T. (2014): Assessment of Wildfire Hazards with a Semiparametric Spatial Approach: A Case Study of Wildfires in South America. Environ Model Assess 19(6), 533-546.
Fries, A.; Rollenbeck, R.; Bayer, F.; Gonzalez, V.; Oñate-Valivieso, F.; Peters, T. & Bendix, J. (2014): Catchment precipitation processes in the San Francisco valley in southern Ecuador: combined approach using high-resolution radar images and in situ observations. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 703, x.
Rillig, M.C.; Camenzind, T.; Velescu, A.; Wilcke, W.; Homeier, J.; Horn, S. & Hempel, S. (2014): Nitrogen and phosphorus additions impact arbuscular mycorrhizal abundance and molecular diversity in a tropical montane forest. Global Change Biology --, --.
Hitziger, M. & Ließ, M. (2014): Comparison of Three Supervised Learning Methods for Digital Soil Mapping: Application to a Complex Terrain in the Ecuadorian Andes. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2014, 10 pages.
Peters, T.; Bräuning, A.; Münchow, J. & Richter, M. (2014): An ecological paradox: high species diversity and low position of the upper forest line in the Andean Depression. Ecology and Evolution ece.3.1078, 1-12.
Timbe, E.; Windhorst, D.; Crespo, P.; Frede, H.; Feyen, J. & Breuer, L. (2014): Understanding uncertainties when inferring mean transit times of water trough tracer-based lumped-parameter models in Andean tropical montane cloud forest catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18(4), 1503-1523.
Bahr, E.; Chamba Zaragocin, D. & Makeschin, F. (2014): Soil nutrient stock dynamics and land-use management of annuals,perennials and pastures after slash-and-burn in the SouthernEcuadorian Andes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 188(0), 275-288.
Bahr, E.; Hamer, U.; Chamba, D. & Makeschin, F. (2013): Different fertilizer types affected nitrogen and carbon cycling in eroded and colluvial soils of Southern Ecuador. Agricultural Sciences 4(12A), 19-32.
Wullaert, H.; Bigalke, M.; Homeier, J.; Cumbicus Torres, N.; Valarezo, C. & Wilcke, W. (2013): Short-term response of the Ca cycle of a montane forest in Ecuador to low experimental CaCl2 additions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176(6), 892-903.
Wilcke, W.; Leimer, S.; Peters, T.; Emck, P.; Rollenbeck, R.; Trachte, K.; Valarezo, C. & Bendix, J. (2013): The nitrogen cycle of tropical montane forest in Ecuador turns inorganic under environmental change. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27(4), 1194-1204.
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