Datos plataforma

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Vista detallada

Climate Station Data Cajanuma Paramo - daily estimate 1998 - 2018
Dataset ID: 1858
Last updated: 2020-10-21
creador del conjunto de datos: Jörg Bendix
Contacto: Jörg Bendix
cobertura temporal: 1998-01-01 00:00:00 - 2018-03-17 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Lima
cobertura geografica: Cajanuma Paramo
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: Based on Cajanuma Thies station 1998 - Feb. 2013 ...
Palabras claves: | Cajanuma | climate data |
Derechos intelectuales: Respect
Entity name: cajanuma_paramo_daily_1998_2018_estimate_wdatetime
Entity type:dataTable
The day component of a datetime (Day) (sin unidad)
The month component of a datetime (Month) (sin unidad)
The year component of a datetime (Year) (sin unidad)
Mean temperature (Tmean) [Degrees Celsius]
Minimum temperature (Tmin) [Degrees Celsius]
Maximum temperature (Tmax) [Degrees Celsius]
Mean relative humidity (rHmean) [Percent]
Minimum relative humidity (rHmin) [Percent]
Maximum relative humidity (rHmax) [Percent]
Mean wind speed (Vvmean) [Meter per second]
Minimum wind speed (Vvmin) [Meter per second]
Maximum wind speed (Vvmax) [Meter per second]
Sum of solar radiation (Q_total) [Megajoule per square meter per day]
Maximum of solar radiation (Qmax) [Watt per square meter]
Rainfall total (P_total) [Millimeter per day]
Rainfall maximum (Pmax) [Millimeter per hour]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

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