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Wallis, C.; Tiede, Y.; Beck, E.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Brandl, R.; Donoso, D.A.; Espinosa, C.; Fries, A.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Maraun, M.; Mikolajewski, K.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Scheu, S.; Schleuning, M.; Suárez, J.P.; Tinoco, B.A.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2021): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions depend on environmental conditions and resources rather than the geodiversity of a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 11(1), 24530.
Werner, F.A.; Jantz, N.; Krashevska, V.; Peters, T.; Behling, H.; Maraun, M.; Scheu, S. & Brehm, G. (2014): Climate Change Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. In: Bendix, J., Beck, E., Bräuning, A., Makeschin, F., Mosandl, R., Scheu, S., Wilcke, W. (eds.): Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South ( ), Springer.
Illig, J.; Norton, R.A.; Scheu, S. & Maraun, M. (2010): Density and community structure of soil and bark living microarthropods along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical mountain rain forest. Experimental and Applied Acarology 52, 49-62.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Truncozetes (Acari, Oribatida, Epactozetidae) from Ecuador. Zookeys 303, 23-31.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Three new species of the genus Sternoppia (Acari: Oribatida: Sternoppiidae) from Ecuador. Zootaxa 3641, 565-576.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Three new species of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) from Ecuador.. Acarologia 53, 111-123.
Jacquemin, J.; Maraun, M.; Roisin, Y. & Leponce, M. (2012): Differential response of ants to nutrient addition in a tropical Brown Food Web. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46, 10-17.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D. & Maraun, M. (2013): Two new species of Schalleria (Acari: Oribatida: Microzetidae) from Ecuador with a key to all species of the genus. International Journal of Acarology 39, 200-208.
Maraun, M.; Fronczek, S.; Marian, F.; Sandmann, D. & Scheu, S. (2013): More sex at higher altitudes: changes in the frequency of parthenogenesis in oribatid mites in tropical montane rain forests. Pedobiologia 56, 185-190.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): New oribatid mites of the genera Machadobelba and Campachipte¬ria (Acari: Oribatida) from Ecuador. Systematic and Applied Acarology 18, 145–152.
Ermilov, S.; Stary, J.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): New taxa and new records of oribatid mites of the family Galumnidae (Acari: Oribatida) from Ecuador. Zootaxa 3700, 259–270.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Two new oribatid mite species of the genus Gittella from Ecuador (Acari, Oribatida, Oppiidae). Spixiana 36, 1-8.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Perscheloribates paratzitzikamensis n. sp., with supplementary description of Scheloribates elegans and Monoschelobates parvus (Acari, Oribatida, Scheloribatidae) from Ecuador. Acarologia 53, 429–437.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): Oribatid mites of the superfamily Oppioidea from Ecuador (Acari: Oribatida). Systematic and Applied Acarology 18, 218-224.
Ermilov, S.; Bayartogtokh, B.; Sandmann, D.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2013): New and little known species of oribatid mites of the family Haplozetidae (Acari, Oribatida) from Ecuador. Zookeys 346, 43-57.
Ermilov, S.; Sandmann, D. & Maraun, M. (2013): A new species of the genus Orthozetes from Ecuador (Acari: Oribatida: Microzetidae). Acarina 21, 100-103.
Jacquemin, J.; Delsinne, T.; Maraun, M. & Leponce, M. (2014): Trophic ecology of the armadillo ant Tatuidris tatusia assessed by stable isotopes and behavioral observations. Journal of Insect Science 14, 18.
Ermilov, S.; Marian, F. & Maraun, M. (2014): Two new species of Ecuadorian oribatid mites of the genera Hermannobates and Rhynchoribates (Acari Oribatida: Hermanniellidae, Rhynchoribatidae). Systematic and Applied Acarology 19, 313-324.
Krashevska, V.; Sandmann, D.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2012): Consequences of exclusion of precipitation on microorganisms and microbial consumers in montane tropical rainforests.. Oecologia 170, 1067-1076.
Krashevska, V.; Sandmann, D.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2014): Moderate changes in nutrient input alter tropical microbial and protist communities and belowground linkages. . The ISME Journal 8, 1126-1134.
Butenschoen, O.; Krashevska, V.; Maraun, M.; Marian, F.; Sandmann, D. & Scheu, S. (2014): Litter mixture effects on decomposition in tropical montane rainforests vary strongly with time and turn negative at later stages of decay. . Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77, 121-128.
Bendix, J.; Beck, E.; Bräuning, A.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R.; Scheu, S. & Wilcke, W. 2013: Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador.: Ecological Studies 221 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg).
Homeier, J.; Hertel, D.; Camenzind, T.; Cumbicus Torres, N.; Maraun, M.; Martinson, G.; Poma, N.; Rillig, M.C.; Sandmann, D.; Scheu, S.; Veldkamp, E.; Wilcke, W.; Wullaert, H. & Leuschner, C. (2012): Tropical Andean Forests Are Highly Susceptible to Nutrient Inputs - Rapid Effects of Experimental N and P Addition to an Ecuadorian Montane Forest. PLoS ONE 7, e47128.
Krashevska, V.; Maraun, M.; Rueß, L. & Scheu, S. (2010): Carbon and nutrient limitation of soil microorganisms and microbial grazers in a tropical montane rain forest. Oikos 119, 1020-1028.
Krashevska, V.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2010): Micro- and Macroscale Changes in Density and Diversity of Testate Amoebae of Tropical Montane Rain Forests of Southern Ecuador. Acta Protozool. 49, 17-28.
Krashevska, V.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2012): How does litter quality affect the community of soil protists (testate amoebae) of tropical montane rainforests?. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 80, 603-607.
Krashevska, V. (2008): Diversity and community structure of testate amoebae (protista)in tropical montane rain forests of southern Ecuador: Altitudinal gradient, aboveground habitats and nutrient TU Darmstadt, phd thesis
Maraun, M.; Illig, J.; Dorothee, S.; Krashevska, V.; Norton, R.A. & Scheu, S. (2008): Soil Fauna. In: Beck, Erwin; Bendix, Jörg; Kottke, Ingrid; Makeschin, Franz; Mosandl, Reinhard (eds.): Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador (Ecological Studies 198), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 181-192.
Domes, K.; Norton, R.A.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2007): Reevolution of sexuality breaks Dollo´s law. PNAS 104, 7139-7144.
Illig, J.; Maraun, M. & Scheu, S. (2007): Oribatida (mites). Checklist Reserva Biológica San Francisco. Ecotropical Monographs 4, 221-230.
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