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Value filter for entity: Gas exchange understorey trees.(id: 689) of dataset: Gas exchange. Porometry measurements for understorey trees. (dsid: 947)

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    x     y1     y2  
datetime (Date and Time)
porometry_cuvette_airflow (Air flow in the cuvette)
porometry_cuvette_temp (Temperature in the cuvette)
temp_leaf (Leaf Temperature)
porometry_cuvette_rh (Relative humidity in the cuvette)
PAR (Photosynthetic active radiation)
LeafCond_total (Total leaf conductance)
LeafCond_bl (Boundary layer conductance)
LeafCond_st (Stomatal conductance)
LeafCond (Leaf Conductance)
LeafTrans (Leaf transpiration)
SVP_leaf (Saturation Vapor Pressure in the leaf)
SVP_cuvette (Saturation Vapor Pressure in the cuvette)
Leaf_mf (Molar fraction)
leaf_length (Leaf length)
Windspeed (Wind speed)
DBH (Diameter at breast height)
Tree_stem_crosssection (Stem cross section)
tree_height (Height of a tree)
tree_crownarea (Projected area of the crown)
tree_crownvolume (Approximated volume of the crown)


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datetime TreeID Tree_species Family porometry_cuvette_airflow porometry_cuvette_temp temp_leaf porometry_cuvette_rh PAR LeafCond_total LeafCond_bl LeafCond_st LeafCond LeafTrans SVP_leaf SVP_cuvette Leaf_mf remarks leaf_length Windspeed DBH Tree_stem_crosssection tree_height tree_crownarea tree_crownvolume
2001-01-27 11:02:00 27 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.161 15.6 15.6 82.0 12.0 121.0 225.08 127.841 81.532 0.321 1.773 1.773 3.931 gain - 8.5 0.07476 0.0143 1.6E-4 2.0 0.67 0.67
2001-01-27 11:08:00 27 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.073 15.6 15.6 81.6 9.0 35.6 368.842 36.169 32.939 0.132 1.773 1.773 4.019 8.5 0.20076 0.0143 1.6E-4 2.0 0.67 0.67
2001-01-27 11:11:00 27 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.028 15.6 15.6 81.6 11.0 20.2 417.238 20.382 19.433 0.078 1.773 1.773 4.019 oben 8.5 0.2569 0.0143 1.6E-4 2.0 0.67 0.67
2001-01-27 11:15:00 27 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.17 15.6 15.7 82.4 7.0 131.0 470.662 139.059 107.344 0.415 1.784 1.784 3.869 jung 8.5 0.3269 0.0143 1.6E-4 2.0 0.67 0.67
2001-01-27 11:15:00 27 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.057 15.6 15.6 81.6 5.0 41.6 458.719 42.38 38.795 0.156 1.773 1.773 4.019 oben 8.5 0.31052 0.0143 1.6E-4 2.0 0.67 0.67
2001-01-27 11:17:00 27 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.043 15.6 15.6 82.4 15.0 33.3 446.456 33.798 31.419 0.121 1.773 1.773 3.844 jung. oben, z 8.5 0.29414 0.0143 1.6E-4 2.0 0.67 0.67
2001-01-27 11:21:00 27 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.075 15.8 15.8 82.0 8.0 56.4 403.012 57.844 50.584 0.201 1.796 1.796 3.982 NULL 8.5 0.23968 0.0143 1.6E-4 2.0 0.67 0.67
2001-01-27 11:25:00 28 Piper sp. Piperaceae 0.07 15.8 15.9 80.8 8.0 48.4 572.55 49.46 45.527 0.195 1.807 1.807 4.275 jung 3.8375 0.2184 0.0084 6.0E-5 2.0 0.674 0.674
2001-01-27 11:27:00 28 Piper sp. Piperaceae 0.079 15.8 15.8 80.8 6.0 54.5 571.08 55.847 50.872 0.216 1.796 1.796 4.247 NULL 3.8375 0.21728 0.0084 6.0E-5 2.0 0.674 0.674
2001-01-27 11:30:00 28 Piper sp. Piperaceae 0.045 16.0 16.0 80.4 6.0 40.4 568.868 41.136 38.362 0.168 1.819 1.819 4.392 oben 3.8375 0.2156 0.0084 6.0E-5 2.0 0.674 0.674
2001-01-27 11:32:00 28 Piper sp. Piperaceae 0.044 15.8 15.8 80.4 2.0 29.7 568.868 30.096 28.583 0.124 1.796 1.796 4.336 NULL 3.8375 0.2156 0.0084 6.0E-5 2.0 0.674 0.674
