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Value filter for entity: Plant functional types(id: 432) of dataset: List of plant functional types for forest type II (ridge forest 1900-2100m als) (dsid: 649)

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PFT_ID Species
1 Hieronyma asperifolia Pax & K. Hoffm.
1 Hieronyma duquei Cuatrec.
1 Myrcia sp. nov.
1 Ocotea aciphylla (Nees) Mez
1 Vismia cf. tomentosa Ruiz & Pav.
2 Alchornea grandiflora M
2 Alzatea verticillata Ruiz & Pav.
2 Clethra revoluta (Ruiz & Pav.) Spreng.
2 Clusia cf. ducuoides Engl.
2 Hieronyma moritziana (M
2 Nectandra lineatifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2 Persea ferruginea Kunth
2 Persea sp.4
2 Persea sp.5
2 Tapirira guianensis Aubl.
3 Abarema killipii (Britton & Rose ex Britton & Killip) Barneby & J.W. Grimes
3 Aniba muca (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
3 Calyptranthes cf. pulchella DC.
3 Elaeagia pastoense L.E. Mora
3 Elaeagia utilis (Goudot) Wedd.
3 Endlicheria griseo-sericea Chanderbali
3 Eugenia sp.
3 Hedyosmum goudotianum Solms
3 Ilex hippocrateoides Kunth
3 Inga striata Benth.
3 Ladenbergia stenocarpa (Lamb.) Klotzsch
3 Lauraceae sp.
3 Matayba inelegans Spruce ex Radlk.
3 Nectandra membranaceae (Sw.) Griseb.
3 Ruagea glabra Triana & Planch
4 Ficus cuatrecasana Dugand
4 Meliosma sp.
4 Micropholis guyanensis (A. DC.) Pierre
4 Myrsine coriaceae (Sw.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
4 Naucleopsis francisci Berg & Homeier (ined.)
4 Podocarpus oleifolius D. Don ex Lamb.
5 Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) M
5 Aniba sp.
5 Clusia sp. 1
5 Eschweilera sessilis A.C. Sm.
5 Faramea coerulescens K. Schum. & K. Krause
5 Guatteria sp. 1
5 Hedyosmum anisodorum Todzia
5 Miconia cf. calophylla Triana
5 Miconia tinifolia Naudin
5 Miconia theaezans (Bonpl.) Cogn.
5 Ocotea sp.1
5 Persea areolatocostae (Allen) van der Werff
5 Persea subcordata (Ruiz & Pav.) Nees
5 Persea weberbaueri Mez

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