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Search results for: "keyword:"ECSF""


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ECSF Climate station best estimate Ver. 2
Dataset ID: 1415
Last updated: 2015-11-26
Dataset creators: Ruetger Rollenbeck
Thorsten Peters
Paul Emck
Michael Richter
Contact: Thorsten Peters
Ruetger Rollenbeck
Temporal coverage: 1998-03-19 17:00:00 - 2015-10-01 01:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF climate station
Abstract: Quality assessment ECSF climate station hourly dat...
Additional info: Details of data processing are given in the attach...
Keywords: | climate | air temperature | relative humidity | global radiation | wind speed | precipitation | times series | ECSF |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: ECSF climate data Best estimate ver. 2
Entity info: This dataset supersedes the best estimate ver.1 and is updated until the end of September 2015
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
air temperature in 2m (Ta_2m) [Degrees Celsius]
potential uncertainty of Ta_2m (Ta_2m_uncertainty) [Degrees Celsius]
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
potential uncertainty of PCP (PCP_Uncertainty) [Millimeter per hour]
Air humidity 2m (Huma_2m) [Percent]
potential uncertainty of relative air humidity (Huma_2m_Uncertainty) [Percent]
Irradiation (Irradiation) [Watt per square meter]
potential uncertainty of global radiation (Irradiation_Uncertainty) [Watt per square meter]
Wind speed (Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Entity name: qualityassessmen_ver2t
Entity info: please read this file, before employing data analysis. Please contact data creators before publishing data
Entity type:otherEntity

ecsf pasture orthomosaic NDVI March 2022
Dataset ID: 1955
Last updated: 2022-07-22
Dataset creators: Sebastian Scholz
Volker Raffelsbauer
Katja Trachte
Contact: Sebastian Scholz
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-25 06:00:00 - 2022-03-25 07:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
Geographic coverage: ECSF pasture
Abstract: Orthomosaic containing georeferenced NDVI Values f...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | pasture | ECSF |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: ecsf_ecov_pasture_20220325_ndvi_1
Entity type:otherEntity
Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI) [Unitless]

AMF root colonization NUMEX May 2010
Dataset ID: 1084
Last updated: 2012-09-13
Dataset creators: Tessa Camenzind
Contact: Tessa Camenzind
Temporal coverage: 2010-05-01 00:00:00 - 2010-05-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: AMF root colonization of roots extracted from the ...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | mycorrhizal fungi | mycorrhizal colonisation | ECSF | NUMEX | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | AM fungi | arbuscular mycorrhiza | mycorrhiza |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: uploadmay2010_2
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Name of site (sitename) (Unitless)
Plotside for the NUMEX-Experiment (numex_block) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
rate of mycorrhization (myc_rate) [Percent]
Entity name: uploadmay2010_final2
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Name of site (sitename) (Unitless)
Plotside for the NUMEX-Experiment (numex_block) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
AMF root colonization (AMF_col_root_rate) [Percent]
Ratio of AMF coils (AMF_coils_rate) [Percent]
Ratio of AMF hyphae (AMF_hyphae_rate) [Percent]
biomass of the roots (biomass_root) [Gram]
Mean root diameter (Root_md) [Millimeter]

Soil texture young landslide
Dataset ID: 733
Last updated: 2010-04-27
Dataset creators: Joerg Zeilinger
Contact: Bernd Huwe
Folkert Bauer
Joerg Zeilinger
Temporal coverage: 2002-08-01 12:00:00 - 2002-08-01 12:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: young landslide - in front of the ECSF Station on the other side of the San Francisco River
Abstract: Soil texture were sampled in the young landslide i...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | soil texture | young landslide | derrumbe joven | ECSF |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Soil texture young landslide
Entity type:dataTable
Sampling area (SampArea) (Unitless)
Soil horizon symbol after "Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung 5" (Horizon_KA5) (Unitless)
Soil texture sand content (Sand) [Unitless]
Soil texture silt content (Silt) [Unitless]
Soil texture clay content (Clay) [Unitless]

