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Günter, S. & Mosandl, R. (2003): Nachhaltige Naturwaldbewirtschaftung in Bergregenwäldern Südecuadors. Eine Option zur Erhaltung von Biodiversität?. In: Mosandl, Reinhard; El Kateb, Hany; Stimm, Bernd (eds.): Waldbau - weltweit. Beiträge zur internationalen Waldbauforschung (Forstl. Forschungsberichte München 192), München, 10-24.
Fleischbein, K.; Wilcke, W.; Goller, R.; Boy, J.; Valarezo, C.; Zech, W. & Knoblich, K. (2005): Rainfall interception in a lower montane forest in Ecuador: effects of canopy properties. Hydrological Processes 19, 1355-1371.
Dengel, S. & Rollenbeck, R. (2003): Methods of fog quantification in a tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador. FogQuestNews 10, 2-3.
Chahartaghi, M.; Langel, R.; Scheu, S. & Rueß, L. (2005): Feeding guilds in Collembola based on nitrogen stable isotope ratios. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37, 1718-1225.
Castillo, M.; Cueva, D.; Aguirre, N. & Günter, S. (2006): Propagacion en invernadero y monitoreo de la regeneracion natural de dos especies de Podocarpaceas.. Bosques Latitud Cero 2(3), 26-29.
Castillo, M.; Cueva, D.; Aguirre, N. & Günter, S. (2006): Propagacion vegetativa de dos especies de Podocarpaceas.. Bosques Latitud Cero 2(3), 3-5.
Calva, O.; Beltrán, G.; Günter, S. & Cabrera, O. (2006): Impacto de luz sobre la regeneración natural de Podocarpaceas en Los Bosques de San Francisco y Numbala. Bosques Latitud Cero 2(3), 21-25.
Cabrera, O.; Günter, S. & Mosandl, R. (2006): Dynamics in natural and selectively logged tropical mountain rain forests of South Ecuador. Lyonia 20(1), 87-97.
Bräuning, A. & Burchardt, I. (2005): Detection of growth dynamics in tree species of a tropical mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador. TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology 4, 127-131.
Brehm, G. & Fiedler, K. (2005): Diversity and community structure of geometrid moths of disturbed habitat in a montane area in the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 38, 1-14.
Breckle, S.W.; Breckle, U.; Homeier, J. & Scheffer, A. (2005): Mineral Deficiencies in a Pine Plantation in Southern Ecuador. Ecotropica 11, 79-85.
Bendix, J.; Rollenbeck, R. & Reudenbach, C. (2006): Diurnal patterns of rainfall in a tropical Andean valley of southern Ecuador as seen by a vertically pointing K-band Doppler Radar. International Journal of Climatology 26(6), 829-846.
Bendix, J.; Rollenbeck, R. & Palacios, E.W. (2004): Cloud detection in the Tropics - a suitable tool for climate-ecological studies in the high mountains of Ecuador. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25, 4521-4540.
Bendix, J. & Rafiqpoor, M.D. (2001): Studies on the thermal conditions of soils at the upper tree line in the Páramo of Papallacta (Eastern Cordillera of Ecuador) . Erdkunde 55, 257-276.
Bendix, J.; Homeier, J.; Cueva Ortiz, E.; Emck, P.; Breckle, S.W.; Richter, M. & Beck, E. (2006): Seasonality of weather and tree phenology in a tropical evergreen mountain rain forest. International Journal of Biometeorology 50(6), 370-384.
Beck, E. & Müller-Hohenstein, K. (2001): Analysis of undisturbed and disturbed tropical mountain forest ecosystems in Southern Ecuador. Die Erde 132, 1-8.
Beck, E.; Kottke, I. & Oberwinkler, F. (2005): Two members of the Glomeromycota form distinct ectendomycorrhizas with Alzatea verticillata, a prominent tree in the mountain rain forest of southern Ecuador. Mycological Progress 4(1), 11-22.
Albrecht, C.; Jahn, R. & Huwe, B. (2005): Soil systematics and classification systems -- Part 1: Fundamentals. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 168(1), 7-20.
Aguirre, N.; Günter, S.; Weber, M. & Stimm, B. (2006): Enriquecimiento de plantaciones de Pinus patula con especies nativas en el sur del Ecuador. Lyonia 10(1), 33-45.
Bendix, J.; Rollenbeck, R.; Göttlicher, D. & Cermak, J. (2006): Cloud occurrence and cloud properties in Ecuador. Climate Research 30, 133-147.
Göttlicher, D. & Bendix, J. (2005): Eine modulare Multi-User Datenbank für eine ökologische Forschergruppe mit heterogenem Datenbestand. Zeitschrift für Agrarinformatik 4, 95-103.
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