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Datasets collected by subproject: B3 Trait-dependent effects of abiotic and biotic filters on plant regeneration in mountain dry forest and mountain rain forest..
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Database of "Systematic reduction in seed rain of large-seeded and endozoochorous species in pastures compared to forests along a tropical elevational gradient"
Dataset ID: 2011
Last updated: 2024-06-07
Dataset creators: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Maciej Barczyk
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Matthias Schleuning
Contact: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Temporal coverage: 2019-11-05 00:00:00 - 2020-01-23 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Lima
Geographic coverage: Loja-Zamora elevational gradient
Abstract: Data on seed rain and seed traits collected in for...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | Ecuador | deforestation | restoration | functional traits | endozoochory | seed dispersal limitation |
DOI: 10.5678/awdc-6s89
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: seedrainfp_data_2019-2020
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (Unitless)
Indiv-ID (Indiv_ID) (Unitless)
The month component of a datetime (Month) (Unitless)
Sampling ID (Sampling_ID) [Unitless]
Habitat type (habitat) (Unitless)
Elevation in meter (elevation) [Meter]
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Trap ID (ID_trap) (Unitless)
Family name (Family) (Unitless)
Taxonomic_ID (Taxonomic_ID) (Unitless)
Quality description of data (Quality_data) (Unitless)
General dispersal mode (General_dispersalMode) (Unitless)
Specific dispersal mode (Specific_dispersalMode) (Unitless)
Amounts of seeds (Amount_Seeds) [Count]
Dry mass of seeds (Diaspore_biomass) [Gram]
Dry mass of an individual seed (Diaspore_DryMassPerUnit) [Gram]

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