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Guillen Otero, T.; Kessler, M. & Homeier, J. (2024): Fern mycorrhizae do not respond to fertilization in a tropical montane forest. Plant-Environment Interactions 5(2), e10139.
Wurz, A.; Bendix, J.; Homeier, J.; Matt, F.; Paladines, P.; Serrano, F. & Farwig, N. (2023): A hidden gem in the Tumbesian dry forest in southern Ecuador: Estacon Cientfica Laipuna. ECOTROPICA 25(1/2), -.
Pierick, K.; Leuschner, C.; Link, R.; Baez, S.; Velescu, A.; Wilcke, W. & Homeier, J. (2024): Above-and belowground strategies of tropical montane tree species are coordinated and driven by small-scale nitrogen availability. Functional Ecology 38, 1364-1377.
Pierick, K.; Link, R.; Leuschner, C. & Homeier, J. (2022): Elevational trends of tree fine root traits in species-rich tropical Andean forests. Oikos 2023, e08975.
Báez, S.; Fadrique, B.; Feeley, K. & Homeier, J. (2022): Changes in tree functional composition across topographic gradients and through time in a tropical montane forest. PLOS ONE 17(4), e0263508.
Cueva, A.; Manchego, C.; Bastidas, C. & Curto, M. (2021): Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for two subspecies of Handroanthus chrysanthus. Rodriguésia 72(e00722020), 6.
Velescu, A.; Homeier, J.; Bendix, J.; Valarezo, C. & Wilcke, W. (2021): Response of water-bound fluxes of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium to nutrient additions in an Ecuadorian tropical montane forest. Forest Ecology and Management 501(119661), 1-14.
Haug, I.; Setaro, S. & Suárez, J.P. (2021): Global AM fungi are dominating mycorrhizal communities in a tropical premontane dry forest in Laipuna, South Ecuador. Mycological Progress 20(6), 837-845.
Contreras, P.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Muñoz, P.; Bendix, J. & Celleri, R. (2021): Influence of Random Forest Hyperparameterization on Short-Term Runoff Forecasting in an Andean Mountain Catchment. Atmosphere 12(2), 1-16.
Pierick, K.; Leuschner, C. & Homeier, J. (2021): Topography as a factor driving small‐scale variation in tree fine root traits and root functional diversity in a species‐rich tropical montane forest. New Phytologist 230(1), 129-138.
Urgiles , N.; Struß, A.; Loján Amijos, P. & Schüßler, A. (2014): Cultured arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and native soil inocula improve seedling development of two pioneer trees in the Andean region. New Forests 45, 859–874.
Wallis, C.; Homeier, J.; Pena Tamayo, J.E.; Brandl, R.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2019): Modeling tropical montane forest biomass, productivity and canopy traits with multispectral remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment 225, 77 - 92.
Astudillo Webster, P.X.; Grass, I.; Siddons, D.; schabo, D. & Farwig, N. (2020): Centrality in species-habitat networks reveals the importance of habitat quality for high-andeans birds in Polylepis woodlands. Ardeola 67(2), 307-324.
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Rammig, A.; Gosling, E.; Hildebrandt, P.; Härtl, F.; Peters, T.; Richter, M.; Diertl, K.; Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Valle-Carrión, L.A.; Hamer, U.; Tischer, A.; Potthast, K.; Windhorst, D.; Homeier, J.; Wilcke, W.; Velescu, A.; Gerique, A.; Pohle, P.; Adams, J.; Breuer, L.; Mosandl, R.; Beck, E.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Silva, B.; Verburg, P.H. & Bendix, J. (2020): Accounting for multiple ecosystem services in a simulation of land-use decisions: Does it reduce tropical deforestation?. Global Change Biology 26( ), 1-22.
Bogner, F.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. 2019: El Bosque Tropical de Montaña - Hotspot de Biodiversidad. (Naturaleza y Cultura Internacional, (Loja, Ecuador).
González-Jaramillo, V.; Fries, A. & Bendix, J. (2019): AGB Estimation in a Tropical Mountain Forest (TMF) by Means of RGB and Multispectral Images Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Remote Sensing 11(12), 1-22.
Graefe, S.; Fang, D. & Butz, P. (2019): Water residence times in trees of a neotropical dry forest. Trees 1, 1–7.
DFG FOR2730 - RESPECT (2019): Tabebuia Bulletin, Issue 6. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Carrillo Rojas, G.; Silva, B.; Rollenbeck, R.; Celleri, R. & Bendix, J. (2018): The breathing of the Andean highlands: Net ecosystem exchange and evapotranspiration over the páramo of southern Ecuador. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265, 30-47.
Oñate-Valdivieso, F.; Fries, A.; Mendoza, K.; Gonzales-Jaramillo, V.; Pucha Cofrep, F.; Rollenbeck, R. & Bendix, J. (2017): Temporal and spatial analysis of precipitation patterns in an Andean region of southern Ecuador using LAWR weather radar. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 129(295), 1-12.
Butz, P.; Raffelsbauer, V.; Graefe, S.; Peters, T.; Cueva, E.; Hölscher, D. & Bräuning, A. (2016): Tree responses to moisture fluctuations in a neotropical dry forest as potential climate change indicators. Ecological Indicators 1(1), 1-13.
Farwig, N.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2017): Introduction to the Special Issue “Functional monitoring in megadiverse tropical ecosystems”. Ecological indicators 1(1), 1-3.
Lintzel, E. (2015): Establishment of a three-locus barcoding in the hotspot of a tropical mountain rainforest in Ecuador within the family Lauraceae for taxa re-identification. University of Marburg, Faculty of Biology, Conservation Biology, bachelor thesis
Bogner, F.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. 2016: Biodiversity Hotspot - Tropical Mountain Rainforest. (NCI Foundation, Ecuador).
DFG PAK 823-825 (2016): Tabebuia Bulletin, Issue 5. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Gonzalez, V.; Fries, A.; Rollenbeck, R.; Paladines, J.; Oñate-Valivieso, F. & Bendix, J. (2016): Assessment of deforestation during the last decades in Ecuador using NOAA-AVHRR satellite data. Erdkunde 70(No. 3), 217-235.
Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Munoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Aguirre, N.; Zeilinger, J. & Silva, B. (2016): Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest. Erdkunde 70(1), 19-47.
Tiede, Y.; Homeier, J.; Cumbicus Torres, N.; Pena Tamayo, J.E.; Albrecht, J.; Ziegenhagen, B.; Bendix, J.; Brandl, R. & Farwig, N. (2016): Phylogenetic niche conservatism does not explain elevational patterns of species richness, phyodiversity and family age of tree assemblages in Andean rainforest. Erdkunde 70(1), 83-106.
Velescu, A.; Valarezo, C. & Wilcke, W. (2016): Response of dissolved carbon and nitrogen concentrations to moderate nutrient additions in a tropical montane forest of South Ecuador. Frontiers in Earth Science 4(58), 1-18.
Dietrich, K.; Spöri, E. & Oelmann, Y. (2016): Nutrient addition modifies phosphatase activities along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical montane forest in Southern Ecuador. Frontiers in Earth Science 4, 1-9.
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