Datos plataforma

climate stations fog

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resultados de la busqueda para: "keyword:"Laipuna""

Descripción general

1-20 of 28 datasets.

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Vista detallada

Laipuna Forest Plots: subplot corners
Dataset ID: 1950
Last updated: 2022-02-18
creador del conjunto de datos: Jürgen Homeier
Contacto: Jürgen Homeier
cobertura temporal: 2021-10-15 00:00:00 - 2021-11-05 00:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
cobertura geografica: Reserva Laipuna
Resumen: UTM-Coordinates of subplot corners of the six 1-ha...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | Laipuna | core plots | coordinates |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: LaipunaForestPlots
Entity info: Coordinates of subplot-corners
Entity type:dataTable
Site name (Site_name) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (sin unidad)
UTM y-coordinate (UTMCoordY) [Meter]
UTM x-coordinate (UTMCoordX) [Meter]

Laipuna permanent vegetation plots trees (>5cm dbh)
Dataset ID: 1219
Last updated: 2012-10-03
creador del conjunto de datos: Jürgen Homeier
Contacto: Jürgen Homeier
cobertura temporal: 2010-03-20 00:00:00 - 2012-04-09 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Laipuna
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | tree | dbh | height | diversity | Laipuna |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Laipuna_plots_trees
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Tree diameter in breast height (Tree_dbh) [Meter]
Height of a tree (tree_height) [Meter]

Laipuna MDF Tower orthomosaic NDVI October 2022
Dataset ID: 1979
Last updated: 2023-03-16
creador del conjunto de datos: Sebastian Scholz
Katja Trachte
Contacto: Sebastian Scholz
cobertura temporal: 2022-10-08 12:00:00 - 2022-10-08 13:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
cobertura geografica: Laipuna
Resumen: Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced Band Values f...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | Laipuna | orthophotos | orthomosaic | RGB |
Derechos intelectuales: Copyright 2022 Chair of Atmospheric Processes Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg. Free for use by all individuals provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication.
Entity name: dronemapping_mdf_tower_rgb_20221008_1.tif
Entity type:otherEntity

Climate station data - Laipuna Tower Forest at 1200m - LAF1200
Dataset ID: 1999
Last updated: 2024-09-15
creador del conjunto de datos: Oliver Limberger
Contacto: Maik Dobbermann
Oliver Limberger
Jörg Bendix
cobertura temporal: 2022-05-06 11:00:00 - 2024-09-12 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Laipuna Forest Tower 1200m
Resumen: Ongoing data collected from the Laipuna Tower stat...
Informaciones adicionales: Raw data, initial visual control only. Use data wi...
Palabras claves: | climate | Laipuna | campbell |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT data use agreement
Entity name: laipuna_laf1200_l1_merged
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Record number (record) (sin unidad)
Air temperature at a certain height (Ta_1) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity at a certain height (Huma_1) [Percent]
Air temperature at a certain height (Ta_2) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity at a certain height (Huma_2) [Percent]
Wind speed at a certain height (Windspeed_1) [Meter per second]
Wind direction at a certain height (Wind_direction_1) [Degree]
Wind speed at a certain height (Windspeed_2) [Meter per second]
Wind direction at a certain height (Wind_direction_2) [Degree]
Incoming Shortwave Radiation (rad_sw_in) [Watt per square meter]
Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (rad_sw_out) [Watt per square meter]
Incoming Longwave Radiation (rad_lw_in) [Watt per square meter]
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (rad_lw_out) [Watt per square meter]
Net shortwave radiation (rad_sw_net) [Watt per square meter]
Net longwave radiation (rad_lw_net) [Watt per square meter]
Albedo (Albedo) [Percent]
total net radiation (NetTot_Avg) [Watt per square meter]
Solar radiation average in 2m (solar_radiation_2m_avg) [Watt per square meter]
Total Solar Radiation in 2m (solar_radiation_2m_sum) [Megajoule per square meter]
Rain total (PCP_tot_bucket) [Millimeter]
Soil Heat Flux at 10cm (heatflux_soil_10cm) [Watt per square meter]
incident radiation at 630nm central wavelength (sky_630nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
incident radiation at 810nm central wavelength (sky_810nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
reflected radiation at 630nm central wavelength (veg_630nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
reflected radiation at 810nm central wavelength (veg_810nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
Soil moisture in 5 cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_5cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 5cm (Ts_5cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 5cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_5cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 15 cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_15cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 15cm (Ts_15cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 15cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_15cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 30cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_30cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 30cm (Ts_30cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 30cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_30cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 60cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_60cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 60cm (Ts_60cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 60cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_60cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI) [Unitless]