Weekly precipitation, electrical conductivity and pH at the FN2 site (ECSF area, Camino Canal / Zig-Zag) between 1998-2016
Dataset ID: 1673
Last updated: 2017-10-02
Dataset creators: Andre Velescu
Wolfgang Wilcke
Contact: Wolfgang Wilcke
Andre Velescu
Temporal coverage: 1998-03-20 00:00:00 - 2016-12-28 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: FN2 rainfall station Camino Canal / Zig-Zag
Abstract: Weekly time series of precipitation data from the ...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | precipitation | electric conductivity | ECSF | pH values | time series |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: fn2_precipitation_water_fluxes_ph_ec_v1
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Electrical conductivity measured in precipitation (ECw_pcp) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
PH measured in precipitation (PHw_pcp) [Unitless]

Tulasnellales, Sebacinales and Atractiellales associated with terrestrial and epiphytic orchids in RBSF
Dataset ID: 808
Last updated: 2010-06-01
Dataset creators: Ingrid Kottke
Darío Cruz
Juan Pablo Suarez
Paulo Herrera
Contact: Ingrid Kottke
Temporal coverage: 2008-04-01 00:00:00 - 2008-04-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Investigation area ECSF
Abstract: The mycobionts of 103 terrestrial and epiphytic or...
Additional info: Plots were established by members of UTPL, Dr. Jua...
Keywords: | Sebacinales | mycorrhizal fungi | biodiversity | forest and open land | ECSF | Orchidaceae | Tulasnellales | Atractiellales |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: orchid mycorrhizal fungi
Entity type:dataTable
Life form of host (HostLifeForm) (Unitless)
ID of the sample (SampleID) (Unitless)
Species name of the host (HostSpecies) (Unitless)
Organism (Organism) (Unitless)
GenBank number of the organism (GenBNoOrg) (Unitless)
Life form (LifeForm) (Unitless)
Sequence type of organism (SeqType) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]
Site name (Site_name) (Unitless)

Precipitation chemistry (ECSF)
Dataset ID: 836
Last updated: 2010-06-07
Dataset creators: David Windhorst
Contact: David Windhorst
Temporal coverage: 2007-05-18 00:00:00 - 2009-10-26 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF climate station
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | precipitation | chemical elements | ECSF |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Precipitation chemistry (ECSF)
Entity type:dataTable
PH measured in precipitation (PHw_pcp) [Unitless]
Electrical conductivity measured in precipitation (ECw_pcp) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
Sodium measured in precipitation (Naw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in precipitation (Mgw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Nitrate measured in precipitation (NO3w_pcp) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total sulphur measured in precipitation (Stotw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in precipitation (Caw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in precipitation (Kw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)

Ring width chronology of Cedrela montana
Dataset ID: 883
Last updated: 2010-07-06
Dataset creators: Franziska Volland
Contact: Franziska Volland
Temporal coverage: 1840-01-01 00:00:00 - 2007-01-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Tree Measurement AG Bräuning
Abstract: näheres siehe Artikel: Bräuning, A., Volland-Voigt...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | growth | Cedrela montana | ECSF |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: ring width chrono Cedrela
Entity type:dataTable
tree cumulative radial change (Tree_crc) [Millimeter]
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)

ecsf pasture orthomosaic RGB October 2022
Dataset ID: 1975
Last updated: 2023-03-10
Dataset creators: Sebastian Scholz
Katja Trachte
Contact: Sebastian Scholz
Temporal coverage: 2022-10-04 12:00:00 - 2022-10-04 13:00:00 - time zone: America/Guayaquil
Geographic coverage: ECSF pasture
Abstract: Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced Band Values f...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | pasture | ECSF | orthophotos | orthomosaic |
Intellectual rights: Copyright 2022 Chair of Atmospheric Processes Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg. Free for use by all individuals provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication
Entity name: dronemapping_mrf_tower_rgb_20221005_1
Entity type:otherEntity
RGB value of imagery (rgbvalue) (Unitless)
Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI) [Unitless]

