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Beck, E. (2012-01-21). Experiences in International Ecological/Biological Research. Presented at Conference on Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Göttingen, Germany.
Beck, E.; Strobl, S.; Lemma, Y.S.; Abebe, G.T.; Fetene, M. & Zewdie, S. (2011-06-13). Coexistence of 3 different functional types of indigenous trees in a montane tropical forest in Ethiopia . Presented at Joint International Meeting of the ATBC and the Society for Conservation Biology, Arusha, Tanzania.
Beck, E.; Malagón, O.; Valarezo, C.; Paladines, B. & Ribadeneira Sarmiento, M. (2010-03-23). Non-commercial benefits resulting from basic research - an Ecuadorian Case. Presented at Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit Sharing, Cali, Colombia.
Beck, E. (2010-09-22 Keynote). Functional aspects of tropical biodiversity revealed by gradient analysis. Presented at The Biodiversity Day, Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal.
Ad-Hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Boden 2006: Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung. 5. verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage. (Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart).
Potthast, K.; Hamer, U. & Makeschin, F. (2012): In an Ecuadorian pasture soil the growth of Setaria sphacelata, but not of soil microorganisms, is co-limited by N and P. Applied Soil Ecology 62, 103-114.
Roos, K.; Montero, M.; Cevallos Aleaga, X.K.; Weig, A. & Beck, E. (2012-2-24). Species composition and genetic diversity of tropical bracken invading montane pastures in southern Ecuador . Presented at Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology, University of Erlangen, Germany.
Roos, K.; Adams, J.; Curatola Fernández, G.F.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2012-04-18). Mountain pastures in tropical Ecuador: Ruin and rehabilitation. Presented at Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.
Schwab, L. (2012): Gehalte, Speicher und Umsetzungszeiten von Kupfer und Zink in einem tropischen Bergregenwald in Ecuador Geographic Institute, University of Berne, bachelor thesis
Lotz, T.; Bendix, J. & Dobbermann, M. (2012-09-12). Information Management System FOR816dw - Experiences derived from the development and running of an EML‐based data platform for the ecological research unit FOR816‐Ecuador. Presented at GfÖ-2012, Session: Data - publishing, linking, using ecological data online, Lüneburg / Germany.
Münzenmayer, L. (2012): Molekulare und lichtmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Mykorrhizen von Graffenrieda harlingii Wurdack (Melastomataceae) aus dem tropischen Bergregenwald Süd-Ecuadors Universität Tübingen, Evolutionäre Ökologie der Pflanzen, bachelor thesis
Thies, B.; Meyer, H.; Nauss, T. & Bendix, J. (2012): Projecting land use and land cover changes in a tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador. Journal of Land Use Science xx, 1-33.
Behling, H. & Schüler, L. (2010): Characteristics of Poaceae pollen grains as a tool to assess palaeoecological grassland dynamics in South America. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 97-108.
Schüler, L. & Behling, H. (2010): Poaceae pollen grain size as a tool to distinguish past grasslands in South America - a new methodological approach. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20, 83-96.
Jantz, N. (2010): A Holocene environmental record reflecting vegetation, climate, and fire variability at the Páramo of Quimsacocha in the south Ecuadorian Andes Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, master thesis
Rodriguez, F. & Behling, H. (2012): Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire dynamics, and evidence of early to mid-Holocene Polylepis forests in the Jimbura region of the southernmost Ecuadorian Andes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 350-352, 247-257.
Adolf, C. (2011): Climatic Influences and Human Impact on vegetation in Southern Ecuador -- A New High-Andean Postglacial Record Universität Bern, master thesis
Villota, A. & PUCE (2012): Estudio palinológico en las Lagunas Natosas, páramo de Jimbura, Provincia de Loja Potificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, other thesis
Kirsten, M. (2011): Auswirkung von Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen gegen P. arachnoideum auf verlassenen Weideflächen in Süd Ecuador und einer anschließenden Repastorisierung mit S.sphacelata auf Indikatoren der Bodenqualität Institute for Soil Science and Site Ecology; Dresden University of Technology, bachelor thesis
Gerique, A. (2012): Biodiversity as a Resource: Plant Use, Land Use, and Nature Conservation in Shuar, Saraguro, and Mestizo Communities in South-Eastern Ecuador. In: Bruce E. Ponman; Rainer W. Bussmann (eds.): Medicinal Plants and the Legacy of Richard E. Schultes - Proceedings of the Botany 2011 Symposium Ho ( ), The William L. Brown Center at the Missouri Botanical Garden, Trujillo, 73-88.
Trachte, K. & Bendix, J. (2012): Katabatic Flows and Their Relation to the Formation of Convective Clouds - Idealized Case Studies. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51, 1531?1546.
Martinson, G.; Corre, M. & Veldkamp, E. (2012): Responses of nitrous oxide fluxes and soil nitrogen cycling to nutrient additions in montane forests along an elevation gradient in southern Ecuador. Biogeochemistry online , online.
Lochschmidt, F. (2010): Modellierung der Erosion sowie erosionsbedingter Nährstoffausträge (N, P, K) verschiedener Landnutzungssysteme in Südecuador Dresden University of Technology, diploma thesis
Knoke, T.; Román-Cuesta, R.M.; Weber, M. & Haber, W. (2012): How can climate policy benefit from comprehensive land-use approaches?. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10, 438-445.
Menz, J. (2012): Biogeochemical Changes in Response to Precipitation Events in Stream Waters of a Tropical Mountain Forest in southern Ecuador University of Giessen, bachelor thesis
Waltz, T. (2012): Räumlich-zeitliche Variabilität der Isotopensignatur (2H/H und 18O/16O) im Niederschlag eines südecuadorianischen Bergnebelwald-Einzugsgebiets University of Giessen, master thesis
Fries, C. (2012): Regionalisierung von Bodenkohlenstoff im Flusseinzugsgebiet des Rio San Francisco, Südecuador University of Giessen, master thesis
Burgmeier, S. (2011): Räumlich verteilte Schwebstoffausträge unterschiedlich genutzter Einzugsgebiete des Rio San Francisco, Süd Ecuador University of Giessen, bachelor thesis
Altmann, F. (2011): Quantifizierung und Vergleich von Kohlenstoffgehalten in Böden unterschiedlicher Landnutzung im San Francisco Einzugsgebiet University of Giessen, bachelor thesis
DFG Research Unit 816 (2012): TMF Newsletter, Issue 17. Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS), University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
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