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Es wurden 3 Publikationen gefunden

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Schoen, J.; Tiede, Y.; Becker, M.; Donoso, D.A.; Homeier, J.; Limberger, O.; Bendix, J.; Farwig, N. & Brandl, R. (2023): Effects of leaf traits of tropical trees on the abundance and body mass of herbivorous arthropod communities. PLOS ONE -(-), 1 - 21.
Ginal, P. (2017): Acoustic indices do not reflect avian diversity in high-diverse tropical rainforests in Ecuador Philipps-Universität Marburg, master thesis
Astudillo Webster, P.X.; Universidad del Azuay; Samaniego, G.M.; Machado, P.J.; Aguilar, J.M.; Tinoco, B.A.; Graham, C.H.; Stony Brook University; Latta, S.C.; National Aviary (USA) & Farwig, N. (2014): The impact of roads on the avifauna of páramo grasslands in Cajas National Park, Ecuador. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 49(3), 204-212.
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