
climate stations fog

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PP_CH_Pasture_3000 - Raw hydro climate data of S4 Cajanuma Pastos Medio station
Dataset ID: 1887
Last updated: 2022-09-30
Ersteller: David Windhorst
Jörg Bendix
Maik Dobbermann
Kontakt: Jorge Gribaldo Castillo Armijos
Maik Dobbermann
Gabriel Gaona
Sebastian Achilles
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2020-01-22 18:15:12 - 2022-09-07 11:15:00 - time zone: America/Lima
Geographische Verortung: Cajanuma Pastos Caj1
Abstract: ---
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | climate | hydrology | climate station | raw data |
Urheberrecht: TMF RESPECT
Entity name: 2020_101 corrected gapfilled and time shifted
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Air temperature (Ta) [Degrees Celsius]
Air humidity (Huma) [Percent]
Diffuse incoming radiation at 650nm (diffuseradiation_650nm) [Watt per square meter]
Diffuse incoming radiation at 810nm (diffuseradiation_810nm) [Watt per square meter]
Directional outgoing radiation at 650nm (directionalradiation_650nm) [Watt per square meter]
Directional outgoing radiation at 810nm (directionalradiation_810nm) [Watt per square meter]
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
total net radiation (NetTot_Avg) [Watt per square meter]
Electric conductivity in soil in 20cm depth (EC_soil_20cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Electric conductivity in soil in 45cm depth (EC_soil_45cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Electric conductivity in soil in 5cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_5cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Electric conductivity in soil in 75cm depth (EC_soil_75cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 20cm depth (soil_moisture_20cm) [Volume percent]
Soil moisture in 45cm depth (soil_moisture_45cm) [Volume percent]
Soil moisture in 5 cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_5cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
Soil moisture in 75cm depth (soil_moisture_75cm) [Volume percent]
Soil temperature in 20cm depth (Ts_20cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Soil temperature in 45cm depth (Ts_45cm) [Degrees Celsius]
soil temperature in 5cm (Ts_5cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Soil temperature in 75cm depth (Ts_75cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Wind direction - general (winddirection) [Degree]
Wind speed (Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Status of Ultrasonic wind sensor (windsonic_status) [Unitless]

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