
climate stations fog

Datensätze erhoben von Teilprojekt: D3 Impacts of environmental change on climate and ecosystem in southern Ecuador.
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1-6 of 6 datasets.

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Volume weighted monthly mean ion concentrations measured in meteorological stations in San Francisco valley
Dataset ID: 1505
Last updated: 2016-08-12
Ersteller: Sandro Makowski
Ruetger Rollenbeck
Kontakt: Sandro Makowski
Andreas Fries
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2003-12-31 00:00:00 - 2009-10-31 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: San francisco basin
Abstract: ---
Zusätzliche Informationen: ---
Keywords: | fog precipitation | rain | ion |
Urheberrecht: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: vgmm_newcopy
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (keine Einheit)
Site name (Site_name) (keine Einheit)
Name of an instrument or collection device (collector) (keine Einheit)
elevation (El) [Meter]
Ammonium measured in precipitation (NH4w_pcp) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Calcium measured in precipitation (Caw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Chloride measured in precipitation (Clw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Phosphate PO4 (PO4_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in precipitation (Mgw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Nitrate measured in precipitation (NO3w_pcp) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Potassium measured in precipitation (Kw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in precipitation (Naw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Sulphate measured in precipitation (SO4w_pcp) [Milligram per liter]

Relative Humidity (RH) and Specific Saturation Deficit (Ds) maps (monthly and annual averages of mean, min, max)
Dataset ID: 1055
Last updated: 2011-12-20
Ersteller: Andreas Fries
Kontakt: Thomas Lotz
Andreas Fries
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1999-12-01 00:00:00 - 2010-01-31 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Temp and Hum maps (RBSF core area)
Abstract: The near surface humidity in a megadiverse mountai...
Zusätzliche Informationen: The generation of this maps is decsribed in the st...
Keywords: | climate | relative humidity | land humidity |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: annual mean relative humidity (RH)
Entity type:spatialRaster (480 x 512)
Air humidity (Huma) [Percent]
Entity name: annual min relativ humidity (RH)
Entity type:spatialRaster (480 x 512)
Air humidity (Huma) [Percent]

Air temperature maps (monthly and annual averages of mean, min, max) based on observation data (1999-2009) and topography
Dataset ID: 1054
Last updated: 2011-12-20
Ersteller: Andreas Fries
Kontakt: Thomas Lotz
Andreas Fries
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1999-01-01 00:00:00 - 2009-12-31 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Temp and Hum maps (RBSF core area)
Abstract: The maps, based on data of the period 1999-2009, c...
Zusätzliche Informationen: The creation and results of the study are publishe...
Keywords: | air temperature | thermal structure | TMin | TMax | TMean |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Temp annual mean
Entity type:spatialRaster (480 x 512)
Air temperature (Ta) [Degrees Celsius]
Entity name: Temp annual min
Entity type:spatialRaster (480 x 512)
Air temperature (Ta) [Degrees Celsius]

Predicted land use/land cover maps of South Ecuador 2010-2100
Dataset ID: 1040
Last updated: 2011-11-09
Ersteller: Hanna Meyer
Boris Thies
Jörg Bendix
Kontakt: Boris Thies
Jörg Bendix
Hanna Meyer
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2010-01-01 00:00:00 - 2100-12-01 23:59:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Loja-Zamora
Abstract: These maps provide projected land use/land cover (...
Zusätzliche Informationen: The maps are available in UTM 17S (WGS 84) project...
Keywords: | land use | Loja | land cover | land-use change | land change modelling |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: luc2010
Entity type:spatialRaster (2195 x 2649)
land use (Land_use) (keine Einheit)
Entity name: luc2020
Entity type:spatialRaster (2195 x 2649)
land use (Land_use) (keine Einheit)

Land use/land cover map of South Ecuador 2001
Dataset ID: 1039
Last updated: 2011-11-09
Ersteller: Hanna Meyer
Boris Thies
Jörg Bendix
Kontakt: Boris Thies
Jörg Bendix
Hanna Meyer
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 2001-11-03 00:00:00 - 2001-11-03 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Loja-Zamora
Abstract: The map shows land use/land cover (LUC) of the Loj...
Zusätzliche Informationen: The classification is based on the Landsat ETM+ im...
Keywords: | land use | Loja | land cover | landsat | remote sensing |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: classification2001
Entity type:spatialRaster (2195 x 2649)
land use (Land_use) (keine Einheit)

Land use/land cover map of South Ecuador 1987
Dataset ID: 1038
Last updated: 2011-11-07
Ersteller: Hanna Meyer
Boris Thies
Jörg Bendix
Kontakt: Boris Thies
Jörg Bendix
Hanna Meyer
Zeitliche Abdeckung: 1987-01-01 00:00:00 - 1997-12-31 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographische Verortung: Loja-Zamora
Abstract: The map shows land use/land cover (LUC) of the Loj...
Zusätzliche Informationen: The map is available in UTM 17S (WGS 84) projectio...
Keywords: | land use | Loja | land cover | landsat | remote sensing |
Urheberrecht: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: classification1987
Entity type:spatialRaster (2195 x 2649)
land use (Land_use) (keine Einheit)

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