ID of the plot (PlotID)
(keine Einheit)
Rarefied species richness (rarefied)
Total number of species (N_Spec)
Total Number of trees (tree_n)
Elevation rank (El_rank)
(keine Einheit)
elevation (El)
slope (Slope)
Shannon index (Shannon)
Mean family age (familyage)
[million years ago]
Mean family age without gymnosperms (familyage_ng)
[million years ago]
Standardized effect size of the mean family age (ses_familyage)
[million years ago]
Standardized effect size of the mean values of the mean family age without gymnosperms (ses_familyage_ng)
[million years ago]
Mean pairwise distance (MPD)
Standardized effect size of mean pairwise distance (sesMPD)
Mean nearest taxon distance (MNTD)
Standardized effect size of mean neares taxon distance (sesMNTD)
Mean pairwise distance of angiosperms (MPD_ng)
Standardized effect size of mean pairwise distance of angiosperms (sesMPD_ng)
Mean nearest taxon distance of angiosperms (MNTD_ng)
Standardized effect size of mean neares taxon distance of angiosperms (sesMNTD_ng)