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Trachte, K. (2018): Atmospheric Moisture Pathways to the Highlands of the Tropical Andes: Analyzing the Effects of Spectral Nudging on Different Driving Fields for Regional Climate Modeling. Atmosphere 9, 1-24.
Drönner, J.; Korfhage, N.; Egli, S.; Mühling, M.; Thies, B.; Bendix, J.; Freisleben, B. & Seeger, B. (2018): Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks. remote sensing 10(11), 1782-.
Carrillo-Rojas, G.; Silva, B.; Rollenbeck, R.; Celleri, R. & Bendix, J. (2018): The breathing of the Andean highlands: Net ecosystem exchange and evapotranspiration over the páramo of southern Ecuador. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265, 30-47.
Baumann, K.; Jung, P.; Samolov, E.; Lehnert, L.; Büdel, B.; Karsten, U.; Bendix, J.; Achilles, S.; Schermer, M.; Matus, F.; Oses, R.; Osses, P.; Morshedizad, M.; Oehlschläger, C.; Hu, Y.; Klysubun, W. & Leinweber, P. (2018): Biological soil crusts along a climatic gradient in Chile: Richness and imprints of phototrophic microorganisms in phosphorus biogeochemical cycling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 127, 286-300.
Wang, Y.; Lehnert, L.; Holzapfel, M.; Schultz, R.; Heberling, G.; Görzen, E.; Meyer, H.; Seeber, E.; Pinkert, S.; Ritz, M.; Fu, Y.; Ansorge, H.; Bendix, J.; Seifert, B.; Miehe, G.; Long, R.; Yang, Y. & Wesche, K. (2018): Multiple indicators yield diverging results on grazing degradation and climate controls across Tibetan pastures. Ecological Indicators 93, 1199-1208.
Knuesting, J.; Brinkmann, M.C.; Silva, B.; Schorch, M.; Bendix, J.; Beck, E. & Scheibe, R. (2018): Who will win where and why? An ecophysiological dissection of the competition between a tropical pasture grass and the invasive weed Bracken over an elevation range of 1000m in the tropical Andes. PlosOne 13, 1-24.
Campozano, L.; Trachte, K.; Celleri, R.; Samaniego, E.; Bendix, J.; Albuja, C. & Mejia, J.F. (2018): Climatology and Teleconnections of Mesoscale Convective Systems in an Andean Basin in Southern Ecuador: The Case of the Paute Basin. Advances in Meteorology 2018, 1-13.
Urbich, I.; Bendix, J. & Müller, R.W. (2018): A Novel Approach for the Short-Term Forecast of the Effective Cloud Albedo. Remote Sensing 10, 955.
Lehnert, L.; Jung, P.; Obermeier, W.; Büdel, B. & Bendix, J. (2018): Estimating Net Photosynthesis of Biological Soil Crusts in the Atacama Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing 10(6), 891.
Obermeier, W.; Lehnert, L.; Ivanov, M.; Luterbacher, J. & Bendix, J. (2018): Reduced summer aboveground productivity in temperate C3 grasslands under future climate regimes. Earth's Future 6(5), 716-729.
Gonzalez-Jaramillo, V.; Fries, A.; Zeilinger, J.; Homeier, J.; Paladines, J. & Bendix, J. (2018): Estimation of Above Ground Biomass in a Tropical Mountain Forest in Southern Ecuador Using Airborne LiDAR Data. Remote Sensing 10, 1.
Egli, S.; Thies, B. & Bendix, J. (2018): A Hybrid Approach for Fog Retrieval Based on a Combination of Satellite and Ground Truth Data. Remote Sensing 10(4), 1-26.
Trachte, K.; Seidel, J.; Figueroa, R.; Otto, M. & Bendix, J. (2018): Cross-Scale Precipitation Variability in a Semiarid Catchment Area on the Western Slopes of the Central Andes. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 57(3), 675-694.
Lehnert, L.; Thies, B.; Trachte, K.; Achilles, S.; Osses, P.; Baumann, K.; Schmidt, J.; Samolov, E.; Jung, P.; Leinweber, P.; Büdel, B. & Bendix, J. (2018): A Case Study on Fog/Low Stratus Occurrence at Las Lomitas, Atacama Desert (Chile) as a Water Source for Biological Soil Crusts. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 18(1), 254-269.
Farwig, N.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2017): Introduction to the Special Issue “Functional monitoring in megadiverse tropical ecosystems”. Ecological Indicators 83, 524–526.
Strobl, S.; Cueva Ortiz, E.; Silva, B.; Knuesting, J.; Schorch, M.; Scheibe, R.; Bendix, J. & Beck, E. (2017): Water relations and photosynthetic water use efficiency as indicators of slow climate change effects on trees in a tropical mountain forest in South Ecuador. Ecological Indicators 83, 550–558.
Tiede, Y.; Schlautmann, J.; Donoso, D.A.; Wallis, C.I.B.; Bendix, J.; Brandl, R. & Farwig, N. (2017): Ants as indicators of environmental change and ecosystem processes. Ecological Indicators 83, 527–537.
Obermeier, W.; Lehnert, L.; Ivanov, M.; Luterbacher, J. & Bendix, J. (2017-10-28). Verringerte Produktivität gemäßigter Grünländer im Sommer unter zukünftigen Klimaregimen. Presented at Annual Meeting of the working group "Climate" of the DGfG, Rauischholzhausen.
Brede, B.; Thies, B.; Bendix, J. & Feister, U. (2017): Spatiotemporal High-Resolution Cloud Mapping with a Ground-Based IR Scanner. Advances in Meteorology 2017, 11.
Obermeier, W.; Lehnert, L.; Silva, B.; Otte, A.; Luterbacher, J.; Grünhage, L. & Bendix, J. (2017-10-10). Hyperspektrale Fernerkundung zur nicht-invasiven Erfassung von Pflanzeneigenschaften. Presented at FACE2FACE closing event, Geisenheim.
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