Corrected plots from areas Loja and Laipuna
Dataset ID: 1974
Last updated: 2023-02-14
creador del conjunto de datos: Jorge Gribaldo Castillo Armijos
Franz Pucha Cofrep
Contacto: Jorge Gribaldo Castillo Armijos
Franz Pucha Cofrep
cobertura temporal: 2023-02-14 00:00:00 - 2023-02-14 00:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
cobertura geografica: South Ecuador
Resumen: Corrected plots from Bombuscaro, ECSF, Cajanuma, Z...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | ECSF | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | Zamora | Laipuna | plots | shape |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT
Entity name: plots_corrected
Entity type:otherEntity

Precipitation data in the natural forest of Laipuna at 600 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 2021
Last updated: 2024-08-01
creador del conjunto de datos: Andre Velescu
Tobias Fabian
Contacto: Andre Velescu
cobertura temporal: 2022-12-16 00:00:00 - 2024-07-20 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Laipuna FN plot 600 m
Resumen: Weekly time series of precipitation data (water fl...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | precipitation | electric conductivity | Laipuna | pH values | water fluxes |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR2730 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: lai600_precipitation_water_fluxes_weekly_v1
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Electrical conductivity measured in precipitation (ECw_pcp) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
PH measured in precipitation (PHw_pcp) [Unitless]

Dendrometerdata Laipuna Erythrina 918 5/2014-10/2020
Dataset ID: 1923
Last updated: 2021-03-19
creador del conjunto de datos: Volker Raffelsbauer
Achim Bräuning
Contacto: Achim Bräuning
Volker Raffelsbauer
cobertura temporal: 2014-05-01 00:00:00 - 2020-09-26 13:00:00 - time zone: America/Lima
cobertura geografica: Reserva Laipuna
Resumen: Dendrometerdata Laipuna Erythrina 918 5/2014-10/...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | dendrometer | Laipuna |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: laipuna_erythrina_918
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Tree circumference change (Tree_ccc) [Millimeter]

Laipuna MRF Pasture Orthomosaic NDVI October 2022
Dataset ID: 1980
Last updated: 2023-03-17
creador del conjunto de datos: Sebastian Scholz
Katja Trachte
Contacto: Sebastian Scholz
cobertura temporal: 2022-10-04 11:00:00 - 2022-10-17 12:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
cobertura geografica: Laipuna
Resumen: Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced Band Values f...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | Laipuna | orthophotos | NDVI | orthomosaic |
Derechos intelectuales: Copyright 2022 Chair of Atmospheric Processes Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg. Free for use by all individuals provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication
Entity name: dronemapping_mrf_pasture_ndvi_20221004_1.tif
Entity type:otherEntity

Dendrometerdata Laipuna Ceiba 915 5/2014-10/2020
Dataset ID: 1922
Last updated: 2021-03-19
creador del conjunto de datos: Volker Raffelsbauer
Achim Bräuning
Contacto: Achim Bräuning
Volker Raffelsbauer
cobertura temporal: 2014-05-01 00:00:00 - 2020-09-26 13:00:00 - time zone: America/Lima
cobertura geografica: Reserva Laipuna
Resumen: Dendrometerdata Laipuna Ceiba 915 5/2014-10/2020 ...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | dendrometer | Laipuna |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Dendrometerdata laipuna ceiba_915
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Tree circumference change (Tree_ccc) [Millimeter]

