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Search results for: "keyword:"ECSF""


41-51 of 51 datasets.

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ecsf forest orthomosaic NDVI April 2022
Dataset ID: 1956
Last updated: 2022-07-22
Dataset creators: Sebastian Scholz
Volker Raffelsbauer
Katja Trachte
Contact: Sebastian Scholz
Temporal coverage: 2022-04-02 13:00:00 - 2022-04-02 14:00:00 - time zone: America/Bogota
Geographic coverage: ECSF forest tower fetch
Abstract: Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced NDVI Values f...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | ECSF | mountain rainforest | orthophotos | orthomosaic |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: ecsf_ecov_tower_20220402_ndvi_2
Entity type:otherEntity
Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI) [Unitless]

ecsf forest orthomosaic RGB April 2022
Dataset ID: 1960
Last updated: 2022-07-22
Dataset creators: Sebastian Scholz
Volker Raffelsbauer
Katja Trachte
Contact: Sebastian Scholz
Temporal coverage: 2022-04-02 06:00:00 - 2022-04-02 07:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Warsaw
Geographic coverage: ECSF forest tower fetch
Abstract: Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced RGB Imagery f...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | ECSF | mountain rainforest | orthophotos | Drone | orthomosaic |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: ecsf_ecov_tower_20220402_rgb_1
Entity type:otherEntity
RGB value of imagery (rgbvalue) (Unitless)

Location of trees in the natural forest experimiment (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Dataset ID: 1160
Last updated: 2012-09-19
Dataset creators: Daniel Kübler
Omar Cabrera
Johana Munoz
Patrick Hildebrandt
Sven Günter
Michael Weber
Bernd Stimm
Reinhard Mosandl
Contact: Daniel Kübler
Temporal coverage: 2004-01-25 00:00:00 - 2012-09-17 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Abstract: Position of trees in the natural forest experiment...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | tree | forest | Q2 | Q3 | Q5 | ECSF | native species |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Location of trees in the natural forest experimiment
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the tree (TreeID) (Unitless)
former ID of a tree (TreeID_old) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
UTM x-coordinate (UTMCoordX) [Meter]
UTM y-coordinate (UTMCoordY) [Meter]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]

Soil organic carbon stocks in the ECSF area (spatial prediction)
Dataset ID: 1477
Last updated: 2016-05-31
Dataset creators: Mareike Ließ
Contact: Mareike Ließ
Temporal coverage: 2011-03-01 00:00:00 - 2015-12-31 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF DEM 10m
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Please refer to "Ließ et al. (2016), Improving the...
Keywords: | ECSF | boosted regression trees | soil organic carbon | digital soil mapping |
Intellectual rights: Ließ et al. (2016), Improving the spatial prediction of soil organic carbon stocks in a complex tropical mountain landscape by methodological specifications in machine learning approaches. PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0153673. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153673
Entity name: SOC stocks spatial density function values
Entity info: The columns of this data matrix refer to the UTM coordinates, the prediction median (SOC_BRTMED), interquartile range (SOC_BRTIQR), 25% (SOC_BRTQ25) and 75% (SOC_BRTQ75) quantiles of the position specific density functions of the prediction.
Entity type:otherEntity

Time Series of Diameter Growth of Potential Crop Trees in Natural forest, Version 2 (Including recent data)
Dataset ID: 890
Last updated: 2012-09-18
Dataset creators: Michael Weber
Omar Cabrera
Sven Günter
Johana Munoz
Daniel Kübler
Bernd Stimm
Reinhard Mosandl
Contact: Daniel Kübler
Temporal coverage: 2004-01-01 00:00:00 - 2012-08-23 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | long term monitoring | growth | tree | tree growth | dendrometer | dbh | forest | ECSF |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Diameter Growth of Trees in Natural forest
Entity type:dataTable
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
ID of the tree (TreeID) (Unitless)
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
tree cumulative radial change (Tree_crc) [Millimeter]
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (Unitless)
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)

2010 AMF operational taconomic units NUMEX 2000m
Dataset ID: 1469
Last updated: 2016-05-24
Dataset creators: Tessa Camenzind
Contact: Tessa Camenzind
Temporal coverage: 2010-10-12 00:00:00 - 2010-10-12 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of arbuscular m...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | sequences | ECSF | NUMEX | community ecology | AM fungi | Nutrient deposition | Community composition |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: 2010_AMF molcular data NUMEX
Entity info: Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) detected in roots extracted from the NUMEX plots at 2000m.
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
Organism (Organism) (Unitless)
Sequence type of organism (SeqType) (Unitless)
gene sequence (geneSeq) (Unitless)

