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Search results for: "keyword:"core plots""


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PAK core and in-between plots measured by C2
Dataset ID: 1573
Last updated: 2017-05-18
Dataset creators: Christine Wallis
Contact: Christine Wallis
Jörg Bendix
Temporal coverage: 2017-05-18 00:00:00 - 2017-05-18 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: San francisco basin
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | DFG PAK 823-825 | plots | core plots |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: coreplots
Entity type:otherEntity
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)

Laipuna Forest Plots: subplot corners
Dataset ID: 1950
Last updated: 2022-02-18
Dataset creators: Jürgen Homeier
Contact: Jürgen Homeier
Temporal coverage: 2021-10-15 00:00:00 - 2021-11-05 00:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
Geographic coverage: Reserva Laipuna
Abstract: UTM-Coordinates of subplot corners of the six 1-ha...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | Laipuna | core plots | coordinates |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: LaipunaForestPlots
Entity info: Coordinates of subplot-corners
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (Unitless)
UTM y-coordinate (UTMCoordY) [Meter]
UTM x-coordinate (UTMCoordX) [Meter]

Center coordinates of the RESPECT core plots
Dataset ID: 1963
Last updated: 2022-09-06
Dataset creators: Jörg Bendix
Maik Dobbermann
Contact: Maik Dobbermann
Jörg Bendix
Temporal coverage: 2020-11-14 00:00:00 - 2020-11-14 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
Geographic coverage: Respect coreplots Bombuscaro, San Francisco & Cajanuma
Abstract: Center coordinates of the RESEPCT core plots measu...
Additional info: WGS 84 Plot with No. 1 (Bo1, Za 1 etc.) is always...
Keywords: | plots | core plots | respect |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT
Entity name: respect_plots
Entity type:dataTable
Land use type of site (sitetype) (Unitless)
Name of site (sitename) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Longitude in WGS84 (longitude) [Degree]
Latitude in WGS84 (latitude) [Degree]
Average elevation in meter (average_elevation) [Meter]

Tree canopy herbivory and leaf traits at the 1000 m, 2000 m, and 3000 m 1 ha forest core plots in the mountain rainforest of southern Ecuador
Dataset ID: 1992
Last updated: 2023-10-17
Dataset creators: Jana Schoen
Contact: Jana Schoen
Temporal coverage: 2019-02-06 00:00:00 - 2019-03-28 00:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
Geographic coverage: South Ecuador
Abstract: Herbivory estimated as leaf area loss [cm^2] and [...
Additional info: This dataset is a joined work of the RESPECT subpr...
Keywords: | San Francisco | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | nitrogen | phosphorus | calcium | potassium | magnesium | manganese | mountain rainforest | herbivory | core plots | iron | sulfur | Specific leaf area | foliar nutrients | morphological traits | leaf functional traits |
DOI: 10.5678/4y6q-be29
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement (see menu: Documents and Services -> general information -> data use agreement)
Entity name: tree_canopy_herbivory_vs_leaf_traits_mountain_rainforest-(BO_SF_CA)
Entity info: Leaves for herbivory (leaf area loss) and leaf trait measurements were collected in February and March 2019 from 380 tree canopies belonging to 51 species located in the nine 1 ha forest core plots at 1000, 2000, and 3000 m
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the tree (TreeID) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Elevation in meter (elevation) [Meter]
Botanical order (order) (Unitless)
Family name (Family) (Unitless)
Genus name (Genus) (Unitless)
Botanical epithet (epithet) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
Leaf dry matter content (dry_matter_content) [Milligram per gram]
Leaf thickness (leaf_thickness) [Millimeter]
Leaf toughness (leaf_toughness) [force]
Foliar C concentration (leaf_C) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar Mg concentration (leaf_Mg) [Milligram per gram]
Specific leaf area (specific_leaf_area) [Square centimeters per gram]
Foliar N concentration (leaf_N) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar P concentration (leaf_P) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar Al concentration (leaf_Al) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar Ca concentration (leaf_Ca) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar Fe concentration (leaf_Fe) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar K concentration (leaf_K) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar Mn concentration (leaf_Mn) [Milligram per gram]
Foliar S concentration (leaf_S) [Milligram per gram]
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Total leaf area (total_leaf_area) [Square centimeter]
Number of leaves (LeaveNo) [Count]
Leaf area loss in cm2 (herbivory_cm2) [Square centimeter]
Leaf area loss in percent (herbivory_percent) [Percent]
normalized difference nitrogen index (NDNI) [Unitless]
foliar oil content (D1040) [Unitless]
foliar lignin, starch, protein, and nitrogen content (D1690) [Unitless]
foliar lignin content (D1420) [Unitless]
foliar cellulose and sugar content (D1490) [Unitless]
foliar contents of phenolic compounds like tannins (D1660) [Unitless]
foliar contents of phenolic compound (D1460) [Unitless]
foliar lignin content (D1120) [Unitless]
leaf water vegetation index 1 (LWVI_1) [Unitless]
leaf water vegetation index 2 (LWVI_2) [Unitless]
water band index (WBI) [Unitless]
foliar water and starch content (D970) [Unitless]
foliar water, cellulose, starch, and lignin content (D1200) [Unitless]
foliar water content (D1400) [Unitless]
foliar cadmium content (D1240) [Unitless]