2001-01-27 11:36:00 28 Piper sp. Piperaceae 0.054 15.8 15.8 80.4 1.0 36.2 550.852 36.789 34.486 0.15 1.796 1.796 4.336 NULL 3.8375 0.20216 0.0084 6.0E-5 2.0 0.674 0.674
2001-01-27 11:40:00 28 Piper sp. Piperaceae 0.053 15.6 15.6 80.4 3.0 35.6 471.959 36.169 33.595 0.144 1.773 1.773 4.281 jung 3.8375 0.1484 0.0084 6.0E-5 2.0 0.674 0.674
2001-01-27 11:44:00 38 NULL NULL 0.053 15.4 15.5 82.5 6.0 41.2 387.163 41.964 37.861 0.144 1.761 1.761 3.798 NULL 8.5 0.2212 0.0192 2.9E-4 2.5 0.209 0.209
2001-01-27 11:45:00 38 NULL NULL 0.031 15.4 15.4 82.0 4.0 23.3 402.776 23.542 22.242 0.086 1.75 1.75 3.881 jung 8.5 0.2394 0.0192 2.9E-4 2.5 0.209 0.209
2001-01-27 11:47:00 38 NULL NULL 0.023 15.4 15.4 82.0 4.0 17.5 376.227 17.636 16.847 0.065 1.75 1.75 3.881 NULL 8.5 0.20888 0.0192 2.9E-4 2.5 0.209 0.209
2001-01-27 11:48:00 38 NULL NULL 0.011 15.4 15.5 82.0 4.0 8.41 362.224 8.441 8.249 0.032 1.761 1.761 3.906 NULL 8.5 0.19362 0.0192 2.9E-4 2.5 0.209 0.209
2001-01-27 11:51:00 38 NULL NULL 0.035 15.2 15.3 82.4 3.0 27.3 351.591 27.633 25.62 0.097 1.739 1.739 3.771 rechts 8.5 0.18242 0.0192 2.9E-4 2.5 0.209 0.209
2001-01-27 11:52:00 38 NULL NULL 0.035 15.2 15.3 82.4 2.0 27.3 369.741 27.633 25.712 0.097 1.739 1.739 3.771 rechts 8.5 0.20174 0.0192 2.9E-4 2.5 0.209 0.209
2001-01-27 12:00:00 35 NULL NULL 0.059 15.2 15.2 81.6 6.0 42.0 299.99 42.794 37.451 0.147 1.728 1.728 3.917 sauber. unten. Eventually a false reading 12.5 0.1953 0.0127 1.3E-4 2.5 0.348 0.174
2001-01-27 12:01:00 35 NULL NULL 0.028 15.0 15.1 81.2 4.0 20.2 317.846 20.382 19.154 0.076 1.717 1.717 3.976 unten. Eventually a false reading 12.5 0.21924 0.0127 1.3E-4 2.5 0.348 0.174
2001-01-27 12:03:00 35 NULL NULL 0.052 15.0 15.0 81.6 4.0 37.8 350.84 38.441 34.645 0.134 1.706 1.706 3.867 besch 12.5 0.26712 0.0127 1.3E-4 2.5 0.348 0.174
2001-01-27 12:05:00 35 NULL NULL 0.028 15.0 15.0 81.2 5.0 20.3 380.988 20.484 19.438 0.077 1.706 1.706 3.951 schmutzig. Eventually a false reading 12.5 0.315 0.0127 1.3E-4 2.5 0.348 0.174
2001-01-27 12:07:00 35 NULL NULL 0.035 15.0 14.7 81.2 6.0 28.9 350.84 29.273 27.019 0.105 1.673 1.673 3.875 besch 12.5 0.26712 0.0127 1.3E-4 2.5 0.348 0.174
2001-01-27 12:10:00 35 NULL NULL 0.053 14.8 14.8 81.6 4.0 39.1 299.99 39.786 35.127 0.134 1.684 1.684 3.817 oben. Eventually a false reading 12.5 0.1953 0.0127 1.3E-4 2.5 0.348 0.174
2001-01-27 12:12:00 217 NULL NULL 0.06 14.8 14.8 81.6 7.0 44.1 345.35 44.975 39.793 0.152 1.684 1.684 3.817 NULL 10.0 0.20706 0.019 2.8E-4 3.0 0.5027 0.25135
2001-01-27 12:15:00 217 NULL NULL 0.106 14.8 14.8 82.0 5.0 79.7 359.76 82.603 67.179 0.251 1.684 1.684 3.734 NULL 10.0 0.2247 0.019 2.8E-4 3.0 0.5027 0.25135
2001-01-27 12:19:00 217 NULL NULL 0.057 15.0 15.0 82.8 4.0 45.2 300.662 46.12 39.986 0.145 1.706 1.706 3.615 NULL 10.0 0.15694 0.019 2.8E-4 3.0 0.5027 0.25135
2001-01-27 12:21:00 217 NULL NULL 0.054 15.0 14.9 82.8 7.0 45.3 308.342 46.224 40.198 0.144 1.695 1.695 3.591 NULL 10.0 0.16506 0.019 2.8E-4 3.0 0.5027 0.25135
2001-01-27 12:24:00 217 NULL NULL 0.056 15.0 15.0 82.8 5.0 44.5 371.992 45.391 40.455 0.146 1.706 1.706 3.615 NULL 10.0 0.24024 0.019 2.8E-4 3.0 0.5027 0.25135
2001-01-27 12:26:00 217 NULL NULL 0.059 15.2 15.2 82.8 13.0 46.6 384.884 47.579 42.345 0.155 1.728 1.728 3.661 NULL 10.0 0.25718 0.019 2.8E-4 3.0 0.5027 0.25135
2001-01-27 12:27:00 217 NULL NULL 0.026 15.2 15.2 82.4 12.0 20.0 378.759 20.178 19.158 0.072 1.728 1.728 3.747 NULL 10.0 0.24906 0.019 2.8E-4 3.0 0.5027 0.25135
