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Found 9 publication(s)

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Wallis, C.; Tiede, Y.; Beck, E.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Brandl, R.; Donoso, D.A.; Espinosa, C.; Fries, A.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Maraun, M.; Mikolajewski, K.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Scheu, S.; Schleuning, M.; Suárez, J.P.; Tinoco, B.A.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2021): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions depend on environmental conditions and resources rather than the geodiversity of a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 11(1), 24530.
Seibold, S.; Rammer, W.; Hothorn, T.; Seidl, R.; Ulyshen, M.D.; Lorz, J.; Cadotte, M.W.; Lindenmayer, D.B.; Adhikari, Y.P.; Aragón, R.; Bae, S.; Baldrian, P.; Barimani Varandi, H.; Barlow, J.; Bässler, C.; Beauchene, J.; Berenguer, E.; Bergamin, R.S.; Birkemoe, T.; Boros, G.; Brandl, R.; Brustel, H.; Burton, P.J.; Cakpo-Tossou, Y.T.; Castro, J.; Cateau, E.; Cobb, T.P.; Farwig, N.; Fernández, R.D.; Firn, J.; Gan, K.S.; González, G.; Gossner, M.M.; Habel, J.C.; Hébert, C.; Heibl, C.; Heikkala, O.; Hemp, A.; Hemp, C.; Hjältén, J.; Hotes, S.; Kouki, J.; Lachat, T.; Liu, J.; Liu, Y.; Luo, Y.; Macandog, D.M.; Martina, P.E.; Mukul, S.A.; Nachin, B.; Nisbet, K.; O’Halloran, J.; Oxbrough, A.; Pandey, J.N.; Pavlíček, T.; Pawson, S.M.; Rakotondranary, J.S.; Ramanamanjato, J.; Rossi, L.; Schmidl, J.; Schulze, M.; Seaton, S.; Stone, M.J.; Stork, N.E.; Suran, B.; Sverdrup-Thygeson, A.; Thorn, S.; Thyagarajan, G.; Wardlaw, T.J.; Weisser, W.; Yoon, S.; Zhang, N. & Müller, J. (2021): The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition. Nature 597(7874), 77-81.
Palomeque, X.; Stimm, B. & Günter, S. (2020): Case study 3: Facilitating biodiversity through the shelter effects of Pinus patula and Alnus acuminata in montane ecosystems in southern Ecuador. In: International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) (eds.): Guidelines for forest landscape restoration in the tropics (ITTO Policy Development Series No. 24 PS-24), International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Yokohama, Japan, 89 - 91.
Cueva Ortiz, J.L.; Espinosa, C.I.; Quiroz Dahik, C.; Aguirre, Z.; Cueva Ortiz, E.; Guzman, E.; Weber, M. & Hildebrandt, P. (2019): Influence of Anthropogenic Factors on the Diversity and Structure of a Dry Forest in the Central Part of the Tumbesian Region (Ecuador–Perú). Forests 10(1), 31.
Knoke, T.; Paul, C.; Rammig, A.; Gosling, E.; Hildebrandt, P.; Härtl, F.; Peters, T.; Richter, M.; Diertl, K.; Castro, L.M.; Calvas, B.; Ochoa Moreno, S.; Valle-Carrión, L.A.; Hamer, U.; Tischer, A.; Potthast, K.; Windhorst, D.; Homeier, J.; Wilcke, W.; Velescu, A.; Gerique, A.; Pohle, P.; Adams, J.; Breuer, L.; Mosandl, R.; Beck, E.; Weber, M.; Stimm, B.; Silva, B.; Verburg, P.H. & Bendix, J. (2020): Accounting for multiple ecosystem services in a simulation of land-use decisions: Does it reduce tropical deforestation?. Global Change Biology 26( ), 1-22.
Farwig, N.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2017): Introduction to the Special Issue “Functional monitoring in megadiverse tropical ecosystems”. Ecological indicators 1(1), 1-3.
Paul, C. & Knoke, T. (2016): Forest value: More than commercial. Science 354(6319), 1541-1541.
Mattes, J.; Peter, F. & Farwig, N. (2016): Seasonal variation in nutrient use of ants in natural and disturbed montane rainforests in Southern Ecuador Philipps University of Marburg, Faculty of Biology, master thesis
Pérez Postigo, I.; Silva, B. & Bendix, J. (2015): Potential of Remotely Sensed Image Textures for Predicting Herbivory in the Ecuadorian Andes Fachbereich Philipps-Universität Marburg, Geographie , master thesis
DFG PAK 823-825 (2016): Tabebuia Bulletin, Issue 5. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Wallis, C.; Paulsch, D.; Zeilinger, J.; Silva, B.; Curatola Fernández, G.F.; Brandl, R.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2016): Contrasting performance of Lidar and optical texture models in predicting avian diversity in a tropical mountain forest. Remote Sensing of Environment 174, 223-232.
DFG PAK 823-825 (2015): Tabebuia Bulletin, Issue 4. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
DFG PAK 823-825 (2015): Tabebuia Bulletins, Issue 3. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Werner, F.A.; Köster, N.; Kessler, M. & Gradstein, S.R. (2011): Is the resilience of epiphyte assemblages to human disturbance a function of local climate?. Ecotropica 17, 15-20.
DFG PAK 823-825 (2014): MRp|SE Newsletter, Issue 2. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Peters, T.; Bräuning, A.; Münchow, J. & Richter, M. (2014): An ecological paradox: high species diversity and low position of the upper forest line in the Andean Depression. Ecology and Evolution ece.3.1078, 1-12.
DFG PAK 823-825 (2014): MRp|SE Newsletter, Issue 1. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Kottke, I.; Setaro, S.; Haug, I.; Herrera, P.; Cruz, D.; Suarez, J.P.; Fries, A.; Adams, J.; Gerique, A.; Homeier, J. & Werner, F.A. (2013): Mycorrhiza Networks Promote Biodiversity and Stabilize the Tropical Mountain Rain Forest Ecosystem: Perspectives for Understanding Complex Communities. In: J. Bendix, E. Beck, A. Bräuning, F. Makeschin, R. Mosandl, S. Scheu, W. Wilcke. (eds.): Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Sou l ( 221), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 438.
Bendix, J.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R.; Scheu, S. & Wilcke, W. 2013: Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador.: Ecological Studies 221 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg).
DFG Research Unit 816 (2013): TMF Newsletter, Issue 19. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
Behling, H. & Schüler, L. (2010): Characteristics of Poaceae pollen grains as a tool to assess palaeoecological grassland dynamics in South America. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 97-108.
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