NUMEX Soilmesofauna
Dataset ID: 851
Last updated: 2010-06-12
Dataset creators: Christian Bluhm
Franca Marian
Sandmann Dorothee
Contact: Christian Bluhm
Sandmann Dorothee
Franca Marian
Temporal coverage: 2009-05-01 00:00:00 - 2009-05-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: ---
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | species | ECSF | NUMEX | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | soilfauna |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: NUMEX Mesofauna
Entity type:dataTable
Total number of species (N_Spec) [Unitless]
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
Minimum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic latitude (geocoordinate_latitude_max) [Degree]
Minimum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_min) [Degree]
Maximum geographic longitude (geocoordinate_longitude_max) [Degree]
Height above mean sea level (geocoordinate_amsl) [Meter]

Inventory of trees DBH > 20cm in the natural forest (forked trees not aggregated)
Dataset ID: 889
Last updated: 2012-09-20
Dataset creators: Johana Munoz
Daniel Kübler
Reinhard Mosandl
Michael Weber
Omar Cabrera
Sven Günter
Bernd Stimm
Contact: Daniel Kübler
Temporal coverage: 2003-06-01 00:00:00 - 2008-06-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Natural forest experiment plots (Q2, Q3, Q5)
Abstract: ---
Additional info: see also complementary dataset: Kübler, D.; Cabre...
Keywords: | growth | tree | tree growth | dbh | forest | Q2 | Q3 | Q5 | ECSF |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: Forest Inventory of trees DBH > 20cm (forked trees not aggregated)
Entity type:dataTable
ID of the tree (TreeID) (Unitless)
ID of tree fork (tree_fork_id) (Unitless)
Diameter at breast height (DBH) [Meter]
Species name (Species) (Unitless)
Family name (Family) (Unitless)
Number of quebrada (quebrada_id) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
Tree commercial height (tree_ch) [Meter]
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Gradient of illumination (illumination_gradient) (Unitless)
Form of tree crown (tree_crown_form) (Unitless)
Stem form of a tree (tree_stem_form) (Unitless)
Dominance of tree (tree_dominance) (Unitless)
Phytosanitary state of tree (tree_phytosanitary_state) (Unitless)
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)

AMF and fine root data NUMEX ECSF October 2010
Dataset ID: 1155
Last updated: 2012-09-13
Dataset creators: Tessa Camenzind
Contact: Tessa Camenzind
Temporal coverage: 2010-10-04 00:00:00 - 2010-10-13 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Numex plots San Francisco
Abstract: Arbuscular mycorrhizal root colonization (%), colo...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | mycorrhizal fungi | fungi | nutrients | mycorrhizal colonisation | ECSF | NUMEX | nitrogen | AM fungi | fertilization |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: upload_okt_10_2
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Name of site (sitename) (Unitless)
Plotside for the NUMEX-Experiment (numex_block) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
ID of the subplot (subplot_id) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
AMF root colonization (AMF_col_root_rate) [Percent]
Ratio of AMF coils (AMF_coils_rate) [Percent]
Ratio of AMF hyphae (AMF_hyphae_rate) [Percent]
Root length density (root_lengthdensity) [Centimeter per cubic centimeter]
Fine roots biomass (root_biomass_fine) [Milligram per cubic centimeter]
AMF colonized root length (AMF_col_root_length) [Centimeter per cubic centimeter]
Mean root diameter (Root_md) [Millimeter]

ecsf pasture orthomosaic RGB October 2022
Dataset ID: 1977
Last updated: 2023-03-14
Dataset creators: Sebastian Scholz
Contact: Sebastian Scholz
Temporal coverage: 2022-10-10 12:00:00 - 2022-10-10 13:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
Geographic coverage: Laipuna
Abstract: "Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced Band Values ...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | pasture | ECSF | orthophotos | orthomosaic |
Intellectual rights: Copyright 2022 Chair of Atmospheric Processes Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg. Free for use by all individuals provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication
Entity name: dronemapping_mdf_pasture_rgb_20221010_1.tif
Entity type:otherEntity