Fine root functional traits in Matrix and Core plots
Dataset ID: 1932
Last updated: 2021-09-15
Dataset creators: Kerstin Pierick
Contact: Kerstin Pierick
Temporal coverage: 2018-05-07 00:00:00 - 2018-07-07 00:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
Geographic coverage: Matrix plots San Francisco
Abstract: In this dataset, we compiled fine root functional ...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | MATRIX | roots | fine roots | elevational gradient | core plots | functional traits | root functional traits | root economics spectrum |
DOI: 10.5678/lcrs/for2730.dat.1932
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Fine root functional traits in Matrix and Core plots
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the tree (TreeID) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Tree species (Tree_species) (Unitless)
Mean root diameter (Root_md) [Millimeter]
Absorptive fine root fraction (afr_fraction) [Gram per gram]
Specific root length (srl) [Meter per gram]
Root tissue density (rtd) [Cubic centimeter per gram]
Root nitrogen concentration (nroot) [Milligram of nitrogen per gramm]
Root phosphorus concentration (proot) [Milligram per gram]

Chemical properties of forest and pasture soils in Cajanuma at 3000 m asl
Dataset ID: 1869
Last updated: 2024-07-22
Dataset creators: Andre Velescu
Tobias Fabian
Wolfgang Wilcke
Contact: Andre Velescu
Temporal coverage: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
Geographic coverage: Cajanuma
Abstract: The dataset includes chemical properties of the or...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | electric conductivity | soil characteristics | Cajanuma | cation exchange capacity | soil pH | soil nutrients | soil organic carbon | total organic C | core plots | pH values | total phosphorus | soil horizons | exchangeable cations | total element concentrations | available nitrogen | available phosphorus |
DOI: 10.5678/12fq-bx83
Intellectual rights: FOR2730 data user agreement. (
Entity name: caj_soil_profiles_metadata
Entity info: Cajanuma soil profiles metadata
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (Unitless)
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
land use (Land_use) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Section (Section) (Unitless)
Comment (Comment) (Unitless)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (Unitless)
UTM x-coordinate (UTMCoordX) [Meter]
UTM y-coordinate (UTMCoordY) [Meter]
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]
Exposition (expo_angle) [Degree]
slope (Slope) [Degree]
Soil development depth (Zsmax) [Meter]
Entity name: caj_ol_forest_chemical_properties
Entity info: Cajanuma forest soils - chemical properties of organic layer
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (Unitless)
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
land use (Land_use) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (Unitless)
Section (Section) (Unitless)
Soil horizon symbol after "world reference base" (Horizon_WRB) (Unitless)
Thickness of the horizon (Horizon_thickness) [Meter]
electrical conductivity of streamwater (ECw) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
pH of soil H2O (PHs_H2O) [Unitless]
pH of soil KCl (PHs_KCl) [Unitless]
Total carbon of soil (TCs) [Gram per kilogram]
Total nitrogen of soil (TNs) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Sulphur of soil (TSs) [Gram per kilogram]
Total phosphorus soil (TPs) [Gram per kilogram]
Total element Potassium of soil (TE_K) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Na (TE_Na) [Milligram per kilogram]
Total element Magnesium of soil (TE_Mg) [Gram per kilogram]
Total element Calcium of soil (TE_Ca) [Gram per kilogram]
Total element Aluminum of soil (TE_Al) [Gram per kilogram]
Total element Iron of soil (TE_Fe) [Gram per kilogram]
Total element Manganese of soil (TE_Mn) [Gram per kilogram]
Total Zn (TE_Zn) [Milligram per kilogram]
C/N ratio (CN_ratio) [Ratio]
Extractable ammonium in soil (NH4s) [Milligram of nitrogen per kilogram]
Extractable nitrate in soil (NO3s) [Milligram of nitrogen per kilogram]
Delta 13C signature (Delta_13C) [Promille]
Delta 15N signature (Delta_15N) [Promille]

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