General Approach
RESPECT’s general design comprises four major elements: (I) Intensive field sampling on joint core plots to identify the functional trait composition and quantify biotic processes. (II) The use of these data within a response–effect framework (REF) as well as to (III) force and parametrize the biodiversity-LSM (land surface model) HUMBOL-TD (Hydroatmo Unified Model of BiOtic interations and Local Trait Diversity). (IV) Independent field data to test REF and biodiversity-LSM results.

During Phase II of RESPECT we will extent the trait variation within REF and HUMBOL-TD by adding functional trait and biotic process data acress the large abiotic gradient from MRF to MDF, upscale from leaf to catchment by means fo remote sensing and spatio-temporal model data evaluation and text scenarios for climate and land-use change to project the overall ecosystem resistance to environmental change.