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Ksat in young landslide
Dataset ID: 843
Last updated: 2012-02-07
Dataset creators: Bernd Huwe
Folkert Bauer
Melania Quizhpe
Contact: Bernd Huwe
Folkert Bauer
Melania Quizhpe
Temporal coverage: 2005-08-05 12:00:00 - 2005-08-25 15:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: young landslide - in front of the ECSF Station on the other side of the San Francisco River
Abstract: Saturated hydraulic conductivity measured in situ ...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | ksat | young landslide | derrumbe joven |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Ksat in young landslide
Entity type:dataTable
UTM x-coordinate (UTMCoordX) [Meter]
UTM y-coordinate (UTMCoordY) [Meter]
Sampling area (SampArea) (Unitless)
Soil horizon symbol after "Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung 5" (Horizon_KA5) (Unitless)
Soil depth (Zs) [Meter]
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) [Meter per second]
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)

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