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Calvas, B.; Castro, L.M.; Kindu, M.; Bingham, L.; Pintado, K.; Torres Celi, J.; Knoke, T. & Cueva Ortiz, J.L. (2024): Large differences between observed and expected Ecuadorian deforestation from 2001 to 2009: a counterfactual simulation approach. Regional Environmental Change 24, 94.
Knoke, T.; Hanley, N.; Roman-Cuesta, R.M.; Groom, B.; Venmans, F. & Paul, C. (2023): Trends in tropical forest loss and the social value of emission reductions. Nature Sustainability online, 1-15.
Knoke, T. (27.7.2022). Modelling the Social Acceptability of Sustainable Intensification. Presented at Eventos UTPL, UTPL, Loja, Conversatorio.
Knoke, T.; Gosling, E. & Reith, E. (2022): Understanding and modelling the ambiguous impact of off-farm income on tropical deforestation. Journal of Land Use Science 17, 1-20.
Husmann, K.; von Groß, V.; Bödeker, K.; Fuchs, J.; Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2022): optimLanduse: A package for multiobjective land-cover composition optimization under uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution Online, 1-10.
Knoke, T.; Gosling, E.; Reith, E.; Gerique, A.; Pohle, P.; Valle-Carrión, L.A.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B.; Hildebrandt, P.; Döllerer, M.; Bastit, F. & Paul, C. (2022): Confronting sustainable intensification with uncertainty and extreme values on smallholder tropical farms. Sustainability Science 0, 1-18.
Bendix, J.; Aguirre, N.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Brandl, R.; Breuer, L.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Dantas De Paula, M.; Hickler, T.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Neuschulz, E.; Schleuning, M.; Suarez, J.P.; Trachte, K.; Wilcke, W. & Farwig, N. (2021): A research framework for projecting ecosystem change in highly diverse tropical mountain ecosystems. Oecologia 2021, 1-13.
Knoke, T.; Gosling, E. & Paul, C. (2020): Use and misuse of the net present value in environmental studies. Ecological Economics 174(106664), 1-15.
Palomeque, X.; Günter, S.; Hildebrandt, P.; Stimm, B.; Aguirre, N. & Weber, M. (2020): Reforestación con especies nativas y exóticas: caso del valle de San Francisco, Zamora Chinchipe. In: Bustamante, Teodoro, y Jorje I. Zalles (eds.): De la parcela al paisaje: restauración forestal en los Andes ecuatorianos (Savia ), FLACSO, Quito, 16 - 36.
Calvas, B. (2018): Compendio informativo de especies de árboles nativos en la Provincia de Loja, Ecuador, Issue 2. Instituto di Silvicultura TUM, Freising, Germany.
Malizia, A.; Blundo, C.; Carilla, J.; Osinaga Acosta, O.; Cuesta, F.; Duque, A.; Aguirre, N.; Aguirre, Z.; Ataroff, M.; Baez, S.; Calderon-Loor, M.; Cayola, L.; Cayuela, L.; Ceballos, S.; Cedillo, H.; Farfan-Rios, W.; Feeley, K.; Fuentes, A.; Gamez-Avarez, L.; Grau, R.; Homeier, J.; Jadan, O.; Llambi, L.; Loza-Rivera, M.; Macia, M.; Malhi, Y.; Malizia, L.; Peralvo, M.; Pinto, E.; Tello, S.; Silman, M. & Young, K. (2020): Elevation and latitude drives structure and tree species composition in Andean forests: Results from a large-scale plot network. PLoS One 15(4), e0231553.
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Rammig, A.; Gosling, E.; Hildebrandt, P.; Härtl, F.; Peters, T.; Richter, M.; Diertl, K.; Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Valle-Carrión, L.A.; Hamer, U.; Tischer, A.; Potthast, K.; Windhorst, D.; Homeier, J.; Wilcke, W.; Velescu, A.; Gerique, A.; Pohle, P.; Adams, J.; Breuer, L.; Mosandl, R.; Beck, E.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Silva, B.; Verburg, P.H. & Bendix, J. (2020): Accounting for multiple ecosystem services in a simulation of land-use decisions: Does it reduce tropical deforestation?. Global Change Biology 26( ), 1-22.
Castro, L.M.; Härtl, F.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Calvas, B.; Izquierdo Montoya, G.L. & Knoke, T. (2018): Integrated bio-economic models as tools to support land-use decision making: a review of potential and limitations. Journal of Bioeconomics online , online.