GPS points of the ECSF_PINOS PLOT and Pinus climate station (PP_CH_Pinus_2000), raw and corrected points
Dataset ID: 1889
Last updated: 2020-12-18
Dataset creators: Jorge Gribaldo Castillo Armijos
Contact: Jorge Gribaldo Castillo Armijos
Maik Dobbermann
Temporal coverage: 2020-12-03 00:00:00 - 2020-12-03 00:00:00 - time zone: America/Lima
Geographic coverage: ECSF Pinus plot measured by GPS
Abstract: GPS points of the ECSF_PINOS PLOT, original files ...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | ECSF | climate station | gps data | pinus |
Intellectual rights: TMF Respect
Entity name: data_gps_shapefile
Entity type:otherEntity
GPS coordinates (gps_coordinates) [Unitless]
Entity name: gps_data_pinus_original
Entity type:otherEntity
GPS coordinates (gps_coordinates) [Unitless]

Climate station data from ECSF Thies station
Dataset ID: 1713
Last updated: 2024-05-23
Dataset creators: Jörg Bendix
Maik Dobbermann
Niklas Werner
Contact: Maik Dobbermann
Jörg Bendix
Temporal coverage: 2017-11-09 22:00:00 - 2024-05-16 10:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF climate station
Abstract: Ongoing data collected from ECSF Thies climate sta...
Additional info: Raw data, initial visual control only. Use data wi...
Keywords: | climate | ECSF | climate station | raw data |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT data use agreement
Entity name: 050618_ecsf_output
Entity type:dataTable
Wind speed (Windspeed) [Meter per second]
Wind direction 3m (Wind_direction) [Degree]
Air humidity (Huma) [Percent]
Air temperature (Ta) [Degrees Celsius]
Global radiation (gRad2) [Watt per square meter]
Global radiation (down) (gRaddown) [Watt per square meter]
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
soil temperature in 10cm (Ts_10cm) [Degrees Celsius]
soil temperature in 60cm (Ts_60cm) [Degrees Celsius]
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Entity name: ecsf_t_180605.csv_upload
Entity type:dataTable
Section (Section) (Unitless)
SectionSubsection (Subsection) (Unitless)
Question (Question) (Unitless)
Answer (Answer) (Unitless)
Explain (Explain) (Unitless)
Action taken (Action_taken) (Unitless)
Comment (Comment) (Unitless)
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime) (Unitless)
Person who inspects (inspector) (Unitless)
Name of site (sitename) (Unitless)

ecsf pasture orthomosaic RGB March 2022
Dataset ID: 1959
Last updated: 2022-07-22
Dataset creators: Sebastian Scholz
Volker Raffelsbauer
Katja Trachte
Contact: Sebastian Scholz
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-25 06:00:00 - 2022-03-25 07:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Warsaw
Geographic coverage: ECSF pasture
Abstract: Orthomosaic containing Georeferenced RGB Imagery f...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | pasture | ECSF | orthophotos | Drone | orthomosaic |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT data usage agreement
Entity name: ecsf_ecov_pasture_20220325_rgb_1
Entity type:otherEntity
RGB value of imagery (rgbvalue) (Unitless)