Socio-economic interview data from Laipuna
Dataset ID: 1445
Last updated: 2016-02-22
creador del conjunto de datos: Santiago Ochoa Moreno
Contacto: Carola Paul
cobertura temporal: 2013-03-15 00:00:00 - 2013-03-15 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Reserva Laipuna
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | land use | land-use change | land change modelling | Agroforestry | Laipuna | land use change | sustainable land use | land-use | dry forest | agriculture |
Derechos intelectuales: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: Socio-economic interview data from Laipuna
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
household members (hhmember) (sin unidad)
Area of the plot (PlotArea) [Square meter]
Establishment costs (landuse_est_cost) [US-Dollar]
Production costs (prod_costs) [US-Dollar]
gender (gender) (sin unidad)
age (age) (sin unidad)
incomec (incomec) (sin unidad)

Climate station data Laipuna Valley Thies station
Dataset ID: 1925
Last updated: 2024-04-15
creador del conjunto de datos: Jörg Bendix
Maik Dobbermann
Contacto: Jörg Bendix
cobertura temporal: 2003-01-01 13:10:00 - 2027-05-15 10:10:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Climate Station Laipuna Valley
Resumen: Ongoing data collected from repaired Laipuna Valle...
Informaciones adicionales: Raw data, initial visual control only. Use data wi...
Palabras claves: | Laipuna | climate station | raw data |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT data use agreement
Entity name: Laipuna valley repaired station
Entity type:dataTable
Wind speed (Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Wind direction 3m (Wind_direction) [Degree]
Air humidity (Huma) [Percent]
Air temperature (Ta) [Degrees Celsius]
Air humidity 2m (Huma_2m) [Percent]
air temperature in 2m (Ta_2m) [Degrees Celsius]
Global radiation (gRad2) [Watt per square meter]
Global radiation (down) (gRaddown) [Watt per square meter]
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)

Physical properties of forest soils in Laipuna at 600 and 1200 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 2025
Last updated: 2024-08-02
creador del conjunto de datos: Andre Velescu
Tobias Fabian
Wolfgang Wilcke
Contacto: Andre Velescu
cobertura temporal: 2022-11-29 00:00:00 - 2022-12-20 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Laipuna Forest Core Plots
Resumen: The dataset includes physical properties of the mi...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | soil characteristics | soil texture | bulk density | Laipuna | soil horizons |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR2730 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: lai_soil_profiles_metadata
Entity info: Laipuna soil profiles metadata
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (sin unidad)
Site name (Site_name) (sin unidad)
land use (Land_use) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Section (Section) (sin unidad)
Comment (Comment) (sin unidad)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (sin unidad)
UTM x-coordinate (UTMCoordX) [Meter]
UTM y-coordinate (UTMCoordY) [Meter]
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]
Exposition (expo_angle) [Degree]
slope (Slope) [Degree]
Soil development depth (Zsmax) [Meter]
Entity name: lai_soil_forest_physical_properties
Entity info: Soil physical properties Laipuna forest
Entity type:dataTable
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (sin unidad)
Site name (Site_name) (sin unidad)
land use (Land_use) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (sin unidad)
Section (Section) (sin unidad)
Soil horizon symbol after "world reference base" (Horizon_WRB) (sin unidad)
Depth range minimum (depth_Range_Min) [Meter]
Depth range maximum (depth_Range_Max) [Meter]
Thickness of the horizon (Horizon_thickness) [Meter]
Bulk density (Bd) [Gram per cubic centimeter]
Coarse sand (Sand_coarse) (sin unidad)
Medium sand (Sand_medium) (sin unidad)
Fine Sand (Sand_fine) (sin unidad)
Soil texture sand content (Sand) [Unitless]
Coarse silt (Silt_coarse) (sin unidad)
Medium silt (Silt_medium) (sin unidad)
Fine silt (Silt_fine) (sin unidad)
Soil texture silt content (Silt) [Unitless]
Soil texture clay content (Clay) [Unitless]

