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Bendix, J. (2002): A satellite-based climatology of fog and low-level stratus in Germany and adjacent areas. Athmospheric Research 64, 3-18.
Bendix, J.; Reudenbach, C. & Bendix, A. (2002): Umweltprobleme im Maltesischen Archipel. Geographische Rundschau 54(4), 12-18.
Bendix, J. (2002): 14 Stichworte zur Klimageographie (z.B. Nebel, Niederschlag). In: BRUNOTTE, E. et al. (eds.): Lexikon der Geographie ( Band IV), Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg u. Berlin.
Nauss, T.; Reudenbach, C. & Bendix, J. (2002): Retrieval of convective precipitation in the Danube collection area by means of Meteosat Second Genertion (MSG) and Meteosat, Issue 46. GLOWA-Status Report 2002.
Bendix, J.; Endlicher, W.; Gossmann, H.; Rau, F.; Thamm, H. & Zahnen, N. (2002): Klima im Wandel - global, regional, lokal. In: EHLERS, E. & LESER, H. (eds.): Geographie heute - für die Welt von morgen ( ), Klett, Gotha & Stuttgart, 107-120.
Bendix, J. (2002): 47 Stichworte zur Klimageographie (z.B. Nebel, Niederschlag). In: BRUNOTTE, E. et al. (eds.): Lexikon der Geographie ( Band III), Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg u. Berlin.
Bendix, J., A fog climatology of Germany and the Alpine region based on AVHRR data(2001), pp. 414-419.
Bendix, J., A 10-years fog climatology of Germany and the Alpine region based on satellite data - preliminary results(2001), pp. 357-360.
Bendix, J., A fog monitoring scheme based on MSG data(ESA SP-425, 2001), pp. 131-134.
Bendix, J. (2001): 48 Stichworte zur Klimageographie (z.B. Nebel, Niederschlag). In: BRUNOTTE, E. et al. (eds.): Lexikon der Geographie ( Band II), Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg u. Berlin.
Reudenbach, C. & Bendix, J., Investigation of summer convective rainfall in Western Europe based on a synergy of remote sensed data and numerical models(Proceedings 1999 Met. Sat. Users' Conf., Copenhagen, 2001), pp. 153-160.
Reudenbach, C.; Heinemann, G.; Heuel, E.; Bendix, J. & Winiger, M. (2001): Investigation of summertime convective rainfall in Western Europe based on a synergy of remote sensing data and numerical models. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 76, 23-41.
Bendix, J.; Reudenbach, C.; Taschner, S.; Ludwig, R. & Mauser, W. (2001): Retrieval konvektiver Niederschläge in Mitteleuropa mit Fernerkundungsdaten und Modellen, Issue 2001-02. DLR-Mitteilungen .
Bendix, J. & Rafiqpoor, M.D. (2001): Thermal conditions of soils in the Páramo of Papallacta (Ecuador) at the upper tree line. Erdkunde 55, 257-276.
Bendix, J. (2001): 23 Stichworte zur Klimageographie. In: BRUNOTTE, E. et al. (eds.): Lexikon der Geographie ( Band I), Spektrum Verlag, Heidelberg u. Berlin.
Reudenbach, C.; Bendix, J. & Winiger, M. (2001): Retrieval of summer convective rainfall in the mid latitudes by means of remote sensed data and numerical models, Issue 97. SFB350.
Bendix, J. (2000): A comparative analysis of the major El Niño events in Ecuador and Peru over the last two decades. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie 7/8(Teil1 1999), 1119-1131.
Bendix, J.; Bendix, A. & Richter, M. (2000): El Niño 1997/98 in Nordperu: Anzeichen eines Ökosystem-Wandels?. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 144, 20-31.
Bendix, J. (2000): Precipitation dynamics in Ecuador and Northern Peru during the 1991/92 El Niño - A Remote Sensing perspective. International Journal of Remote Sensing 21(3), 533-548.
Bendix, J., NOAA-AVHRR and 4D GIS - Towards a more realistic view of fog clearance( IGARSS' 99, 1999).
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