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Vista detallada

Land cover classification (including bracken)
Dataset ID: 1223
Last updated: 2012-10-04
creador del conjunto de datos: Giulia F. Curatola Fernández
Contacto: Giulia F. Curatola Fernández
cobertura temporal: 2010-10-22 09:54:00 - 2010-10-22 09:54:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: catchment of Rio San Francisco (lowest point: Sabanilla)
Resumen: Land cover classification of the San Francisco val...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | bracken | classification | land cover |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: maxlike_reclass_filter
Entity type:spatialRaster (5272 x 4752)
Land cover classes (land_cover_classes) (sin unidad)
Entity name: Land cover map (including bracken)
Entity info: Layout of the raster data (land cover classification - including bracken)
Entity type:otherEntity

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