Beck, E.; Knoke, T.; Farwig, N.; Breuer, L.; Siddons, D. & Bendix, J. 2017: Landscape Restoration, Sustainable Land Use and Cross-scale Monitoring of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions. A Science-directed Approach for South Ecuador. (Universität Bayreuth).
Castro, L.M. (2017): Economic approaches to sustainable land use in Ecuador - Compensation payments and diversification on areas of profitable intensive farming Institute of Forest Management, Technische Universität München, phd thesis
Palomeque, X.; Günter, S.; Siddons, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Stimm, B.; Aguirre, N.; Arias, R. & Weber, M. (2017): Natural or assisted succession as approach of forest recovery on abandoned lands with different land use history in the Andes of Southern Ecuador. New Forests 1(1), 1-10.
Paul, C.; Weber, M. & Knoke, T. (2017): Agroforestry versus farm mosaic systems – Comparing land-use efficiency, economic returns and risks under climate change effects. Science of The Total Environment online , online.
Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2016): Forest value: More than commercial. Science 354(6319), 1541-1541.
Ochoa Moreno, S.; Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2016): Warum Kleinbauern in Ecuador die Landnutzung diversifizieren. Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift für Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge 71(13), 31-34.
Urgiles , N.; Haug, I.; Setaro, S. & Aguirre, N. 2016: Introducción a las Micorrizas en los Trópicos con Énfasis en el Bosque Montano en el Sur del Ecuador.: Estudios de Bioversidad 4 (EDILOJA Cía. Ltda., Loja).
Kübler, D.; Hildebrandt, P.; Günter, S.; Stimm, B.; Weber, M.; Mosandl, R.; Munoz, J.; Cabrera, O.; Aguirre, N.; Zeilinger, J. & Silva, B. (2016): Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest. Erdkunde 70(1), 19-47.
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Hildebrandt, P.; Calvas, B.; Castro, L.M.; Härtl, F.; Döllerer, M.; Hamer, U.; Windhorst, D.; Wiersma, Y.; Curatola Fernández, G.F.; Obermeier, W.A.; Adams, J.; Breuer, L.; Mosandl, R.; Beck, E.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Haber, W.; Fürst, C. & Bendix, J. (2016): Compositional diversity of rehabilitated tropical lands supports multiple ecosystem services and buffers uncertainties. Nature Communications 7, Article number:11877.
Ochoa Moreno, S.; Paul, C.; Castro, L.M.; Valle, L. & Knoke, T. (2016): Banning goats could exacerbate deforestation of the Ecuadorian dry forest - How the effectiveness of conservation payment is influenced by productive use options. Erdkunde 70(1), 49-67.
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Härtl, F.; Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B. & Hildebrandt, P. (2015): Optimizing agricultural land-use portfolios with scarce data—A non-stochastic model. Ecological Economics 120, 250-259.
Knoke, T. & Hahn, A. (2013): Global Change and the Role of Forests in Future Land-Use Systems. In: R. Matyssek, N. Clarke, P. Cudlin, T.N. Mikkelsen, J.-P. Tuovinen, G. Wieser; E. Paoletti (eds.): Climate Change, Air Pollution and Global Challenges Understanding and Perspectives from Forest Resea ( 13), Elsevier, Series: Developments in Environmental Science, 569-588.
Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B. & Knoke, T. (2015): Ecuadorian Banana Farms Should Consider Organic Banana with Low Price Risks in Their Land-Use Portfolios. PlOS one 10(3), e0120384.
Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2015): Between land sharing and land sparing – what role remains for forest management and conservation?. International Forestry Review 17(2), 210-230.
Knoke, T.; Bendix, J.; Pohle, P.; Hamer, U.; Hildebrandt, P.; Roos, K.; Gerique, A.; Lopez Sandoval, M.F.; Breuer, L.; Tischer, A.; Silva, B.; Calvas, B.; Aguirre, N.; Castro, L.M.; Windhorst, D.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Günter, S.; Palomeque, X.; Mora, J.; Mosandl, R. & Beck, E. (2014): Afforestation or intense pasturing improve the ecological and economic value of abandoned tropical farmlands. Nature Communications 5:5612, 1-50.
Acevedo Cabra, R.; Wiersma, Y.; Ankerst, D. & Knoke, T. (2014): Assessment of Wildfire Hazards with a Semiparametric Spatial Approach: A Case Study of Wildfires in South America. Environ Model Assess 19(6), 533-546.
Knoke, T.; Calvas, B.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Onyekwelu, J. & Griess, V. (2013): Food production and climate protection—What abandoned lands can do to preserve natural forests. Global Environmental Change 23, 1064-1072.
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