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Value filter for entity: bomb_soil_characteristics2010(id: 1000) of dataset: NUMEX Bombuscaro soil aggregation, hyphal length, CN ratio and SOM (dsid: 1215)

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datetime (Date and Time)
Alw_sc15 (Aluminium measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Mnw_sc15 (Manganese measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Znw_sc15 (Zinc measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Caw_sc15 (Calcium measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Kw_sc15 (Potassium measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Mgw_sc15 (Magnesium measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Naw_sc15 (Sodium measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
NH4w_sc15 (Ammonium measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
NO3w_sc15 (Nitrate measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Ntotw_sc15 (Total nitrogen measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Stotw_sc15 (Total sulphur measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Clw_sc15 (Chloride measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
DOCw_sc15 (Dissolved organic carbon measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
PO4w_sc15 (Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in suction cups 15cm depth)
Ptotw_sc15 (Total phosphorus measured in suction cups 15cm depth)


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