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registros collectados por el subproyecto: B3 Trait-dependent effects of biotic and abiotic filters on plant regeneration.
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Seedling survival and growth during sowing experiment at three different altitudes (1000, 2000, 3000 masl)
Dataset ID: 1901
Last updated: 2021-02-03
creador del conjunto de datos: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Maciej Barczyk
Contacto: Matthias Schleuning
Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Maciej Barczyk
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
cobertura temporal: 2018-12-01 10:00:00 - 2020-07-17 18:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
cobertura geografica: South Ecuador
Resumen: This dataset contains sowing experiment data set u...
Informaciones adicionales: Data in progress until the end of 2020. Final data...
Palabras claves: | seedlings | pasture restoration | pastures | tropical tree seedlings | natural forest regeneration |
DOI: www
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: seedling data from sowing experiment at three different altitudes (1000, 2000, 3000 masl)
Entity info: This dataset contains sowing experiment data set up within core plots at three different altitudes (1000, 2000, 3000 masl) over one/ one and half year in two types of habitats.
Entity type:dataTable
elevation (El) [Meter]
Habitat type (habitat) (sin unidad)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Treatment (treatment) (sin unidad)
Mesh number (mesh_number) (sin unidad)
working ID (workingID) (sin unidad)
ID of seed (SeedID) (sin unidad)
Number of revision (revision_number) (sin unidad)
Date of revision (revision_date) (sin unidad)
Survival (survival) (sin unidad)
seedling height (seedling_height) [Centimeter]
Incidence of herbivory (herbivory) (sin unidad)
Incidence of fungal pathogens (fungi) (sin unidad)
Final revision of seedling (final_check) (sin unidad)
Final height of seedling (final_height) [Centimeter]
Final herbivory incidence (final_herbivory) (sin unidad)
Final fungal pathogens incidence (final_fungi) (sin unidad)
Leaf area during final revision (final_leaf_area) [Cubic centimeter]
Final damaged area of leaf (final_damaged_area) [Cubic centimeter]
Dry biomass of root (root_biomass) [Gram]
Aboveground dry biomass (aboveground_biomass) [Gram]
Average mass of fresh seed (av_seed_mass) [Gram]
Average light amount (light_photon) [Count]
LAI canopy cover (LAI_canopy_cover) [Count]
Average soil moisture vol.1 - dry season (av_soil_moist_dry) [Percent]
Average soil moisture vol.2 - rainy season (av_soil_moist_wet) [Percent]

Seed rain at three different altitudes (1000, 2000, 3000 masl)
Dataset ID: 1885
Last updated: 2020-12-14
creador del conjunto de datos: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Maciej Barczyk
Matthias Schleuning
Contacto: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
cobertura temporal: 2019-01-14 08:00:00 - 2020-01-15 17:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Loja-Zamora elevational gradient
Resumen: This dataset contains seed rain data from natural ...
Informaciones adicionales: Data in progress until the end of 2020. Final data...
Palabras claves: | seed rain |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: seedrain_database_b3
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (sin unidad)
Site name (Site_name) (sin unidad)
elevation (El) [Meter]
ID of the plot (PlotID) (sin unidad)
ID of seed trap (SeedtrapID) (sin unidad)
Presence or absence of seeds: Seeds or NoSeeds (PresenceAbsence_of_seeds) (sin unidad)
PlantCode (PlantCode) (sin unidad)
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
Genus name (Genus) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
Unit used by seeds to disperse from parental tree to reach trap (Dispersal_unit) (sin unidad)
Type of fruit differentiated by morphological traits: samara, fleshy_fruit, achenes (Fruit_type) (sin unidad)
Number of fruits dispersed and recorded inside the trap (Amount_Fruits_per_trap) [Count]
Amount of seeds for all the fruits recorded inside the trap (Amount_Seeds_per_trap) [Count]
Fruit dry mass (grams) for all the fruit recorded inside the trap (Total_fruit_dry_mass_per_trap) [Gram]
Seed dry mass (grams) for all the seeds recorded inside the trap (Total_seed_dry_mass_per_trap) [Gram]

Fruit phenology of fleshy-fruited species at three different altitudes (1000, 2000, 3000 masl)
Dataset ID: 1884
Last updated: 2020-12-14
creador del conjunto de datos: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Maciej Barczyk
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Matthias Schleuning
Contacto: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
cobertura temporal: 2019-05-02 08:00:00 - 2020-03-03 05:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
cobertura geografica: Loja-Zamora elevational gradient
Resumen: This dataset contains fruit phenology data from 37...
Informaciones adicionales: ---
Palabras claves: | ECSF | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | Phenology | fleshy-fruited species | crop size | flower production |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement

Fruit functional trait of fleshy-fruited species at three different altitudes (1000, 2000, 3000 masl)
Dataset ID: 1883
Last updated: 2020-12-11
creador del conjunto de datos: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Maciej Barczyk
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
Matthias Schleuning
Contacto: Diana Carolina Acosta Rojas
Eike-Lena Neuschulz
cobertura temporal: 2018-09-24 08:00:00 - 2020-03-13 16:00:00 - time zone: America/Bogota
cobertura geografica: Loja-Zamora elevational gradient
Resumen: This dataset contains fruit functional traits of f...
Informaciones adicionales: Data in progress until the end of 2020. Final dat...
Palabras claves: | ECSF | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | tree seeds | fruit functional traits | fleshy-fruited species |
Derechos intelectuales: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: fruit_traits_B3
Entity type:dataTable
Wet fruit weigth that includes pulp, seeds and protective tissues (Fruit_fresh_mass) [Gram]
length of fruit (fruit_length) [Millimeter]
width of fruit (fruit_width) [Millimeter]
length of seed (seed_length) [Millimeter]
width of seed (seed_width) [Millimeter]
Number of seeds per fruit (SEEDxFRUIT) [Count]
Wet fruit weigth that includes pulp, seeds and protective tissuesWet fleshy-fruited pulp weight (Pulp_fresh_mass) [Gram]
Wet seed weight (per 1 seed) (Seed_fresh_mass) [Gram]
Average dry weight of seed (average_dryweight_seed) [Gram]
Average dry weight of seeds inside one fruit. (Seed_dry_mass_per_fruit) [Gram]
Concentration of carbon in seed (Seed_C) [Milligram per gram]
Concentration of nitrogen in seeds (Seed_N) [Milligram per gram]
Concentration of phosphorus in seed (Seed_P) [Milligram per gram]
Concentration of carbon in the fleshy-fruit pulp tissue (Pulp_C) [Milligram per gram]
Concentration of nitrogen in the fleshy-fruit pulp tissue (Pulp_N) [Milligram per gram]
Concentration of phosphorus in the fleshy-fruit pulp tissue (Pulp_P) [Milligram per gram]
Family name (Family) (sin unidad)
Genus name (Genus) (sin unidad)
Species name (Species) (sin unidad)
ID of the tree (TreeID) (sin unidad)
elevation (El) [Meter]
Estimate number of fruit production by the multiplication of "# fruits/flower per branch" and "#bran (Crop_size) [Count]

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