2001-01-27 12:33:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.083 15.2 15.2 82.8 12.0 65.8 263.038 67.769 53.886 0.197 1.728 1.728 3.661 NULL 20.0 0.24024 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 12:35:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.048 15.2 15.2 82.8 11.0 38.4 268.65 39.062 34.104 0.125 1.728 1.728 3.661 NULL 20.0 0.2506 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 12:37:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.059 15.4 15.4 82.8 10.0 47.3 249.831 48.31 40.482 0.15 1.75 1.75 3.709 NULL 20.0 0.21672 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 12:39:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.045 15.6 15.6 82.8 22.0 35.6 229.473 36.169 31.245 0.117 1.773 1.773 3.757 oben 20.0 0.18284 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 12:43:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.1 15.6 15.6 81.6 16.0 73.2 332.865 75.649 61.64 0.248 1.773 1.773 4.019 NULL 20.0 0.38472 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 12:48:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.13 15.8 15.8 81.6 9.0 95.2 312.885 99.387 75.428 0.307 1.796 1.796 4.07 oben 20.0 0.33992 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 12:51:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.059 16.0 16.0 81.6 6.0 42.9 232.181 43.731 36.8 0.152 1.819 1.819 4.123 unten, hoch gez 20.0 0.18718 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 12:54:00 21 Guarea sp. Meliaceae 0.09 15.8 15.9 81.6 7.0 65.5 178.247 67.456 48.936 0.2 1.807 1.807 4.097 oben. zerfressen 20.0 0.11032 0.0228 4.1E-4 3.0 1.251 1.251
2001-01-27 13:02:00 92 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.065 15.6 15.5 81.2 2.0 50.2 227.396 51.339 41.883 0.171 1.761 1.761 4.08 NULL 16.25 0.14588 0.0216 3.7E-4 3.3 1.657 0.8285
2001-01-27 13:03:00 92 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.069 15.6 15.6 81.2 3.0 49.1 231.826 50.19 41.258 0.169 1.773 1.773 4.106 noch feucht, j 16.25 0.15162 0.0216 3.7E-4 3.3 1.657 0.8285
2001-01-27 13:06:00 92 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.078 15.4 15.5 81.6 4.0 57.3 246.858 58.789 47.482 0.19 1.761 1.761 3.993 NULL 16.25 0.17192 0.0216 3.7E-4 3.3 1.657 0.8285
2001-01-27 13:08:00 92 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.15 15.4 15.5 82.4 2.0 116.0 259.214 122.27 83.081 0.317 1.761 1.761 3.819 NULL 16.25 0.18956 0.0216 3.7E-4 3.3 1.657 0.8285
2001-01-27 13:12:00 92 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.127 15.4 15.4 82.0 2.0 95.3 293.679 99.49 74.315 0.288 1.75 1.75 3.881 links. j 16.25 0.24332 0.0216 3.7E-4 3.3 1.657 0.8285
2001-01-27 13:15:00 92 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.157 15.2 15.2 82.0 3.0 118.0 324.734 124.487 89.99 0.345 1.728 1.728 3.832 16.25 0.2975 0.0216 3.7E-4 3.3 1.657 0.8285
2001-01-27 13:17:00 92 Palicourea sp. Rubiaceae 0.124 15.3 15.3 81.6 1.0 90.7 298.124 94.486 71.747 0.283 1.739 1.739 3.942 NULL 16.25 0.25074 0.0216 3.7E-4 3.3 1.657 0.8285
2001-01-27 13:21:00 29 NULL NULL 0.163 15.2 15.2 82.0 2.0 122.0 338.968 128.947 93.412 0.358 1.728 1.728 3.832 unten. sauber 7.91667 0.15792 0.0074 4.0E-5 2.6 0.45 0.675
2001-01-27 13:23:00 29 NULL NULL 0.172 15.4 15.4 82.0 3.0 129.0 286.175 136.799 92.555 0.359 1.75 1.75 3.881 NULL 7.91667 0.11256 0.0074 4.0E-5 2.6 0.45 0.675
2001-01-27 13:25:00 29 NULL NULL 0.057 15.4 15.4 81.6 4.0 41.6 221.118 42.379 35.563 0.141 1.75 1.75 3.967 bewachsen 7.91667 0.0672 0.0074 4.0E-5 2.6 0.45 0.675

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