B2 Tree physiological and structural properties as response and effect traits of bioticatmospheric interactions in natural and anthropogenic eco-systems in South Ecuador - Project staff

  • Dr. Volker Raffelsbauer (PostDoc)
    Volker Raffelsbauer
    03044 Cottbus
  • Prof. Dr. Achim Bräuning (PI)
    Achim Bräuning
    University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Institute of Geography
    Wetterkreuz 15
    91058 Erlangen

    ++49 (0)9131 85 29372
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erwin Beck (PI)
    Erwin Beck
    Universitätsstr. 30
    Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geoscience
    University of Bayreuth
    95440 Bayreuth