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Leuschner, C.; Voß, S.; Foetzk, A. & Clases, Y. (2006): Variation in leaf area index and stand leaf mass of European beech across gradients of soil acidity and precipitation. Plant Ecology 186(2), 247-258.
Leuschner, C.; Coners, H. & Icke, R. (2004): In situ measurement of water absorption by fine roots of three temperate trees: species differences and differential activity of superficial and deep roots. Tree Physiology 24, 1359-1367.
Leischner, B.; Stimm, B. & Weber, M. (2003): Aufforstung mit einheimischen Baumarten – Schaffung von Nutzungsalternativen und Erhalt der Vielfalt am Beispiel Südecuadors. Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt IV, 71-76.
Leischner, B. (2006): Phänologie, Saatgutproduktion, Keimung und Anzucht einheimischer Baumarten des tropischen Bergregenwaldes Südecuadors--Ein Beitrag zur Aufforstung Technische Universität München, phd thesis
Langer, U. & Günther, T. (2001): Effects of alkaline dust deposits from phosphate fertilizer production on microbial biomass and enzyme activities in grassland soils. Environmental Pollution 112, 321-327.
Kupfer, A.; Langel, R.; Scheu, S.; Himstedt, W. & Maraun, M. (2006): Trophic ecology of a tropical aquatic and terrestrial food web: insights from stable isotopes (15N). Journal of Tropical Ecology 23, 1-8.
Krömer, T.; Kessler, M.; Gradstein, S.R. & Acebey, A. (2005): Diversity patterns of vascular epiphytes along an elevational gradient in the Andes. Journal of Biogeography 32, 1799-1809.
Kreuzer, K.; Bonkowski, M.; Langel, R. & Scheu, S. (2004): Decomposer animals (Lumbricidae, Collembola) and organic matter distribution affect the performance of Lolium perenne (Poaceae)and Trifolium repens (Fabaceae). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36, 2005-201.
Kottke, I. & Haug, I. (2004): The significance of mycorrhizal diversity of trees in the tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador. Lyonia 7(1), 49-56.
Kottke, I. & Nebel, M. (2005): The evolution of mycorrhiza-like associations in liverworts: an update. New Phytologist 167, 330-334.
Kottke, I.; Beiter, A.; Weiß, M.; Haug, I.; Oberwinkler, F. & Nebel, M. (2003): Heterobasidio-mycetes form symbiotic associations with hepatics: Jungermanniales have a sebacinoid mycobionts while Aneura pinguis (Metzgeriales) is associated with a Tulasnella species. Mycological Research 107(8), 957-968.
Kottke, I.; Beck, A.; Oberwinkler, F.; Homeier, J. & Neill, D. (2004): Arbuscular endomycorrhizas are dominant in the organic soil of a neotropical montane cloud forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20, 125-129.
Illig, J.; Langel, R.; Norton, R.A.; Scheu, S. & Maraun, M. (2005): Where are the decomposers? Uncovering the soil food web of a tropical montane rain forest in southern Ecuador using stable isotopes (15N). Journal of Tropical Ecology 21, 589-593.
Homeier, J.; Dalitz, H. & Breckle, S.W. (2002): Waldstruktur und Baumartendiversität im montanen Regenwald der Estacion Cientifica San Franscisco in Südecuador. Ber. d. Reinh. Tüxen-Ges. 14, 109-118.
Homeier, J.; Dalitz, H. & Breckle, S.W. (2005): Tree species composition and forest structure of the premontane rain forest in the Reserva Biológica Alberto Manuel Brenes, Costa Rica. In: Veste, M.; Wucherer, W.; Homeier, J. (eds.): Ökologische Forschung im globalen Kontext ( ), Cuvillier, Göttingen, 175-186.
Homeier, J.; Dalitz, H. & Breckle, S.W., Visual Plants - a database as a tool for the determination of tropical plants(Stuttgart, 2004), pp. 371-374.
Homeier, J. (2005): Purdiaea nutans PLANCHON. In: Schütt, P.; Weisgerber, H.; Lang U.; Roloff, A.; Stimm, B. (eds.): Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse (42 ), Wiley-VCH.
Homeier, J. (2005): Graffenrieda emarginata (RUIZ et PAVON) TRIANA. In: Schütt, P.; Weisgerber, H.; Lang U.; Roloff, A.; Stimm, B. (eds.): Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse (42 ), Wiley-VCH.
Hilt, N. & Fiedler, K. (2006): Arctiid moth ensembles along a successional gradient in the Ecuadorian montane rain forest zone: how different are subfamilies and tribes?. Journal of Biogeography 33, 108-120.
Hilt, N. & Fiedler, K. (2005): Diversity and composition of Arctiidae moth ensembles along a succession gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes. Diversity and Distributions 11, 387-398.
Hilt, N.; Brehm, G. & Fiedler, K. (2007): Temporal dynamics of rich moth ensembles in the montane forest zone in southern Ecuador. Biotropica 39, 94-104.
Hilt, N.; Brehm, G. & Fiedler, K. (2006): Diversity and ensemble composition of geometrid moths along a successional gradient in the Ecuadorian Andes. Journal of Tropical Ecology 22, 155-166.
Haug, I.; Weiß, M.; Homeier, J.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2005): Russulaceae and Thelephoraceae form ectomycorrhizas with members of the Nyctaginaceae(Caryophyllales) in the tropical mountain rain forest of southern Ecuador. New Phytologist 165, 923-936.
Haug, I.; Lempe, J.; Homeier, J.; Weiß, M.; Setaro, S.; Oberwinkler, F. & Kottke, I. (2004): Graffenrieda emarginata (Melastomataceae) forms mycorrhizas with Glomeromycota and with a member of Hymenoscyphus ericae aggr. in the organic soil of a neotropical mountain rain forest. Canadian Journal of Botany 82, 340-356.
Hartig, K. & Beck, E. (2003): The bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) dilemma in the Andes of South Ecuador. Ecotropica 9, 3-13.
Gradstein, S.R.; Nadkarni, N.M.; Peters, T.; Holz, I. & Nöske, N. (2003): A Protocol for Rapid and Representative Sampling of Vasular and Non-vasular Epiphyte Diversity of Tropical Rain Forests. Selbyana 24(1), 105-111.
Goller, R.; Wilcke, W.; Leng, M.; Tobschall, H.J.; Wagner, K.; Valarezo, C. & Zech, W. (2005): Tracing water paths through small catchments under a tropical montane rain forest in south Ecuador by an oxygen isotope approach. Journal of Hydrology 308, 67-80.
Goller, R.; Wilcke, W.; Fleischbein, K.; Valarezo, C. & Zech, W. (2006): Dissolved nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur forms in the ecosystem fluxes of a montane forest in Ecuador. Biogeochemistry 77, 57-89.
Günter, S.; Weber, M.; Erreis, R. & Aguirre, N. (2007): Influence of forest edges on the regeneration of abandoned pastures in the tropical mountain rain forest of Southern Ecuador. European Journal of Forest Research 126, 67-75.
Günter, S.; Stimm, B. & Weber, M. (2004): Silvicultural contributions towards sustainable management and conservation of forest genetic resources in Southern Ecuador.. Lyonia 6(1), 75-91.
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