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Found 4 publication(s)

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Ostertag, R.; Restrepo, C.; Dalling, J.W.; Martin, P.H.; Abiem, I.; Aiba, S.; Alvarez-Dávila, E.; Aragón, R.; Ataroff, M.; Chapman, H.; Cueva, A.; Fadrique, B.; Fernández, R.D.; González, G.; Gotsch, S.G.; Häger, A.; Homeier, J.; Iñiguez-Armijos, C.; Llambi, L.D.; Moore, G.W.; Næsborg, R.R.; Poma López, L.N.; Vieira Pompeu, P.; Powell, J.R.; Ramírez Correa, J.A.; Scharnagl, K.; Tobón, C. & Williams, C.B. (2021): Litter decomposition rates across tropical montane and lowland forests are controlled foremost by climate. Biotropica 54(2), 309-326.
Nellessen, T. (2020): Does sodium stimulate the decomposition of the organic layer in two tropical rain forests in Ecuador? Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie, bachelor thesis
Fabian, T.; Velescu, A.; Camenzind, T.; Wilcke, W. & Rillig, M.C. (2017-04-09). Sodium in a tropical montane forest in South Ecuador: demand of phyllosphere microorganisms and effects on decomposition. Presented at Annual conference of the German society for soil science (DBG), Göttingen, Germany.
Iniguez, C.; Rausche, S.; Cueva, A.; Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.; Espinosa, C. & Breuer, L. (2016): Shifts in leaf litter breakdown along a forest–pasture–urban gradient in Andean streams. Ecology and Evolution 6(14), 4849-4865.
Camenzind, T. & Rillig, M.C. (2013): Extraradical arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal hyphae in an organic tropical montane forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 64, 96-102.
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