Laipuna permanent vegetation plots 2010-2012
Dataset ID: 1217
Last updated: 2015-06-09
creador del conjunto de datos: Jürgen Homeier
Contacto: Jürgen Homeier
cobertura temporal: 2010-03-20 00:00:00 - 2012-04-09 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
cobertura geografica: Laipuna
Resumen: ---
Informaciones adicionales: Remark from db-Manager: Some coordinate pairs seem...
Palabras claves: | biomass | biodiversity | tree | dbh | forest | vascular epiphytes | epiphyte | elevation | soil nutrients | environmental gradients | carbon stocks | altitudinal gradient | Laipuna |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: laipuna_plots_positions
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Area of the plot (PlotArea) [Square meter]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]

Throughfall data in the natural forest of Laipuna at 1200 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 2024
Last updated: 2024-08-01
creador del conjunto de datos: Andre Velescu
Tobias Fabian
Contacto: Andre Velescu
cobertura temporal: 2022-12-16 00:00:00 - 2024-07-20 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Laipuna forest 1200 m Plot 2
Resumen: Weekly time series of throughfall data (water flux...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | electric conductivity | throughfall | Laipuna | pH values | water fluxes |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR2730 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: lai1200_throughfall_water_fluxes_weekly_v1
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Precipitation throughfall (PCPt) [Millimeter]
Electrical conductivity measured in throughfall (ECw_pcpt) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
PH measured in throughfall (pHw_pcpt) [Unitless]

Throughfall data in the natural forest of Laipuna at 600 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 2023
Last updated: 2024-08-01
creador del conjunto de datos: Andre Velescu
Tobias Fabian
Contacto: Andre Velescu
cobertura temporal: 2022-12-16 00:00:00 - 2024-07-20 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Laipuna forest 600 m Plot 1
Resumen: Weekly time series of throughfall data (water flux...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | electric conductivity | throughfall | Laipuna | pH values | water fluxes |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR2730 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: lai600_throughfall_water_fluxes_weekly_v1
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
Precipitation throughfall (PCPt) [Millimeter]
Electrical conductivity measured in throughfall (ECw_pcpt) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
PH measured in throughfall (pHw_pcpt) [Unitless]

Hydro station data - Laipuna Tower Forest at 600m - LAF600
Dataset ID: 1998
Last updated: 2024-07-30
creador del conjunto de datos: Oliver Limberger
Contacto: Maik Dobbermann
Oliver Limberger
Jörg Bendix
cobertura temporal: 2022-04-19 23:30:00 - 2024-06-11 14:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
cobertura geografica: Laipuna Forest Tower 600m
Resumen: Ongoing data collected from the Laipuna Tower stat...
Informaciones adicionales: Raw data, initial visual control only. Use data wi...
Palabras claves: | Laipuna | catchment hydrology | campbell |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT data use agreement
Entity name: laipuna_laf600_l1_merged
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Record number (record) (sin unidad)
Soil moisture in 5 cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_5cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 5cm (Ts_5cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 5cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_5cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 15 cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_15cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 15cm (Ts_15cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 15cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_15cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 30cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_30cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 30cm (Ts_30cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 30cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_30cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 60cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_60cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 60cm (Ts_60cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 60cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_60cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]

