Welcome to the project website of the RESPECT research unit. This is phase II.
Latest publications
- Gonzalez Valdiviezo, K.; Eguiguren, P. & Homeier, J. (2025): Variación altitudinal del contenido de carbono aéreo de bosques secos tropical en la Reserva Natural Laipuna al sur de Ecuador. Bosques Latitud Cero 15(1), 31-43.
- Cárate Tandalla, D.; Homeier, J. & Batáry, P. (2024): Responses of tropical tree seedlings to nutrient addition: A meta-analysis to understand future changes in tropical forest dynamics. Current Forestry Reports 11, 3.
- Grigusova, P.; Beilschmidt, C.; Dobbermann, M.; Drönner, J.; Mattig, M.; Sanchez, P.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2024): A Data Storage, Analysis, and Project Administration Engine (TMFdw) for Small- to Medium-Size Interdisciplinary Ecological Research Programs with Full Raster Data Capabilities. Data 9(12), 143.
Latest datasets
- Homeier, J. (2024): Laipuna PFTs leaf traits two elevation levels. Available online (http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/data_pre.do?citid=2043) from DFG-FOR816dw.
- Limberger, O. (2024): Area-wide predicted community-weighted means of SLA, foliar N, foliar P and leaf toughness for the mountain rainforest (MRF) in SE Ecuador. Available online (http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/data_pre.do?citid=2036) from DFG-FOR816dw.
- Limberger, O. (2024): predicted communit-weighted mean leaf toughness map, Podocarpus, 2024. Available online (http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/data_pre.do?citid=2035) from DFG-FOR816dw.
Publications knowledge transfer
- Bogner, F. & Beck, E. 2024: Biodiversity Hotspot Tropical Seasonal Dry Forests.: 1. Auflage (Stiftung Schwarze Laber).
- Bogner, F.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. 2019: El Bosque Tropical de Montaña - Hotspot de Biodiversidad. (Naturaleza y Cultura Internacional, (Loja, Ecuador).
- Beck, E.; Knoke, T.; Farwig, N.; Breuer, L.; Siddons, D. & Bendix, J. 2017: Landscape Restoration, Sustainable Land Use and Cross-scale Monitoring of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions. A Science-directed Approach for South Ecuador. (Universität Bayreuth).
- Bogner, F.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. 2016: Biodiversity Hotspot - Tropical Mountain Rainforest. (NCI Foundation, Ecuador).