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Datasets collected by subproject: C6 Development of area-wide functional indicators using remotely sensed data..
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Interactions among frugivorous birds and fruiting plants: richness and abundance
Dataset ID: 1452
Last updated: 2017-09-06
Dataset creators: Marta Quitian
Vinicio Santillan
Matthias Schleuning
Katrin Boehning-Gaese
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Contact: Marta Quitian
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Temporal coverage: 2014-03-12 00:00:00 - 2015-11-11 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Loja-Zamora elevational gradient
Abstract: We monitored frugivore diversity and plant-frugivo...
Additional info: In the uploaded data you can find the richness and...
Keywords: | human disturbance | altitudinal gradient | forest fragmentation | species richness | anthropogenic impact | networks | abundance | bird community | functional | Birds |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: interactions_birds-
Entity type:dataTable
Season (season) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Total number of species (N_Spec) [Unitless]
Abundance (abundance) (Unitless)
Entity name: interactions_plants-
Entity type:dataTable
Season (season) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Species richness (specrich) [Count]
Abundance (abundance) (Unitless)
Fructification intensity (Fructi_Intent) [Percent]

Bird monitoring data core plots (natural and disturbed forest sites)
Dataset ID: 1451
Last updated: 2017-09-27
Dataset creators: Vinicio Santillan
Marta Quitian
Matthias Schleuning
Katrin Boehning-Gaese
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Contact: Vinicio Santillan
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Temporal coverage: 2014-05-15 00:00:00 - 2015-12-07 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Loja-Zamora elevational gradient
Abstract: This dataset contains bird monitoring data from al...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | Ecuador | human disturbance | community ecology | altitudinal gradient | Biodiversity | forest fragmentation | species richness | anthropogenic impact | abundance | bird community | functional | Community composition | Birds |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: birdmonitoring-dataofcoreplotsdiversityresourcesavailabilityandhabitatstructure_complete
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Abundance (abundance) (Unitless)
Total number of species (N_Spec) [Unitless]
Openness of canopy (canopy_openness) [Percent]
Flowering intensity (Flowering_Intent) [Percent]
Fructification intensity (Fructi_Intent) [Percent]
Dry weight of biomass (BiomDryWeight_x) [Gram]
Canopy stratum (canopy_stratum) (Unitless)
Entity name: pointcounts_birds_santillan_quitian_neuschulzetal.
Entity type:dataTable
elevation (El) [Meter]
Disturbance (disturbance) (Unitless)
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)

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