Climate station data - Laipuna Pasture at 600m- LAP600
Dataset ID: 2001
Last updated: 2024-07-30
creador del conjunto de datos: Oliver Limberger
Contacto: Maik Dobbermann
Oliver Limberger
Jörg Bendix
cobertura temporal: 2023-05-01 00:30:00 - 2024-07-30 04:00:00 - time zone: America/Lima
cobertura geografica: Laipuna
Resumen: Ongoing data collected from the Laipuna Pasture st...
Informaciones adicionales: Raw data, initial visual control only. Use data wi...
Palabras claves: | climate | Laipuna | campbell |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT data use agreement
Entity name: laipuna_lap600_l1_merged
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Record number (record) (sin unidad)
Air temperature at a certain height (Ta_1) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity at a certain height (Huma_1) [Percent]
Wind speed at a certain height (Windspeed_1) [Meter per second]
Wind direction at a certain height (Wind_direction_1) [Degree]
Solar radiation average in 2m (solar_radiation_2m_avg) [Watt per square meter]
Total Solar Radiation in 2m (solar_radiation_2m_sum) [Megajoule per square meter]
Rain total (PCP_tot_bucket) [Millimeter]
reflected radiation at 630nm central wavelength (veg_630nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
reflected radiation at 810nm central wavelength (veg_810nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
incident radiation at 630nm central wavelength (sky_630nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
incident radiation at 810nm central wavelength (sky_810nm_Avg) [Watt per square meter per nano meter]
Soil moisture in 5 cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_5cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 5cm (Ts_5cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 5cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_5cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 15 cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_15cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 15cm (Ts_15cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 15cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_15cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 30cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_30cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 30cm (Ts_30cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 30cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_30cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Soil moisture in 60cm depth in m³/m³ (soil_moisture_60cm) [cubic meter per cubic meter]
soil temperature in 60cm (Ts_60cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Electric conductivity in soil in 60cm depth in mS/cm (EC_soil_60cm) [Millisiemens per centimeter]
Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI) [Unitless]

Precipitation data in the natural forest of Laipuna at 1200 m a.s.l.
Dataset ID: 2022
Last updated: 2024-08-01
creador del conjunto de datos: Andre Velescu
Tobias Fabian
Contacto: Andre Velescu
cobertura temporal: 2022-12-16 00:00:00 - 2024-07-20 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Laipuna FN plot 1200 m
Resumen: Weekly time series of precipitation data (water fl...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | precipitation | electric conductivity | Laipuna | pH values | water fluxes |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR2730 data user agreement. (www.tropicalmountainforest.org/dataagreementp3.do)
Entity name: lai1200_precipitation_water_fluxes_weekly_v1
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Electrical conductivity measured in precipitation (ECw_pcp) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
PH measured in precipitation (PHw_pcp) [Unitless]

laipuna forest orthomosaic RGB April 2022
Dataset ID: 1961
Last updated: 2022-07-22
creador del conjunto de datos: Sebastian Scholz
Volker Raffelsbauer
Katja Trachte
Contacto: Sebastian Scholz
cobertura temporal: 2022-03-31 06:00:00 - 2022-03-31 07:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Warsaw
cobertura geografica: Laipuna Ecov-Tower Fetch
Resumen: Orthomosaic containing georeferenced RGB Imagery f...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | Laipuna | dry forest | orthophotos | Drone | orthomosaic |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: laipuna_ecov_tower_20220331_rgb_1
Entity type:otherEntity
RGB value of imagery (rgbvalue) (sin unidad)

laipuna forest orthomosaic NDVI April 2022
Dataset ID: 1957
Last updated: 2022-07-22
creador del conjunto de datos: Sebastian Scholz
Volker Raffelsbauer
Katja Trachte
Contacto: Sebastian Scholz
cobertura temporal: 2022-03-31 10:00:00 - 2022-03-31 10:00:00 - time zone: America/Bogota
cobertura geografica: Laipuna Ecov-Tower Fetch
Resumen: Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced NDVI Values f...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | mountain forest | Laipuna | orthophotos | orthomosaic |
Derechos intelectuales: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: laipuna_ecov_tower_20220331_ndvi_1
Entity type:otherEntity
Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI) [Unitless]

  1. 1
  2. 2

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