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Núñez, P.Á.; Silva, B.; Schulz, M.; Rollenbeck, R. & Bendix, J. (2021): Evapotranspiration estimates for two tropical mountain forest using high spatial resolution satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 42(8), 2940--2962.
Palomeque, X.; Stimm, B. & Günter, S. (2020): Case study 3: Facilitating biodiversity through the shelter effects of Pinus patula and Alnus acuminata in montane ecosystems in southern Ecuador. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) (eds.): Guidelines for forest landscape restoration in the tropics (ITTO Policy Development Series No. 24 PS-24), International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Yokohama, Japan, 89 - 91.
Landshuter, N.; Mölg, T.; Grießinger, J.; Bräuning, A.; Peters, T. & Institute of Geography, F.E.E.G. (2020): Characteristics of moisture source regions and their potential effect on seasonal isotopic signatures of d18O in tropical trees of southern Ecuador. Frontiers in Earth Science 8(604804), 1-22.
Seeler, T. (2020): Inter- and Intraspecific Variation of Tree Functional Leaf Traits at Different Elevations in the Ecuadorian Andes University of Goettingen, master thesis
Hémonnet-Dal, C. (2020): Predicting tropical montane tree diameter growth - a long-term study in the Andean biodiversity hotspot of southern Ecuador University of Goettingen, master thesis
Pierick, K.; Leuschner, C. & Homeier, J. (2021): Topography as a factor driving small‐scale variation in tree fine root traits and root functional diversity in a species‐rich tropical montane forest. New Phytologist 230(1), 129-138.
Wilcke, W.; Velescu, A.; Leimer, S.; Blotevogel, S.; Alvarez Figueroa, P.A. & Valarezo, C. (2020): Total organic carbon concentrations in ecosystem solutions of a remote tropical montane forest respond to global environmental change. Global Change Biology 26, 6989–7005.
Wilcke, W. (2021): Litterfall in Andean forests: Quantity, composition, and environmental drivers. In: Randall W. Myster (eds.): The Andean Cloud Forest ( ), Springer Nature Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland, 89-110.
Carrillo-Rojas, G.; Schulz, H.M.; Orellana-Alvear, J.; Ochoa-Sánchez, A.; Trachte, K.; Celleri, R. & Bendix, J. (2020): Atmosphere-surface fluxes modeling for the high Andes: The case of páramo catchments of Ecuador. Science of The Total Environment 704, 135372.
Dehling, D.; peralta, G.; Bender, I.M.; Blendinger, P.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Munoz, M.; Neuschulz, E.; Quitian, M.; Saavedra, F.; Santillan, V.; Schleuning, M. & stouffer, D. (2020): Similar composition of functional roles in Andean seed‐dispersal networks, despite high species and interaction turnover. Ecology 101(7), e03028.
Donoso, I.; Sorensen, M.; Blendinger, P.; Kissling, W.; Neuschulz, E.; Mueller, T. & Schleuning, M. (2020): Downsizing of animal communities triggers stronger functional than structural decay in seed-dispersal networks. Nature Communications 11, 1582.
Sorensen, M.C.; Donoso, I.; Neuschulz, E.; Schleuning, M. & Mueller, T. (2020): Community-wide seed dispersal distances peak at low levels of specialisation in size-structured networks. Oikos 129(11), 1727-1738.
Knoke, T.; Gosling, E. & Paul, C. (2020): Use and misuse of the net present value in environmental studies. Ecological Economics 174(106664), 1-15.
Ochoa Moreno, S.; Härtl, F.; Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2019): Cropping systems are homogenized by off-farm income – Empirical evidence from small-scale farming systems in dry forests of southern Ecuador. Land Use Policy 82, 204-219.
Keuth, R. (2020): Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on herbivory in a tropical mountain forest in south Ecuador Philipps-Universität Marburg, bachelor thesis
DFG FOR2730 - RESPECT (2020): Tabebuia Bulletin, Issue 8. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Graefe, S.; Rodrigo, R.; Cueva, E.; Butz, P.; Werner, F.A. & Homeier, J. (2020): Impact of disturbance on forest structure and tree species composition in a tropical dry forest of South Ecuador. Ecotropica 22, 202002.
Palomeque, X.; Patiño Uyaguari, C.; Marin, F.; Palacios, M. & Stimm, B. (2020): Effects of storage on seed germination and viability for three native tree species of Ecuador. Trees online, 1-11.
Nellessen, T. (2020): Does sodium stimulate the decomposition of the organic layer in two tropical rain forests in Ecuador? Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie, bachelor thesis
Gibmeier, T. (2019): Insect herbivore biomass and community composition along a tropical succesional gradient Philipps-Universität Marburg, master thesis
Hörst, J. (2020): Structural leaf trait effects on the biomass, abundance, community structure and individual sizes of folivorous insects in the canopy of a tropical mountain rainforest ecosystem Philipps-Universität Marburg, master thesis
Baumgärtner, M. (2019): Untersuchungen zur Trockentoleranz von Cedrela montana und Juglans neotropica im Gewächshaus Studienfakultät für Forstwissenschaft und Ressourcenmanagement der Technischen Universität München, master thesis
Cueva Ortiz, J.L.; Espinosa, C.I.; Aguirre-Mendoza, Z.; Gusmán-Montalván, E.; Weber, M. & Hildebrandt, P. (2020): Natural Regeneration in the Tumbesian Dry Forest: Identification of the Drivers Affecting Abundance and Diversity. Scientific Reports 10( 9786), 13.
Cueva Ortiz, J.L.; Espinosa, C.I.; Quiroz Dahik, C.; Aguirre, Z.; Cueva Ortiz, E.; Guzman, E.; Weber, M. & Hildebrandt, P. (2019): Influence of Anthropogenic Factors on the Diversity and Structure of a Dry Forest in the Central Part of the Tumbesian Region (Ecuador–Perú). Forests 10(1), 31.
Palomeque, X.; Günter, S.; Hildebrandt, P.; Stimm, B.; Aguirre, N. & Weber, M. (2020): Reforestación con especies nativas y exóticas: caso del valle de San Francisco, Zamora Chinchipe. In: Bustamante, Teodoro, y Jorje I. Zalles (eds.): De la parcela al paisaje: restauración forestal en los Andes ecuatorianos (Savia ), FLACSO, Quito, 16 - 36.
Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Munoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Zeilinger, J.; Silva, B. & Mosandl, R. (2020): Effects of silvicultural treatments and topography on individual tree growth in a tropical mountain forest in Ecuador. Forest Ecology and Management 457, 117726.
Cabrera, O.; Hildebrandt, P.; Stimm, B.; Günter, S.; Fries, A. & Mosandl, R. (2020): Functional Diversity Changes after Selective Thinning in a Tropical Mountain Forest in Southern Ecuador. Diversity 12(6), 256.
Cabrera, O.; Fries, A.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S. & Mosandl, R. (2019): Early Growth Response of Nine Timber Species to Release in a Tropical Mountain Forest of Southern Ecuador. Forests 10(3), 254.
Cueva, E. (2018): Pruebas de germinación de especies forestales manejadas en el Proyecto Transfer, Issue 4. Instituto di Silvicultura TUM, Freising, Germany.
Cueva, E.; Acaro, J.; Ortega Montaño, M.D.; Merino, L.; Coronel, L. & Wörle, A. (2018): Capacitaciones realizadas a instituciones que trabajan en el sector forestal. Proyecto Transfer Nuevos Bosques para Ecuador, Issue 3. Instituto di Silvicultura TUM, Freising, Germany.
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