Weekly element concentrations in precipitation at the FN3 site (T2 / ECSF climate station) between 2000-2013
Dataset ID: 1676
Last updated: 2017-09-27
Dataset creators: Andre Velescu
Wolfgang Wilcke
Contact: Wolfgang Wilcke
Andre Velescu
Temporal coverage: 2000-05-10 00:00:00 - 2013-05-01 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: ECSF climate station
Abstract: Weekly time series of measured concentrations of A...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | precipitation | ECSF | nitrate | ammonium | chloride | aluminium | manganese | zinc | element concentrations | total nitrogen | phosphate | total phosphorus | total organic carbon | time series |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: fn3_precipitation_chemistry_v1
Entity info: Weekly precipitation chemistry FN3 2000-2013
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
Aluminium measured in precipitation (Alw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Manganese measured in precipitation (Mnw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Zinc measured in precipitation (Znw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Calcium measured in precipitation (Caw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Potassium measured in precipitation (Kw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Magnesium measured in precipitation (Mgw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Sodium measured in precipitation (Naw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Ammonium measured in precipitation (NH4w_pcp) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Nitrate measured in precipitation (NO3w_pcp) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total nitrogen measured in precipitation (Ntotw_pcp) [Milligram of nitrogen per liter]
Total sulphur measured in precipitation (Stotw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Chloride measured in precipitation (Clw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Dissolved organic carbon measured in precipitation (DOCw_pcp) [Milligram per liter]
Ortho-phosphate (reactive phosphorus) measured in precipitation (PO4w_pcp) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]
Total phosphorus measured in precipitation (Ptotw_pcp) [Milligram of phosphorus per liter]

Corrected plots from areas Loja and Laipuna
Dataset ID: 1974
Last updated: 2023-02-14
Dataset creators: Jorge Gribaldo Castillo Armijos
Franz Pucha Cofrep
Contact: Jorge Gribaldo Castillo Armijos
Franz Pucha Cofrep
Temporal coverage: 2023-02-14 00:00:00 - 2023-02-14 00:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
Geographic coverage: South Ecuador
Abstract: Corrected plots from Bombuscaro, ECSF, Cajanuma, Z...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | ECSF | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | Zamora | Laipuna | plots | shape |
Intellectual rights: RESPECT
Entity name: plots_corrected
Entity type:otherEntity

Trace gas flux and soil temperature, NUMEX
Dataset ID: 1157
Last updated: 2012-09-15
Dataset creators: Anke K. Müller
Contact: Anke K. Müller
Temporal coverage: 2010-10-21 00:00:00 - 2011-12-29 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Investigation areas RBSF, Cajanuma, Bomboscaro
Abstract: Monthly measurement of soil temperature and soil g...
Additional info: Monthly measurements of gas fluxes were performed ...
Keywords: | soil temperature | average monthly | ECSF | gas emission | NUMEX | San Francisco | Bombuscaro | Cajanuma | fertilization |
Intellectual rights: FOR816 data user agreement
Entity name: NUMEX_trace gas and temp
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Treatment of the plot (PlotTreat) (Unitless)
soil temperature in 10cm (Ts_10cm) [Degrees Celsius]
CO2 field soil respiration measurement (CO2s) [Gram of carbon dioxide per square meter and hour]
N2O emission from soil (N2Os) [Microgram per square meter and hour]

Weekly throughfall water fluxes, electrical conductivity and pH in the microcatchment Q2 between 1998-2016
Dataset ID: 1677
Last updated: 2017-10-02
Dataset creators: Andre Velescu
Wolfgang Wilcke
Contact: Wolfgang Wilcke
Andre Velescu
Temporal coverage: 1998-03-20 00:00:00 - 2016-12-28 00:00:00 - time zone: -5
Geographic coverage: Q2 EZG
Abstract: Weekly time series of throughfall data from the EC...
Additional info: ---
Keywords: | electric conductivity | throughfall | Q2 | ECSF | pH values | time series |
Intellectual rights: PAK 823-825 data user agreement. (
Entity name: q21_throughfall_water_fluxes_ph_ec_v1
Entity info: Q21 Throughfall water fluxes pH EC 1998-2016
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Precipitation throughfall (PCPt) [Millimeter]
Electrical conductivity measured in throughfall (ECw_pcpt) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
PH measured in throughfall (pHw_pcpt) [Unitless]
Entity name: q22_throughfall_water_fluxes_ph_ec_v1
Entity info: Q22 Throughfall water fluxes pH EC 1998-2016
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime) (Unitless)
ID of the plot (PlotID) (Unitless)
Precipitation throughfall (PCPt) [Millimeter]
Electrical conductivity measured in throughfall (ECw_pcpt) [Microsiemens per centimeter]
PH measured in throughfall (pHw_pcpt) [Unitless]

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