Climate station data from ECSF Thies station (Extreme Values)
Dataset ID: 1720
Last updated: 2024-05-23
Dataset creators: Jörg Bendix
Maik Dobbermann
Niklas Werner
Contact: Johannes Schmidt
Maik Dobbermann
Jörg Bendix
Temporal coverage: 2018-02-23 18:00:00 - 2024-05-16 10:00:00 - time zone: America/Lima
Geographic coverage: ECSF climate station
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | ECSF | extreme values |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT
Entity name: 201118_ecsf_x_out
Entity type:dataTable
minimum Windspeed (min_Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Time of minimum Windspeed (TIME_min_Windspeed) (Unitless)
maximum Windspeed (max_Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Time of maximum Windspeed (TIME_max_Windspeed) (Unitless)
minimum wind direction (min_WindDirection) [Degree]
Time of minimum wind direction (TIME_min_WindDirection) (Unitless)
maximum wind direction (max_WindDirection) [Degree]
Time of maximum wind direction (TIME_max_WindDirection) (Unitless)
minimum relative humidity (min_relativeHumidity) [Percent]
Time of minimum relative humidity (TIME_min_relativeHumidity) (Unitless)
maximum relative humidity (max_relativeHumidity) [Percent]
Time of maximum relative humidity (TIME_max_relativeHumidity) (Unitless)
minimum air temperature (min_AirTemperature) [Degrees Celsius]
Time of minimum air temperature (TIME_min_AirTemperature) (Unitless)
maximum air temperature (max_AirTemperature) [Degrees Celsius]
Time of maximum air temperature (TIME_max_AirTemperature) (Unitless)
minimum global radiation (min_gRad) [Watt per square meter]
Time of minimum global radiation (TIME_min_gRad) (Unitless)
maximum global radiation (max_gRad) [Watt per square meter]
Time of maximum global radiation (TIME_max_gRad) (Unitless)
minimum global radiation (down) (min_gRadDown) [Watt per square meter]
Time of minimum global radiation (down) (TIME_min_gRadDown) (Unitless)
maximum global radiation (down) (max_gRadDown) [Watt per square meter]
Time of maximum global radiation (down) (TIME_max_gRadDown) (Unitless)
minimum precipitation (min_Precipitation) [Millimeter]
Time of minimum precipitation (TIME_min_Precipitation) (Unitless)
maximum precipitation (max_Precipitation) [Millimeter]
Time of maximum precipitation (TIME_max_Precipitation) (Unitless)
minimum soil temperature in 10cm (min_Ts_10cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Time of minimum soil temperature in 10cm (TIME_min_Ts_10cm) (Unitless)
maximum soil temperature in 10cm (max_Ts_10cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Time of maximumsoil temperature in 10cm (TIME_max_Ts_10cm) (Unitless)
minimum soil temperature in 60cm (min_Ts_60cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Time of minimum soil temperature in 60cm (TIME_min_Ts_60cm) (Unitless)
maximum soil temperature in 60cm (max_Ts_60cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Time of maximum soil temperature in 60cm (TIME_max_Ts_60cm) (Unitless)
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)

Sequences of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of trees and seedlings in the pristine forest and reforestation plots
Dataset ID: 1152
Last updated: 2012-09-13
Dataset creators: Ingeborg Haug
Contact: Ingeborg Haug
Temporal coverage: 2010-04-20 00:00:00 - 2012-10-20 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF forest and pasture
Abstract: The table is a list of arbuscular mycorrhizal fun...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | biodiversity | forest and open land | ECSF | reforestation | AM fungi | arbuscular mycorrhiza |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: HaugC2_ArbuscularMycorrhizalFungi
Entity type:dataTable
Organism (Organism) (Unitless)
GenBank number of the organism (GenBNoOrg) (Unitless)
Life form (LifeForm) (Unitless)
Species name of the host (HostSpecies) (Unitless)
ID of the culture (CultureID) (Unitless)
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Entity name: HaugC2_ArbuscularMycorrhizalFungi
Entity type:dataTable
Organism (Organism) (Unitless)
GenBank number of the organism (GenBNoOrg) (Unitless)
Life form (LifeForm) (Unitless)
Species name of the host (HostSpecies) (Unitless)
ID of the culture (CultureID) (Unitless)
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)

Ergosterolcontent Litterexchangeexperiment
Dataset ID: 861
Last updated: 2010-06-16
Dataset creators: Franca Marian
Contact: Sandmann Dorothee
Franca Marian
Temporal coverage: 2008-10-01 00:00:00 - 2008-10-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | fungi | ECSF | NUMEX | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | decomposition | Ergosterol |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Ergosterolcontent Litterexchange
Entity type:dataTable
location (location) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
Plotside for the NUMEX-Experiment (numex_block) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Type of litter (litter_type) (Unitless)
Origin of the litter (litter_origin) (Unitless)
time of decay (time_of_decay) (Unitless)
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]
Ergosterol content (Ergosterol) [Microgram Ergosterol per gram soil dry weight]

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